Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 739

Xiao Qi is very sorry. If he didn't want to eat the cake, granddad would not have given it to his grandfather, and he would not have eaten the broken cake. If he wanted to find his grandfather, he would not dare. He was very angry and would curse people.

Grandfather ate bad cake, will certainly have diarrhea, Mommy said that eating bad things, will have diarrhea, stomachache is very uncomfortable.

After struggling for a long time, the little guy quietly found the navel patch that Ling Sheng put on him when he pulled his belly last time. He went to find his grandfather with his short legs.

Ling Sheng did not know what his son was doing. He dried his hair and put up a mask. When he came out, he saw the little boy standing at the door of his father's room, and hesitating for a long time before he knocked on the door.

"Go away!" Huo CI threw a pillow in the past and hit the door plank with a bang.

Xiao Qi's face suddenly changed, and then he shrank back two steps. Then he cleared his throat. With a tender voice, he told the people inside: "grandfather, Xiao Qi is going to go in."

Huo CI has a black face: "go away!"

Xiao Qi is used to roaring now, so he is not afraid. He opens the door and rushes in. When he enters the room, he throws off his slippers and runs towards the direction of implantation with his short legs.

Ling Sheng had heard her father roar and wanted to take his son away. Seeing his son run in, he shook his head helplessly and sighed deeply.

According to her observation during this period of time, if his father didn't want to pay attention to others, he was really angry. He would definitely lock the door and nobody could get in.

If he is in urgent need of someone to comfort him and can't save face, he won't lock the door and deliberately leave the door to comfort his injured heart.

"Grandfather." Xiao Qi climbed to the bed and looked at him with a smile: "grandfather, are you ok? Do you have a stomachache?"

Huo's face was cold and his heart was not strong. Why should he treat him like that? He is not a dog. He is also in charge of drug testing. The more he thinks about it, the more he feels, the more miserable he is: "get out, who let you in, get out of my way!"

Xiao Qi didn't care. When he climbed to the bed, he threw himself on his body, spread out his small fist and showed a diarrhea sticker. Then he opened his clothes and pasted the diarrhea to him seriously. He said to himself, "grandfather, this is the navel patch. Last time Xiao Qi pulled his belly, Mommy pasted it to Xiao Qi, and it didn't hurt any more."

Huo CI Ao Jiao's um, looking at the small guy lying on the body, the eye ground look soft a lot, the heart seems not so uncomfortable.

Ling Sheng came over with two cups of hot milk, knocked on the door, pushed the door in, and saw the grandparents and grandchildren lying on the bed, reading. It was her newly bought map and picture book for Xiao Qi, almost an encyclopedia. The little guy liked it.

"Dad, have a glass of milk and go to bed." Ling Sheng smiles and passes a glass of milk to each of them.

Huo Ci was not happy with her one eye, the gas actually eliminated almost, frowned and asked her: "is there still in the refrigerator?"

Ling Sheng shook his head and made a very serious guarantee: "no, I will pay attention to it later. The cake is in the corner, and I forgot to throw it away."

Huo word er a, handed him the empty cup, holding the quilt lying down, looking at seven: "quickly turn off the light to sleep."

Ling Sheng: "I'll shut you off. You can sleep."

Just turned off the light, ready to close the door, heard her father said: "30 years back to the old house, you prepare."

"Oh Ling Sheng should a, powerless, the whole body of each cell is shouting, she does not want to go back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!