Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 718

Ling Sheng looked at him with a strange smile. He talked and said, "Why are you so close?" he took a step back and frowned warily

Jiang Yi took the warm baby paste and tore it off to send it out with a smile on her face.

Chu Zhian also came over. First, he tore the warm baby sticker and put it in her palm: "Sheng Sheng, warm up. My brother asked you something. Do you lack a boyfriend?"

"Sheng Sheng, are you going to make a boyfriend? What do you think of me? " Jiang Yi is not willing to show weakness, took off the coat to put on her: "I think for a while, just want a girlfriend like you."

Xiao Qi is still on Ji fan Chen's back. No one finds him. He looks at the two people who have seen it on TV in front of him. His uncle, who is very familiar, frowns.

Season fan dust quietly raised the corner of the mouth, watch the good play by the sleeve.

Ling Sheng looked at them, disliked dead, crazy, is it? How do they please her like a competition, looking at them, pointing to Xiao Qi: "do you mind being a stepfather?"

Chu Zhian and Jiang Yi see Ji fanchen's back with a small ball carved in pink and jade. The little Tuan looks at them and laughs and says, "Hello, uncles. She has a boyfriend."

Chu Zhian's eyes widened: what's the situation?

Jiang Yi a earth shaking cry: "shit, season fan dust, your son is so big?"

Ling Sheng looked at the two of them as if they were making a stick. Whether they should be so exaggerated, he took Xiao Qi in his arms and said with a smile, "my son, Xiao Qi calls for people."

Xiao Qi all know them, holding small hands and shouting one by one: "Uncle Chu, uncle Jiang is good."

Chu Zhian and Jiang Yi take a look at each other. At the same time, they feel that their intelligence quotient has been insulted. They look at Lingsheng and Ji fanchen. Then they exclaim in unison: "you two?"

Lingsheng's feeling of disgust is beyond words. You two are afraid that you are not fools: "it's my son. What's the relationship with brother Chen? Are you two crazy?"

Yu Bei and seasonal feather two also meet up, see small seven, also silly eye, son? Ling Sheng's son? The tender baby is about three years old.

Shi Lingyu carefully looked at the little guy, then looked at Ling Sheng and asked her, "are you with your neighbors?"

Ling Sheng shook his head, No.

When the feather eyes suddenly stare big, nervous hold breath, just tremble voice then ask: "Huo CI?"

"My own! own! It's about men Ling Sheng a low roar, start to strangle her, was Yu Bei to stop, protect his girlfriend.

"But he..." The voice of the as like as two peas, trembling, pointing to Xiao Qi, wondering whether it was excited or shocked, cried: "I am the same as my word when I was little!"

"That's my uncle." Xiao Qi is busy explaining. Does he look like grandfather?

"Your uncle?" Yu Bei pointed to Ling Sheng. Well, without telling them so many things, he said that his best friend, fart's good friend, "what's the relationship between you and Huo CI?"

Ling Sheng was afraid that a group of people would rush to besiege her. She said with a flattering smile, "my cousin, I'll explain this slowly. Let's sit and talk. It's cold."

It's very cold outside. It's not very good today. There's no sun. The wind is strong. I'm shivering at the door.

Six people, directly on Yu Bei's nanny car.

Ling Sheng with a son came over, a group of people to muddle forced, do not know where she jumped out of the son. , the fastest update of the webnovel!