Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1118

Xu Xi should be a, looked at the food box in his hand, also dare not say what, turned around and went out, who knows just arrived at the door.

"Wait a minute." Jun Shiyan stopped him again, looked at the eye food box and said, "put me here!"

Xu Xi didn't know what he thought, and he didn't dare to ask. He just put the food box in a respectful way and walked out. He also looked at the man quietly and found that he was staring at the food box.

In the video, the company's high-level people's eyes, nose, nose and heart, a ghost like expression flashed across their faces.

Is that right? The president is looking at the food box. The corners of his mouth seem to have more pleasant smile, smile! You know, they have been in Gu for so long, they have never seen him smile!

Jun Shiyan asked them, "have you eaten yet?"

Executives: "the president eat first, we are not hungry."

Jun Shiyan: "then I'm not polite."

Top guys, collective jerks, what? The president wants to eat! The president wants to have a meal in the video conference. It's my first time!

"After half an hour, go on eating." When Jun Shiyan finished, he closed the computer directly.

The high-level people in the office, seeing the handsome man on the screen, suddenly disappeared. The screen was black. They couldn't believe it. They were moved and tearful. At the same time, they also wanted to know who gave the president the food box?

"My God, is the president concerned about us? I'm so moved that I can't control myself. Let me cry first

"Don't you want to know who sent the lunch box that the workaholic put down the important meeting for dinner?"

"I heard assistant Xu say, what kind of lady is it? It must be a woman. The president is in love. As expected, love can change a person from beginning to end. "

"Miss law

"No, I heard it was Miss Ling?"

"You didn't hear that a beautiful little girl came to the president the other day and said she was the mother of the young master."

"Really? I didn't hear about it. "

"Of course it's true. The woman said yes. The president didn't admit it. We didn't know. We didn't dare to say so."


Gu's high-level people began to gossip one by one. You know, his own president is a famous workaholic. When meeting, he never stops because of anything. Even if it's a knife in the sky, he can still go on filming calmly.

The woman who delivered the meal was certainly not simple, but who would it be if she were not miss losinglo, as we all know? Third master's new love? Or old love?

Jun Shiyan opened the food box and took out all the food in it. It was light food. It was not big. It was all small bowls.

There are four dishes including steamed eggs and a small cup of soup. The staple food is colorful dumplings.

After dinner desserts, a cup of yogurt, and a small box of white strawberries, a total of six, not very large, very irregular, it does not look like bought.

He looked at the food on the table and smelled the smell of the food. He was not hungry. He didn't know what was wrong. He called twice and looked hungry.

In fact, Xu Xi didn't want to disturb Jun Shiyan. However, the housekeeper urged him to take back the empty food box. He had to go over and knock on the door: "are you full, Third Master?"

Jun Shiyan said, "it's been a long time, I haven't had enough to eat. The food tastes good. It's more delicious than all the delicious food he's ever eaten.".

Looking at the handsome man who was tired and satiated, Xu Xi went to pick up his things and put all the empty plates, bowls and stews into the eating box one by one. He was so shocked that he couldn't help himself.

It's not kind of the third master to do this. It's clearly what Miss Ling sent to the young master to eat. As a result, he was fine and ate clean.

Now he has a little sympathy for the young master. His mother cooked him a meal, but his father cut off his beard and ate it. He may never know.

Gu Zhong sent the food box back to Lingsheng. He looked at her heartily and said, "Miss Ling, you can go back. You can see that this day is beginning to be cloudy. It will rain later."

Ling Sheng shook his head: "no, I'll wait here. Don't you say that the third master will come back in the evening? I must see him today. "

What did he mean, she asked? The results of paternity testing have been out for a long time, and he has promised in the Huo family that he will not prevent their mother and son from meeting.

Now, he is going back on his word, or what he said in Huo's family is that he perfunctorily perfunctorily in order to take Xiao Qi away.

It was already very gloomy, and the clouds were on the top. It was a quarter of an hour ago. It was sunny. I didn't expect to change my face in the twinkling of an eye.

In less than half an hour, it began to rain.

Ling Sheng was hiding under the eaves of the house, but the strong wind and the heavy rain caught her. It was nothing to block with the umbrella Gu Zhong gave her. She soon soaked her clothes and her hair was wet at the temples.About the evening, the rain was a little bit smaller. A car was driving towards this side. Ling Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking it was Jun Shiyan's coming back.

The car stopped at the door.

The driver got out of the car first, then opened an umbrella and respectfully opened the back door.

Luoxin got out of the car and took the umbrella. When she turned the corner, she saw Ling Sheng standing at the door of Gu's house. She sneered at her. This woman is really a thief. Does she think she can see the third master?

She was afraid that she did not know that the insipid entanglement would only make the third master more tired of her.

LOXin raised his chin haughtily and looked at her with a smile when she passed by. The smile was provocative and ironic: "Miss Ling came to find the third master. Why don't you go in?"

When Ling Sheng saw LOXin, his heart was full.

Last time in Gu's family, Luoxin went to look for Jun Shiyan in front of her.

This time, the same situation, the same humiliation, she had to go through twice.

"I was just about to leave." Ling Sheng where can let a person see her joke, smile to prop up umbrella to come out: "Miss Luo please!"

LOXin knew from her appearance that she had never been able to go in. She had closed the door and was extremely disdainful in her heart. A woman should be so thick and shameless that she could be rejected again and again, licking her face and sticking it up. She was deliberately stimulated: "I heard that the third master came back from a business trip last night. Come and see him."

"I didn't come to see him, I came to see my son." Ling Sheng's face did not have any emotional fluctuations, just a little bit of the heart with the cool.

Listen to LOXin's meaning, he has been home for a long time. Now he is looking after his family. Just because he doesn't want to see her, he has been deceived into saying that he is not. , the fastest update of the webnovel!