Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 302

From a distance, she saw a beautiful woman standing beside him. She looked about 25 years old, without a trace of worldliness. She was like a fairy who did not eat fireworks among people.

Two people sit one station, man temperament dust, cold and expensive, woman temperament high cold, do not dye dust, good a harmonious picture.

Ling Sheng suddenly felt that his chest was blocked up. The joy of catching the thief disappeared, and his breath became colder.

Xu Xi's eyes are flickering and complicated. What is this called? He couldn't think of the right word for a while. How could he be so clever? How could miss Su appear here?

Su Yan, the eldest daughter of the Su family, is a famous painter and pianist at home and abroad. She is known as the first talented woman in Beijing. She was the dream lover and goddess figure in the eyes of young masters in Beijing.

In recent years, I'm not in China all the year round. It's said that I travel around the world to seek inspiration. I hold individual painting exhibitions and hold personal concerts. Why do I suddenly appear here?

This Miss Su's relationship with the third master is a bit complicated. She was accidentally revealed by An'an banquet. She was the only woman who could get close to him and talk to him.

Later, I don't know why, suddenly I went abroad to study. After that, they never met again.

He thought that he must be trapped in love. The goddess should have liked the third master at that time. After being rejected, she left the place of love war. She traveled all over the country to cure her love injury.

In fact, why don't you mention her, the famous ladies and daughters of the same age in the whole capital city, who didn't like the third master at that age?

After all, Sanye was the most beautiful man in China at that time.

Well, now it's the most beautiful man.

Xu Xi felt that his analysis was very reasonable. He could not help but want to praise himself. He looked at Lingsheng quietly and couldn't help shivering. How could he feel that the air pressure around him was a little low? Was the temperature falling?

Ling Sheng helped to find the bag back, but also caught the thief, received the police report, rushed to the thief directly to take away.

In order to express her gratitude, Su Yan insisted on inviting them to dinner.

"No, I should do what I should. Besides, Miss Su, you are still a friend of the third master." Ling Sheng said politely with a smile.

"Thank you very much. I have something very important in my bag. I don't know how to express my thanks." Su Yan smile, full show style: "if you refuse, you look down on me."

She didn't have to invite them to dinner, but the little bit of unwillingness in her heart drove her to do something that was not in line with her personality.

For so many years, the throb and joy of her youth had already been diluted by time. When she saw him, she did not have any waves left in her heart. She thought that the best result finally came true.

She told herself, just a little curious, just want to see, can let him care, can walk into his heart of the girl, in the end what's extraordinary.

Lingsheng's smile did not change. People said it was for her. If she refused again, she would be too unkind: "that would cost Miss Su money."

Su Yan looked up at the little girl in front of her. She was not arrogant and impetuous. She was polite. She spoke and did things properly. She was young, but she did well. When she looked at Jun, she asked with a smile: "is Miss Ling the third master's girlfriend?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!