Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1130

Ling Sheng only had a play in the afternoon, but he didn't start shooting until 8:00 p.m., which was a scene with losin. After shooting, it was already 9:00 p.m.

"Sheng Sheng, or I'll send you there with me." Ji fanchen saw that it was very dark outside and it was raining. She didn't trust her to go alone.

Cheng also suddenly followed him and nodded his head to show his agreement. Sister Shengsheng is a girl who is not familiar with the place of life. It's too dangerous.

"No, I'll just take a taxi." Lingsheng heard that the director had already called out and pushed them both: "you'd better hurry up, or director AI will curse again later."

Ji fanchen follows Cheng, and then there are two plays, telling her to call them to report their safety when they arrive.

Ling Sheng nodded and made an OK gesture. He also said, "if there is any food in the kitchen over there, I'll bring you breakfast tomorrow morning."

Cheng also left, and soon came back. I don't know who asked for an umbrella. She gave her a coat of Ji fanchen: "brother Chen asked you to put it on. It's too cold outside. Don't catch a cold."

Ling Sheng took an umbrella, a coat, and then looked back at it. He was still a friend. What is a man?

Outside, it's raining a lot.

After the stung, thunder roared.

Ling Sheng looked up at the dark sky, sniffed and sighed deeply. If he had been there, the third master would have come to pick her up.

She can even imagine that a man standing beside the car with an umbrella is sure to come up to her as soon as he sees her come out, put on her coat and help her with the umbrella.

Think about the smelly man now, can't help grinding his teeth, hum, what do you want him to do!

Ling Sheng didn't call for a taxi, and the shooting location is just outside the movie city. It's 200 meters away from the main road. It's very good to take a taxi.

On the car, said the address, the driver a pair of green bean like eyes sinister look at her, driving the car away.

The car stopped in less than two minutes.

The driver looked at her: "girl, here it is. Ten yuan."

Ling Sheng looked at the driver in front of her. She had just got on the bus, but her butt was not hot. She walked several hundred meters at most. What a joke, she looked out of the window.

The driver laughed so much that he just got out of the car and killed a small sum of money: "on your left is Jun's mansion."

Ling Sheng choked his blood and didn't bother to argue with him about anything. However, looking at the driver's complacent face and giving him the money, he really wanted to say that you can take ten yuan to cushion the coffin.

This kind of person is stupid and bad. If he is less than 500 meters away, can he become rich if he earns more than ten yuan from her?

But also blame her, did not find out exactly where the place is, directly took a taxi, otherwise will not be given to the pit.

When Ling Sheng held the umbrella in the past, his stomach was full of anger, and he felt that everything was not going well.

If it's true, when I get to the place, I know that everything is not going well.

Xu Xi looked at her and said respectfully, "Miss Ling, I'm sorry. The third master took the young master to the hot spring villa, and won't come back tonight."

Ling Sheng returned with a kind smile and tried to make himself a kind fairy: "OK, I know."

Hot spring villa?

The smelly man is definitely making fun of her!

Said let her come to see her son, after she came, he took the son away!

"Miss Ling, please come back." Xu Xi looked at her and said.

"Did he say I was not allowed to live here?" Ling Sheng did not answer questions, smile like flowers, gentle and kind.

"No Xu Xi looked at the woman's smiling face and took a step back slightly: "Miss Ling, please."

In any case, even if the third master is to blame down, but also to blame him for his careless speech, was caught in the air, not to his head.

He would like to see Miss Ling live in. At least when she was there, the third master looked like a normal person with happiness, anger and sadness.

The house is a set of Chinese style villa, the yard is very large, planting flowers and plants, but it is very dark, can not see exactly what plants, only see a grape vine on the left and right side.

The decoration of the room is also very simple and low-key, everywhere is black and white gray color, not a bit popular, the heating is very enough, but go in still feel very cold.

Ling Sheng came and didn't bring anything. He thought he would prepare for it. Who knows what there is without her.

Huge luxury cloakroom, men's clothes, children's clothes are placed separately.

Obviously, it is a very normal thing, a very normal picture, but in a moment, the heart is sour and uncomfortable, the eyes are bulging with pain, and the feeling of grievance strikes, and the mood suddenly explodes.

The air is very quiet, quiet to the needle can be heard, she sat quietly on the ground, some distracted looking at the opposite wall of an oil painting, eyes gradually wet.

In the oil painting, there is a picture of a family of three children walking by the sea hand in hand with their father and mother. They are very young strokes. You don't need to look at the signature, but you can see that it was painted by the son."Mommy, Mommy."

Xiao Qi's voice suddenly came, interrupting Ling Sheng's thoughts. After stabilizing his mood, he grinned at the mirror and ran out in a hurry.

"Seven." Ling Sheng to the living room, saw his son with a small short leg from the side of a house ran out, a head fell into her arms.

"Mommy." Xiao Qi hooks Ling Sheng's neck and kisses her. She is happy like a bird just out of the cage.

Dad didn't cheat him. Mommy really came to see him.

"Why are you back?" Ling Sheng pinched his son's small face and asked him, "have you eaten yet?"

Xiaoqi Yaoyao small head: "no, mummy, I want to eat tomato and egg noodles."

Ling Sheng nodded and stood up with his son in his arms. Seeing the pestle there, a cold man like a pillar, he nodded politely and estranged slightly: "Mr. Jun."

Jun Shiyan just nodded and did not speak. He lifted his feet and left.

Ling Sheng looks at his back

Smelly man!

The kitchen is very large. There is also a huge storage room and a big refrigerator that you can walk in. There are all kinds of fresh ingredients.

Ling Shengda took two tomatoes and a few eggs from the refrigerator. He had already decided what to eat in the morning. He asked Xiao Qi, "son, do you want three fresh bread and shrimp bun tomorrow morning?"

Xiao Qi ran after her like a little tail, laughing like a silly dog, and nodding her head happily: "but Mommy, will you be very tired?"

He would like to eat anything, as long as it is made by mommy, he thinks it's delicious, but it takes a lot of time for mom to film and cook.

"As long as you want to eat, Mommy is not tired." Ling Sheng's anger at the smelly man in his heart was finally replaced by his son's intimacy at this moment.

What do you want him to do? In addition to angry or angry!

"That little seven is with mommy." Xiao Qi looked at her seriously.

Lingsheng wash tomatoes, small seven to cut.

Lingsheng and noodles, Xiao Qi Nong's face is full of flour.

Beat eggs with Lingsheng and stir with small seven.

Mother and son worked together, and soon the noodles were cooked.

Xiao Qi Da ran to the table from the kitchen with two small bowls and two pairs of chopsticks, waiting quietly for the delicious noodles to come out of the pot.

Jun Shiyan also consciously listened to his son's words. He went to the kitchen to get a bowl, took a pair of chopsticks and sat side by side with his son, waiting for dinner. , the fastest update of the webnovel!