Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 867

Ling Sheng was so anxious that she didn't dare to knock on the door outside. The sound insulation effect of the room was very good, and I didn't know what she was doing.

At first, she seemed to be quarrelling with others, and her voice was very loud in questioning. Later, she was faintly heard crying, which made her more anxious.

It's over.

It's all her fault. How could she blurt it out in a moment!

"Aunt Yu?" Ling Sheng knocks on the door.

Nangong Lengyu was red and swollen with a pair of eyes. She couldn't stop her tears and covered her mouth. She was afraid that her voice would be heard and her body was shaking violently.

Her little star is outside.

She's at the door.

As long as she opens the door, she can see her,

but how can she tell her and explain to her? She lost her, she lost her.

She has been thinking, if little star is still alive, what will happen, but this moment, she even did not have the courage to open the door.

Ling Sheng paced around the door. After a while, he knocked on the door again: "aunt Yu, what's wrong with you? Listen to me. "

I don't think I fainted!

The last time she was hospitalized with a stomach cramp, doctors said she couldn't get too much stimulation.

"Aunt Yu, if you don't talk, I'll go in." Ling Sheng is really in a hurry. I don't know what to do. There's no movement. What if I'm really dizzy!

Nangong Lengyu heard that she began to push the door, and tried to dry her tears and wipe the blood from the corners of her lips. She stood up with great effort.

Ling Sheng opens the door with a spare key.

Push the door and enter, see her face is not dry tears, see her, also pull lips smile.

"Aunt Yu." Ling Sheng saw that she was ok, that is, her face was pale and transparent, but she was watching her smile. It was a strange picture.

"Sheng Sheng." Nangong Lengyu called her and looked at her seriously, as if to engrave her appearance in her heart.

"Aunt Yu, are you ok?" Ling Sheng was afraid in his heart and didn't know how to explain it. He couldn't bear it. His voice was a little hoarse: "I really didn't mean to cheat you. I'm sorry."

Who knows the voice just fell, suddenly she tightly to embrace her in the arms, dead embrace her, the strength hoop of her some breathless.

"Aunt Yu." Ling Sheng didn't know what was wrong with her. She felt her body shaking into a mass. Suddenly, she sobbed and cried out. Her face changed color in a moment: "aunt Yu, don't cry, I I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Don't cry

"Sheng Sheng, I'm sorry." Nangong Lengyu knows that she shouldn't cry or cry at her, but she can't control her emotions. It seems that only crying can relieve her mood at the moment.

How should she tell her that she is her daughter.

She didn't even know that she was still living in the world. She was the most incompetent mother in the world.

"Aunt Yu, don't cry. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I'll be I won't see you after I'm too big. " Lingsheng said a word, and then he cried out. He was so sad that he said: "I know you don't want to see my father. I know you don't want to see me. You will think of him when you see me. I will never In front of you. "

"You are not wrong, I am wrong, I am an incompetent mother, let you suffer so much, let you have no choice but to turn to him." Nangong Lengyu's voice was hoarse. She clasped her shoulder and looked at her seriously: "Sheng Sheng, I promise that it won't happen in the future. Will you and Xiao Qi follow me? I will make it up to you. "

Ling Sheng is crying sad, heard her words, do not know why to look at her: "aunt Yu, what are you talking about?"

What mother?

Why compensate her?

To compensate her for what? She owes her?


Jun Shiyan and Xiao Qi bought a lot of delicious snacks, which were local snacks. Xiao Qi's favorite food before was maltose, lollipop, preserved fruit and other small bags of snacks.

As soon as I got to the living room, I heard someone crying. I ran over in panic. I saw two women crying with each other. They rushed over nervously and worried: "Sheng Sheng, sister Yu, what's the matter with you?"

What happened?

Everything is fine at home, there is no sign of anyone breaking in, but why are you crying.

Xiaoqi was also silly, left the snack and rushed to the past. Before speaking, she cried: "Mommy, grandma."

Ling Sheng cried like a fool, tears can not stop flowing down, heard Jun Shiyan's voice looked up at him, has not responded: "Third Master, aunt Yu said, I am a little star."

Is she a little star?

How could she be a little star?

Isn't the little star dead? Didn't you die just after you were born?

Now why does she become a little star?

Jun Shiyan's eyes suddenly shrunk, looking at the little girl's face of doubt, silly little appearance, in the heart for a time five flavor old miscellaneous, eyes some moist.Little star.

She is a little star.

So he felt familiar with her at the first sight?

That's why he fell in love with her so quickly?

It turns out that all things have their own fixed number.

Nangong Lengyu told Jun Shiyan her conclusion again. Now she is quite sure that Shengsheng is her daughter. However, there are some things that she needs to make a final determination and scientific conclusion.

"Ah Yan, I decided to do a paternity test first." Nangong Lengyu wiped his tears and looked at him seriously: "I want to go home first. You can help me to watch Sheng Sheng well."

Some things, she must personally go to ask clearly.

Why did they do it, why did they cheat her? Why take her away from yourself!

Jun Shiyan didn't know what reaction he should make at the moment: "sister Yu, are you sure?"

Nangong Lengyu nodded: "sure, I won't let Sheng Sheng and Xiao Qi go to Huo CI again and get angry with him. You can help me to make the paternity test first, and then Shengsheng and Xiaoqi will follow me."

No matter what method she uses, she can't let Sheng Sheng and Xiao Qi follow Huo Ci to suffer.

In the past, she was powerless. She had no right to interfere and interfere.

But now it is different. She is the mother of Shengsheng. She must get the custody of Shengsheng, and she will never let her go to Huo Ci to suffer.

Jun Shiyan said, "good."

Nangong Lengyu finished and looked at Ling Sheng, who was still a little dull. She didn't blame her or resent her. Instead, she was crying. Now it seems that she hasn't recovered. She reaches out to dry the tears on her face and says in a warm voice, "Sheng Sheng, in the future, you and Xiao Qi will follow me, OK? I won't force you to change your mouth now. Don't worry about it or have any pressure. Just treat me as aunt Yu. We're still the same as before. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!