Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1127

Jun Shiyan has just left here.

Cheng is a little fool and can't wait: "sister Sheng Sheng, you..."

Ji fanchen gave him a wink, quietly pulled at him, Sheng Sheng private affairs, don't ask, she is willing to say, do not want to say the words even.

According to the situation just now and her attitude towards the third master, there should be a great contradiction between them.

Ling Sheng put the chicken wings down, bit the straw and drank a big sip of milk tea. Then he lowered his voice and whispered, "I tell you, don't tell other people that I have a common son with him."

"Are you married to him?" Cheng also suddenly widens a pair of eyes, and then lowers the voice, but can not suppress the expression of surprise.

"No Ling Sheng shakes his head, are friends, she can not tell others, but dust brother and small also can be trusted: "you must keep secret!"

Cheng is also busy nodding hard. How could he possibly say to others: "sister Sheng Sheng, don't worry, I won't tell anyone if I screw me off as a ball kick."

Ji fanchen heard his words, helpless smile, Qu Zhi knocked his forehead, saw him turn his head, a face puzzled frown to look at him, just smile: "no one wants your head, remember, don't miss it."

Ling Sheng said that, but she couldn't tell the details. When they woke up, they would know. Anyway, there are many legends about Jun San ye and his son in the capital. That's it!

Ji fanchen is not easy to ask. No one in China knows about the third master's affairs, especially when he takes his son by himself, and there are many rumors about his son's mother.

But Sheng Sheng doesn't say, and he won't ask.

In fact, he and Xiao have known each other for less than a week. He has known Sheng Sheng for only two days, but he feels like a friend who has known him for a long time.

People who know him say that he is too cold and hard to get close to, because he is not a good friend, especially in the entertainment industry, which is basically a cooperative relationship.

But with the two of them, it's a familiar feeling that we're as old as before at first sight, and hate to see each other too late.

Lingsheng has been full, holding a large cup of milk tea in the drink, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated, is Huo word's phone, busy to pick up: "Dad."

"Did junshiyan come to you?" Huo Ci's tone is not very good, especially Jun Shiyan's three words, gnawing teeth grinding out, very angry.

"Just left." Ling Sheng suddenly thought of when the son of a bitch left, that sentence you don't regret, the heart suddenly hung up: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"He took Xiao Qi away." Huo Ci was very angry: "he said to take Xiao Qi to find you, did Xiao Qi go?"

He is angry when he thinks about it. If you have a grandson, he will not do anything. He will kill his arrogant son of a bitch sooner or later.

The incident began two hours ago when they flew back from northern Europe and got off the plane.

Two hours ago.

Beijing airport.

Huo CI said to travel, the old man of the family was generous once. Without saying a word, he let him go out to play in his private plane, and let him play for a long time.

He naturally knew that the old man didn't lend him the plane to play with. He had never borrowed it before. He was either scolded by pointing at his nose or smoked. The plane was lent to his daughter-in-law and his great grandson to play with.

When the plane landed, Huo got up, looked at the big and small sleeping on the bed, bent over to kiss the woman's lips.

Nangong Lengyu was suffocated to wake up. She couldn't breathe, and her lips were itching. She opened her eyes and saw a handsome face in front of her eyes. Subconsciously, she reached out to hook his neck. She felt something arched in her arms, and then she remembered where it was.

Her red face pushed the shameless person away and glared at him angrily. The baby is still at home. What is he doing? Do you want to have a face? How can be the picture that is not suitable for children to be seen by the baby?

Huo CI smile back away, sitting on the edge of the bed, long white fingers stroking her waterfall like long hair, eyes full of doting, mellow voice line, as intoxicating as wine, and with a bit sexy dumb: "wake up, we're home."

Nangong Lengyu yawned lazily and put her head on the man's leg. Er, she closed her eyes again.

Huo CI slightly droops the eye, the lip corner is smiling, leans down again.

"Grandfather." Xiao Qi's small face all of a sudden gathered up, looked at Huo Ci, asked: "grandfather, what do you want to do?"

Huo CI saw a bad boy's face, biting back teeth, bad his good little son of a bitch, bent his fingers and knocked his head: "get up, immediately get off the plane."

Nangong Lengyu was excited by Xiao Qi's voice and became energetic. She patted the back of Huo's hand: "grandma, help you beat him."

Finish saying, holding the baby's small face, heartache in his just been knocked on the cerebellar gate kiss, and blow, soft voice way: "blow blow pain fly."

Seven holding grandmother's neck, rely on the rub, quietly looked at the black face of Huo Ci, whispered: "grandmother, grandfather also want to blow.""Your grandfather is thick skinned. It's OK." Nangong Lengyu puts the baby on the bed, but the baby still looks at himself with a firm face.

Huo Ci, like Xiao Qi, stretched out the back of her hand, which was beaten red, and her eyes were firm. She said in a stuffy voice: "you have a look at it. It hurts."

Nangong Lengyu glared at him, knowing that he was on purpose. Relying on his family's baby's heartache for him, Nangong Lengyu got up.

Xiao Qi pulled her hand and looked at Huo Ci's hand with heartache: "grandma, grandfather also wants to."

Nangong Lengyu in front of the baby's face, also not good to refuse, half kneeling on the bed, bowed his head to blow twice to leave.

Xiao Qi: "grandma, it's not effective if you don't recite the mantra."

Nangong Lengyu mantra: "blowing pain flies."

Huo CI finally satisfied, to the family stinky boy made a wink, do well, worthy of his training out of the good grandson!

The plane has landed at the airport for about five minutes.

Zuo Ming knocked on the door, heard Huo's words to let in, then opened the door, stood respectfully at the door and said, "sixth master, junshiyan has brought people here. We have been surrounded by people. Do you want to send someone to come here?"

Huo Ci's eyes shrunk quickly, and his eyes were dangerous. When he came to the window to have a look, he was not surrounded by people. He was a special soldier with live ammunition.

Seven heard Jun Shiyan three words, subconsciously turned around and hugged Nangong Lengyu and sniffed: "grandma, Xiao Qi doesn't go, Xiao Qi doesn't follow him."

Nangong Lengyu placidly patted the little guy's head and comforted him: "don't go, Xiao Qi doesn't go, grandma won't give you to him." , the fastest update of the webnovel!