Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 852

"Five aunts, what kind of monsters do you introduce to me? What kind of heart do you have in mind?" Huo Xuanzhou sneered at his lips, and his eyes were bloodthirsty: "this son of a bitch, I took advantage of my sister just after meeting him. Do you think I should kill him?"

Before Cao Yunxian brought people in, he told him not to do what he shouldn't do and say what he shouldn't say. He also copied the example of Yi Jingwei.

But how can you think that this bastard dare to be dishonest in Huo's family, and dare to fight Lingsheng, I will not die!

Huo Xiao and Su Xiyin, as well as other wives, are waiting to see if the blind date can be achieved!

"Dad, you'd better take care of it, Azhou. He's going to kill people!" Cao Yunxian can't be angry. If he knew something would happen, he shouldn't let the drunk Yunsong come in.

He promised himself that he would perform well. That's what he said!

Huo Xiao calm face: "how to return a responsibility?"

Su Xi Yin has run to Ling Sheng side, distressed and worried about the inspection: "it's OK!"

Huo Xuanzhou stopped his movements and directly pressed the back of Yunsong's head to prevent him from moving: "grandfather, the grandson touched Sheng Sheng Sheng and touched her hand!"

Su Xiyin took Ling Sheng's hand and saw her shaking her head to himself. She knew it was OK. She looked at Cao Yunxian angrily: "old five, this is what you call a good man?"

Cao Yunxian is also angry, hate Yunsong do not strive for success, also hate oneself to get what trouble, want to do things did not get done, the trouble is to make a butt: "Mom, I am not familiar with him, others introduced, I would not know that he is such a person."

Huo Xiao held up his crutch and pointed to her angrily: "you don't know the details of others. You dare to bring people home, and dare to let this kind of animal make a blind date with Shengsheng!"

Cao Yunxian just wants to get rid of the relationship. She knows Yunsong's temperament. After drinking too much, her character is not good. She likes to tease little girls to take advantage of it, but she insists that she doesn't know.

Yunsong is a counsellor. He is usually held in the head by Huo Xuanzhou. After being beaten, he wakes up half drunk and realizes that things are not good. He begins to beg for mercy: "brother Zhou, if you have something to say, I'm not a person, I'm a beast. I shouldn't give birth to something I shouldn't have, so please forgive me this time!"

"Dad, if he knows he is wrong, he should give me face and let Azhou let him go!" Cao Yunxian can't just sit around and ignore it. After all, it's the man he's looking for. Seeing that the old man is so angry, he looks at Ling Sheng: "Sheng Sheng, it's all my aunt's fault. I don't know his temperament. He didn't do anything to you."

"Aunt Wu said that. It will be late when he gets better." Huo Xuanzhou sneered coldly, which increased his strength and killed his grandson.

"I'm sorry, sister Lingsheng. I'm not going to make it up to you here. You can treat me as a dog and let me go. I'm drunk. I'm really sorry." Cloud Song mouth apologizes, but the bottom of the eye is no meaning of repentance.

Ling Sheng frowned and his eyes looked cold.

Huo Xiao was dissatisfied with xiaosun and pointed to Yunsong: "fight, give me a call, until he knows he is wrong."

Cao Yunxian looks to Lingsheng for help, and finds that the little bitch is indifferent. He makes it clear that he will not help. He spat his teeth in anger.

What kind of fool did she make? After listening to the fourth sister-in-law's words, she introduced her blind date to Ling Sheng. Now it's OK. Stealing chicken doesn't make you lose rice, and you're all in the pit.

Huo Xuanzhou hit people, merciless, beat Yunsong howling, and finally was really beaten to admit the wrong.

"Throw it out and call me once I see you." Huo Xiao looked at the people lying on the ground, dare to take advantage of his good grandson, did not kill him is cheap.

Yunsong is a bag of wine and rice. He fainted long ago. When he was dragged out, he was half dead. Anyway, he was hurt badly.

Several daughter-in-law, you look at me, I see you, and finally unanimously choose silence, waiting for the father to speak.

"Look at all the ghosts and monsters you are looking for. If you don't want to make a blind date for Shengsheng, you can't take this job." Huo Xiao pointed to his nose and scolded: "I don't have this skill. I can't even find a decent person in such a big capital, can't you? What do you eat? "

Cao Yunxian: "Dad, don't you like ah Qing's child? I'm not satisfied with the work of others. "

Fortunately, there is a person who can take out his hand and say it, so as not to be killed by a stick.

"Gu min is really good." Xiao Hui also weakly refuted a sentence, the old man is angry, can't add fuel to the fire.

Ye Ru was scolded yesterday. Seeing that her sisters-in-law were also scolded today, she finally got a little balance in her heart and knew that this job was not easy to do.

Young master, they are fighting on the other side, young master, they are fighting, good young master

When Ling Sheng heard his son fighting with others, his face suddenly changed. No matter what happened here, he raised his feet and ran out.

Xiao Qi is playing with several boys in his family. The youngest grandson of the second uncle and the third uncle is eight years old. The man whose son is just how old must be beaten.Su Xiyin's face is not good. She was looking at Xiao Qi just now. She hasn't gone for two minutes with her front foot. How can she fight.

On the other side, several children have already run towards this side. The first one is not Huo Lin, who is still crying and covering his forehead.

When Ling Sheng saw it, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It was not his baby's son who broke his forehead. Xiao Qi also ran in the back with his short legs. He didn't cry and didn't look hurt.

Su Xiyin was faster than Lingsheng. She took Xiao Qi in her arms and touched her clothes. All of them were wet. Her down jacket was covered with mud, and her face was covered with mud. She was distressed: "are you hurt? Where does it hurt? "

Xiao Qi shook his head, his big black eyes were serious.

He was not injured. His brother was right. Huo Lin, who looked old and big, was a paper tiger. He couldn't help fighting.

"What's going on?" Huo Xiao looked at several boys: "are you bullying Xiao Qi? Xiao Qi is a younger brother. How old are you? Still bullying my brother, right? "

Huo Lin has already run to grandma Zhang Yuechan's arms, crying and crying to complain: "grandma, that is that small wild seed, he pushed me, my head is broken."

Zhang Yuechan heard his address, scared face instant pale, see Huo Xiao fierce eyes have looked over, nervous explanation: "Dad, he a child knows what, he is nonsense." , the fastest update of the webnovel!