Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1109

Jiang Meiyun took a look at them with a bit of schadenfreude. One by one, she would like Lao Liu to find someone who could not be on the stage. She could ridicule Lao Liu and ride on other people's heads. She could still not know what they were thinking and what they were thinking of.

Huo Xiao and Su Xiyin are both shocked and excited at the moment. They take a look at each other, but who is the child?

When I came over a few days ago, I said it was Jun Shiyan, the son of Jun Laosan. Ci'er had a little trouble with Junsan's child. How could he bring his son here?

Xiao Qi was very excited. When she came down from Huo's arms, her face turned into a flower and ran to the second old man with a crisp voice: "great grandfather, too grandma."

Huo Xiao

Su Xiyin looked at the baby running over, the little guy carved with powder and jade, which made people happy. When we met last time, she didn't know how much she couldn't give up when she left, so she picked him up directly: "Xiao Qi likes acridine."

"Good grandma." Seven hook her neck, miss the rub in her arms, big eyes misty.

Su Xiyin felt the baby's mood, touched his small head with heartache, looked to Huo Ci, explained acridine, how is it going on?

When did you make up with yu'er? I don't want to tell them that it's OK to bring yu'er back. I have to say that I'm bringing my girlfriend back.

Huo Xiao is also angry, if it was not for yu'er, if he didn't kill him, he would say no directly, so that they had no psychological preparation.

"Mom and Dad, this is my girlfriend." Huo Ci was very calm and pretended not to see the two old men staring at his death. Then he said, "you all know each other. I will not introduce him."

Nangong Lengyu said politely, "Hello, auntie."

"Good, good, good, good." Huo Xiao said when the back, all bite the back teeth squeeze out.

The two of them are good. It's so nice that we can't tell them until the last minute, right? Old six, this son of a bitch, is itchy!

Su Xi Yin is happy, but more surprised, so the meeting is delayed, and finally is completely accepted, gentle and loving looking at Nangong Lengyu: "Leng do what acridine, hurry home to sit."

Xiao Hui and her several, watching Nangong Lengyu come in, are so surprised that they can't speak. After a look at each other, they greet each other and say hello.

The men of Huo family did not expect that the woman Huo CI brought back was Nangong Lengyu.

In particular, Huo Kai, his daughter-in-law Cao Yunxian's family is a small family, which has been looked down upon by his brothers and sisters in law, and has a bad heart. He wanted Huo Ci to find a better one than his daughter-in-law.

However, what Huo CI is looking for is Nangong Lengyu. His first love, the eldest lady of Nangong family, is known as the Chinese movie queen.

Whether it is the Nangong family behind her, or her own career and achievements, it is not a group of long tongued women in the family who can only chew on the root of their family wealth.

Jiang Meiyun was not bad with Nangong Lengyu at that time. He took her hand and said, "when did you come back? Why don't you come to my sister?"

Nangong Lengyu has a good impression on her. The daughters-in-law of the Huo family, except Jiang Meiyun, has no heart and is careless. All the other daughters-in-law have their own small Jiu Jiu, and they don't have an oil-saving lamp. They reply with a smile: "I just came back yesterday, too."

Su Xiyin listened and frowned slightly. Taking advantage of her inattention, she pinched her son and glared at him. Together, he went abroad to find yu'er to make up!

This bastard is really angry with her. She didn't look for it earlier. He had spent most of his life looking at it. He suddenly found out that he had gone after his daughter-in-law.

Huo Ci was afraid of being angry to her and said in a low voice: "Mom, you always want to have a grandson? I've got it all for you. Don't be angry. "

When Su Xiyin hears his grandson, he subconsciously looks at Xiao Qi.

"Grandma, I'm not. My mom is." Xiao Qi shook her head suddenly, and whispered in her ear, pointing to Huo's words: "that's grandfather."

Su Xiyin is more and more confused, what grandson grandfather's, angry she really want to beat her son.

Huo Xiao is also confused, the crutches in his hand toward Huo CI Yang and Yang, finally put down, forget it, in front of so many people, give him some face!

Huo CI looked at the old man who wanted to kill him, and called Nangong Lengyu: "wife, is the daughter coming?"

After his words, all the people in the living room held their breath and looked at them in unison.



Are they married?

Huo Xiao and Su Xiyin don't know about it, let alone the rest of the Huo family. No one knows what's going on. They are waiting for them to explain.

Nangong Lengyu turned back and glared at Huo CI. Who let him shout at random? Who is his wife!

Huo CI directly sat on the handle of the sofa beside her and put his long arm on the sofa behind her. It looked like she was hugging her. She could not be too intimate. She looked at everyone present: "my daughter will be here in a moment. It happens that everyone is here. I'd better choose a day to bump into the sun. We can meet each other."People of Huo family

Not just bringing your daughter-in-law back? And a daughter?

Huo CI didn't care what their reaction was. He acted all his life. He didn't have to explain to others. He turned around and called, "Xiao Qi, come here."

The men and women of the Huo family, looking at the lovely children carved with powder and jade, can't it be that the son also has, the children are both!

Huo CI pulled the little guy to his side and said, "this is my grandson, Xiao Qi."

Huo's family were once again scared by him. For a moment and a half, they really couldn't digest his words, daughter? grandson?

Good guy, it's so complete to come back from this area. I was a lonely family. Suddenly I had a daughter-in-law, a daughter and a grandson!

Xiao Hui looks at Xiao Qi and looks at her carefully. She whispers to Ye Ru: "this child, how can I look so familiar?"

Ye Ru hears her words, just looked at eye small seven again, the look of eye ground changes suddenly, can't believe, impossible, how possible?

Laoliu brought back his daughter-in-law, but his grandson is Jun Shiyan's son?

A few days ago, when she went to the old house with her four younger brothers and sisters, she saw the child once. The child was too cute. She looked at it more carefully. After asking, she found out that it was Jun Shiyan's son who came to visit the second elder brother of the family.

Is it difficult to become the daughter of Laoliu, a woman of junshiyan?

"Sir, ma'am, Mr. junshiyanjun is here to visit." Uncle Liu came to report in a hurry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!