Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 864

Jun Shiyan voice also pressed very low, slightly drooping eyes: "I was wrong."

Ling Sheng got angry and gave him a warning look. He snorted haughtily: "no use."

Jun Shiyan chuckled and looked at the little girl's vigorous appearance. She didn't cheat herself. She didn't suffer hardship in Huo's family. Her voice became more and more deep: "I miss you."

Ling Sheng heart tip suddenly a jump, subconsciously swallowing, low cough: "girl, I don't eat this set, you less glib."

Two people shoulder to shoulder, Ling Sheng led him toward Huo Xiao where they were, from time to time said a word, and not much intimate action.

However, even so, it is enough to shock people. Except for Huo Xiao, Huo Ci and Huo Xuanzhou, Huo's family is a little confused at the moment, and I don't know what's going on.

Ling Sheng and Jun Shiyan?

Is Laoliu's son-in-law Jun Shiyan? How is that possible? How could that be possible? How can Jun Laosan look at an illegitimate girl, or a illegitimate girl with a small wild species! Is he crazy?

Ye Ru and their hearts are burning with anger. They don't want to believe that Jun Shiyan is Ling Sheng's boyfriend. How can she match that little bitch?

Is junshiyan blind? What's wrong with women? I want to find Ling Sheng, a little bitch!

Small seven a Jun uncle is about to shout out, was Huo Ci to pull a, in his ear whispered a word.

Xiao Qi's face suddenly turned red, and she was a little embarrassed. When junshiyan and Lingsheng came over, she listened to her grandfather's words and jumped down without wearing any shoes. She ran to Jun Shiyan and called, "Dad!"

After a dad.

Huo's Ci is quite proud.

Huo Xiao's face changed slightly.

Huo Xuanzhou was stunned and grinned.

The other men of the Huo family are all scared. Dad, Jun Shiyan is Xiao Qi's father? I'm kidding.

The women of the Huo family, especially Ye Ru, who have offended Ling Sheng, are half cold and finished.

Jun Laosan is not a good man. If he knew that they bullied Lingsheng and called his son savage, I don't know how to revenge them!

Seven father's voice is different from that of Xiao Ling's.

Jun Shiyan picked up Xiao Qi: "did you miss Dad?"

Seven suddenly nodded, crisp raw way: "think about it!"

Jun Shiyan's happy lips opened with a smile. His son was in his arms, and the little girl was beside him. His father-in-law called him personally to let him visit. This year, it was a complete success.

"Grandfather, father-in-law, the plane is a little late. I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting for me so long." Jun Shiyan did not look at other people, went directly to Huo Ci and Huo Xiao.

Huo CI lazily slanted his one eye, er a, symbolic way: "peace is good."

Huo Xiao was not in a good mood to talk to the man who robbed his good grandson. He just nodded: "since all the people are here, tell the kitchen to have dinner."

Huo Ci was happy and elated, especially when he saw the wonderful expressions of his brothers and sisters in law!

If you have courage, you will do some small actions behind your back, and then you will scold the mulberry trees. In front of Jun Laosan, see if he will kill them!

Have the guts? Ye Ru and they are angry and angry. They are itchy with hatred, but they can only compliment on their faces and dare not show any dissatisfaction.

From this moment on, everything is different. Even in private, we can't scold any more. It's not that we can't, we don't dare. Where can we have that courage!

Even the men of the Huo family took obvious care and deference when they spoke, for fear of offending him if one sentence was wrong.

Huo CI is an uncle, no matter where he is. Especially when he can crush them to death, he is not unable to do it for these brothers and sisters in law, but it is not easy to do it. The face of the old man, as a son, is always given to him.

If not, they thought that he would have killed them a hundred times for all the things they had done, especially those women whose mouths were not covered. If the old man was not there, would he have torn their mouths?

Huo CI finished a bowl of rice and looked at Jun Shiyan.

"Father in law, give me the bowl, and I'll go and add rice for you." Jun Shiyan was smiling, without any airs. When he took over the bowl, he still looked at Huoji: "does the third uncle want to add rice?"

Huoji where dare, busy shake his head, forgot to ask the servant to add rice, hurriedly stood up to his own dinner: "I will come."

Laoliu was intentional. The third gentleman in front of him made him extremely suspect that he saw a fake monarch Shiyan. He did not see the coldness and cruelty in daily life, like a tamed tiger.

But even if it is tamed, it is also a tiger. He will only obey those he is willing to obey. As for others, you know when he will bite you!Xiao Hui and her wife are completely clear at this time. Jun Shiyan really cares about Ling Sheng. How much should he care about her and how much he likes her, will he be willing to be held down by Lao Liu and humble himself to him.

No one in China knows that Lao Liu and Jun Laosan have been fighting against each other. They want to kill each other. Who can think of two people who blush when their enemies meet. One becomes father-in-law and the other turns into son-in-law.

What good luck did Ling Sheng, a little slut, have taken to her? He even let Jun Shiyan fall in love with her. If you think about it, you can't eat a mouthful of rice. If you think about it, you'll feel miserable!

Su Xiyin knew that junshiyan had come over. He also specially asked the kitchen to make some light food and asked him to eat it. He always brought him vegetables: "ah Yan, come here for the first time. Eat more. Don't go out."

Jun Shiyan: "thank you, grandma."

"Grandma, he can eat by himself. He has hands. Don't worry about him." Ling Sheng finally sat down with Jun Shiyan this time. His grandfather was caught in the middle and was taken away by his grandmother.

Su Xiyin is happy. Looking at the table, the arrogance of her stepchildren and daughters-in-law has been suppressed. Don't mention it.

No one else can do such a thing. Only Jun San can hold his reputation. Several stepsons in his family have suffered from his losses in business and have no courage to provoke him. All of them are afraid.

The women in the family may be more depressed and sour at the moment. They usually have meals to see who is in the limelight. No one dares to show off today.

Jun Shiyan said that Xiao Qi was his son, that is, his son. Even though ye Ru and their hearts were itching like cats, they did not dare to ask what was going on. , the fastest update of the webnovel!