Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 734

"Friend, from friend." Su Yi changed her mouth immediately, and her face began to turn red.

When Ling Sheng opened the card, he did not look at the contents, but looked directly at the signature: Lu and Bai!

Shilingyu also took a look at it and read the contents of the card with Ling Sheng. It was really just a greeting card. There was no ambiguity. Congratulations on her success in the variety show.

Su Yi was robbed, her face was still red, and she was a little embarrassed and angry: "I said nothing, nothing, you have to see it."

Ling Sheng curls her lips, a boring old man. Shouldn't this kind of flower delivery come by herself and ask other people's flower shops to deliver them. However, she wants to know: "sister Su Yi, after the MV shooting, my fifth uncle hasn't asked you alone?"

What's the matter with Uncle Wu? Is it interesting to Su Yi? Still boring? I can't hang on like this. Anyway, she thinks that Uncle Wu should have meant it. Otherwise, every time she asks, she doesn't say no directly. Instead, she changes the topic and talks about other things.

Su Yi's voice was loud, and she went after Ling Sheng angrily: "why did he offer me? He said that we were a cooperative relationship. Mr. Lu only regarded me as a younger generation!"

Lingsheng was held by the throat of fate and begged for mercy: "I was wrong. I was wrong. OK, I shouldn't make fun of you. Please let me go of your adult a lot."

Su Yi was angry and laughed at her advice. She pinched her face and looked at them with warning: "don't talk nonsense. You two are not allowed to talk about this matter again when you go out, otherwise I will be really angry."

Ling Sheng vowed to nod his head and promised that he would never say anything. They also said it in private. How could they go out and talk nonsense with others if they didn't decide.

After that, Su Yi pointed to my head and asked for a picture of her

Ling Sheng: "not just one, you niggard."

"I was going to send nine palace grid, nine palace grid, because you destroyed it for me

"Aren't you a little entry?" Ling Sheng curled his lips and picked up a cup of milk tea from the dressing table. Seeing that seasonal Yu's hand pinched over, he stepped back quickly. His desire for survival was extremely strong: "I told the film queen that I would take you to dinner with her after the New Year!"

Shilingyu's hand, stopped in front of her, doubted: "you should not be in order to escape my pursuit, deliberately said so!"

Su Yi: "can she lie?"

Ling Sheng looked at Su Yi and said, "sister Su Yi knows me. I'm a person who pays attention to honesty. Why should I cheat you? Then you can take a group photo with all your strength."

When Yu heard her promise, she let her go: "if you cheat, then I will see how I deal with you!"

Ling Sheng reminded her: "sister, you are a small entry, you should be a little bit self-conscious as a small entry, or I will tell you the family Ci, you want to climb the wall now!"

Seasonal feather snorted out a breath from his nose: "you met the legendary goddess, don't you want a set of group photos?"

Ling Sheng thought for a moment, then shook his head seriously, tut sighed: "you say so, I really did not have a photo with aunt Yu."

Su Yi came to the backstage to change her clothes. When she changed her clothes, she saw the two who had just called out to fight and kill. They had been reconciled, and their heads were buried together to discuss what to eat! , the fastest update of the webnovel!