Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 873

Other people did not look, but it was good to see that Ling Sheng came. Everyone looked different, and their facial expressions were very unnatural, but they also followed with warm greetings.

Ling Sheng has become a big star. He has made so much money. He has made a lot of money. He has made great achievements. He has spread ten times to hundreds. People in the whole town know it.

In this society, we always laugh at the poor but not the prostitutes. Money is everything, regardless of the previous relationship and how we looked down on you before. As long as you are developed, we are good friends and we are relatives. This is the reality.

Ling Sheng is very polite and gentle with people after a time of greetings, then went in to find grandma Lin.

Grandma Lin was very happy when her grandson got married, but after all, she was old and cold outside, so she couldn't always work outside. So she was helped to rest in the house by her children and grandchildren.

"Granny Lin." Ling Sheng said hello with a smile and walked over.

Granny Lin was sitting on the sofa watching TV when she heard Ling Sheng's voice. She turned around and warmly said hello to them and gave them candy: "Sheng Sheng, you're here! Come and sit here. "

Grandma Lin is alone in the room. Everyone is busy outside. We will have dinner later.

After Jun Shiyan came in, he closed the door for fear that someone would break in. He also asked the banquet to watch at the door and not let irrelevant people come in.

Xiao Qi is familiar with grandma Lin. she sits next to her grandmother. She also breaks down a piece of candy. The child eats soft candy: "does Xiao Qi Miss grandma?"

Xiao Qi nodded, still eating sugar in his mouth, his tongue was not clear: "think about it."

Granny Lin was happy and asked Ling Sheng, "Sheng Sheng, will you and your husband live two more days? If your home is inconvenient and the things are not complete, you can come to grandma's side. "

Lingsheng heard her husband say, suddenly held his breath, pointed to Jun Shiyan, carefully asked the voice: "grandma, do you remember him?"

Granny Lin frowned: "what's wrong with your child? Didn't we meet this afternoon? Grandma is not confused. He is your husband

Ling Sheng was ecstatic. Grandma still remembered, really remembered, ecstatic, and blurted out: "grandma, how do you know he is my husband?"


Not her husband!

Not married yet!

"You told me this afternoon that he is your husband, Xiao Qi's father." Mrs. Lin said in her heart what's wrong with the child and looked at Nangong Lengyu with a smile: "this is your own mother. You told me all about it."

Ling Sheng's heart was so excited that he was cold again. He pointed to Jun Shiyan and asked, "grandma, don't you remember that he came to my mother's funeral?"? Or the funeral he did? "

Granny Lin wondered what was wrong with the child. She said in words that she could not understand: "what's wrong with your child today? When should I say it? Your mother's funeral was organized with the help of our neighbors. "

Nangong Lengyu also looked at Lingsheng with a puzzled face and said, "Sheng Sheng, what are you talking about? Didn't your mother die a year ago? Did you know ah Yan at the funeral? Why does he run a funeral? When did you two know each other

The two of them even cheated her? Did you know each other a long time ago?

Ling Sheng's heart thumped and pinched Jun Shiyan's hand quietly. Aunt Yu did not remember what grandma Lin said when she saw them. In order to confirm, she asked, "aunt Yu, do you remember what she said when we saw grandma Lin in the afternoon?"

Nangong Lengyu didn't know what she asked her to do. She didn't have amnesia. How could she not remember: "Auntie asked us to come over and have a wedding banquet."

"What else?" Ling Sheng's hand, tightly clasped Jun Shiyan's hand, ten fingers clasped, nervously held his breath.

Jun Shiyan's eyes are deep, and her eyes are a little dignified. She can't remember, not only grandma, but also jade sister. Her expression tells her that she doesn't remember what grandma said.

"Isn't it the auntie who cares about you and asks about your recent situation?" You look at Gong Yusheng: "she's OK!"

Ling Sheng did not dare to ask again. He already had the answer. In addition to being flustered, he felt cold in his back.

Aunt Yu can't remember. Grandma Lin can't remember what she said. Even aunt Yu forgot what grandma Lin said. She turned her head and looked at the man next to her.

Jun Shiyan nodded to her and told her in his eyes that he remembered that he had not forgotten at all, but Yu Jie did not remember, looking at Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi is eating candy. He likes to eat soft candy. He peels one candy after another. He feels Jun Shiyan's eyes. He takes a candy in his hand and sends it to his mouth. His voice is crispy: "Dad, eat it."

Jun Shiyan opened his mouth and ate the candy and took Xiao Qi to his side. He did not know whether Xiaoqi still remembered it or not. He asked in front of Yu Jie and said with a smile, "I want to go to the bathroom. Can Xiao Qi take me there?"

"Good." Xiao Qi is busy and points a little head. He is very happy.

Ling Sheng looked at their father and son to go out, also stood up: "I also go, wait a minute."Nangong Lengyu wants to go to a bathroom and have company. She knows that grandma Lin is a good person. She has helped her daughter's family before. She also wants to know how her daughter lived here in the past. She wants to know everything about her through others.

She is not easy to ask when she is in, just taking advantage of her out, looking for someone to ask.

Ling Sheng doesn't know what she is feeling now, and what's wrong with the world. Why does she and Sanye remember, but aunt Yu doesn't?

Jun Shiyan didn't go to the bathroom. He held Xiao Qi and followed Ling Sheng behind him. When he arrived at a quiet place at the door, he asked in a warm voice, "do you remember what grandma Lin said in the afternoon?"

Xiao Qi points a little head, and the baby has a good memory. She repeats what grandma Lin said in the afternoon and frowns: "but Mommy, why doesn't Xiao Qi remember his father coming when her grandmother died?"

Since the last time in the Huo family to call dad, seven has never called back to Uncle Jun.

"It's good for Xiao Qi to remember what grandma Lin said." Ling Sheng patted his son's small head and looked at Jun Shiyan. There were a lot of words he could not say in front of Xiao Qi: "third master."

"I'll find out." The emperor's voice guaranteed.

He didn't know what the situation was. To say that the old granny had been changed or manipulated by someone who had a heart for the first two times, what about jade sister?

They had been together all afternoon, and there would never have been the situation he had expected. The matter was so complicated that he didn't know where to start.

Is it true that there are gods? Is there an invisible hand that controls the world and controls them?

Xiao Qi was sent to Nangong Lengyu. When the two went out again, Nangong Lengyu looked at their backs with a smile and thought that they were going out on a date. She could understand them.

Things become more and more complicated. Ling Sheng feels that her power to find the answer alone is too small.

She should tell the third master what happened to her that she was wearing a book. Are they the role of living in a book or supporting role? After making up her mind, she clenched his fist and looked up at the man beside her: "Third Master, i..."

Before I could say it, I heard someone shouting at the door of the Lin family: "I know him, Huo Ci, he is Huo CI!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!