Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1053

"Ella." Director Ben called out to her, "come and have a look at this scene."

Nangong Lengyu then turned around. As she walked past, she opened the sugar in her hand. When the sweet and sour taste overflowed her mouth, she felt a mixture of five flavors in her heart. She stuffed the sugar paper into her pocket and walked quickly.

During the afternoon shooting, Ling Sheng drank water and was just about to have a rest when someone called for Ella to look for her.

"Teacher Nangong." Ling Sheng ran over with some trepidation. She felt that the performance in the afternoon was OK. She would not have to be scolded again: "what can I do for you?"

"How do you fold this one?" Nangong Lengyu hasn't touched origami for more than 20 years. For a while, she can't even fold the simplest thousand paper cranes. After studying the great meeting, she can't remember.

I still remember when she was young, she would fold the sugar paper into various origami after eating sugar, such as crane, rose, carnation, lily, many beautiful origami.

"Mom, this candy paper is so beautiful." Ling Sheng takes the candy paper in her hand. It's pink, with irregular shapes of various colors on it. It's very lovely and fresh. If you smell it carefully, you can smell the smell of tangerine peel. She has never seen this kind of candy.

"I didn't expect that there was still this brand of candy on the market." Nangong Lengyu's tone softened. When she was smiling, her eyes were filled with nostalgia: "in the past, my favorite food was this sugar. The taste did not change. It was still the flavor in my memory."

Ling Sheng said in his heart, I haven't seen it before. Who gave it? It seems that it's just this one. It can't be her father's giving it. She quietly looks at her beautiful mother and teaches her to fold a thousand paper cranes with a smile.

She always felt that her father and her mother were expected to get back together. Her father would not yell and lose his temper in front of her mother, and would become very careful. She must have given the sugar after drinking Chinese medicine!

"Sheng Sheng, Xiao Qi told me that he wanted to take part in the variety show" Dad is Superman ". What do you think Nangong Lengyu asked her advice while folding a thousand paper cranes.

After lunch, the little guy secretly pulled her and said that she wanted to go to the program to make money and buy her a birthday present for her grandfather. How could she bear to refuse the baby? She didn't directly agree or refuse. She said that she would give the baby an answer in the evening.

She knows Jin Yu, the chief director of the program group. If Baobao wants to go to a stage as a guest, it's OK. She takes her baby to go there. Jin Yu is not happy. After all, she never participates in this kind of program.

From back to now, she has received numerous invitation functions from various TV stations and directors, and she has rejected them one by one. Since she has already quit the entertainment industry, she will not step into this field again.

"If Xiao Qi wants to go, I have no opinion. I absolutely respect his idea." Ling Sheng still with why son, hear here, finally know her father brought Xiao Qi to come over to do, cooperate is to let small seven pull her mother on the program!

The director of "Dad is Superman", the director of the TV station, the deputy director of the TV station, and the pillars who have a good relationship with her father call him in turn, asking his grandfather to tell his grandmother to let him take Xiao Qi to be the guest of the first issue, and even let her be a lobbyist from her, but her father did not agree.

Her father wants to really take Xiao Qi to the past. This program is fantastic. The audience rating can't directly win the audience champion of this year's variety show. She can imagine that Huo Yingdi takes his grandson to the show as a guest, and the topic is guaranteed to explode.

"Xiao Qi said that he wanted to make money for himself and buy granddad a birthday present." Nangong Lengyu's lips are spoiled with a smile. The baby is too filial, so she has no heart to refuse him.

Ling Sheng looked at her with a gentle smile on her face and coughed: "Mom, you can handle this matter as you see it. Anyway, Xiao Qi likes the performing arts circle. Her dream is to be an actor. She can't envy the little model and child star."

In fact, she didn't want to let her son contact the entertainment industry too early. However, if her son could be the God's assistant on the way to the good road, she thought it would be good.

"I'll ask ah Yan again." Nangong Lengyu nodded with a smile, and always asked his father whether he would participate in the program.

The little guy likes watching various TV programs and acting. Even if she takes him to the variety show, that is, to accompany the baby to play, she doesn't lack that little pay and coax the baby to be happy.

Ling Sheng watched her call San ye and wanted to say that in fact, the program had invited her father for countless times, but it failed. Her father told Xiao Qi to say this, which must have a purpose. I'm afraid it's not to ask the three members of her grandparents to appear on the program.

If so, Ling Sheng guessed it right.

"Yes, brother CI has agreed to take the baby on the show." Jin Yu didn't expect that he didn't invite Huo Da film emperor to be a guest on the program after exhausting all kinds of contacts. However, just now, the film emperor called and said that he agreed to participate in the program.

Here, he was happy to tell his friends the good news, and immediately received a phone call. The empress of Nangong University said that she would bring her grandson to the show and take the initiative to talk to him. He was flattered and flattered.Nangong Lengyu's eyes were frozen, and with obvious mockery, he asked, "can you find a way to refuse him and lose me out."

She didn't know that Huo Ci's son of a bitch refused Xiao Qi and didn't want to take him on the show. Xiao Qi came to tell herself about it. After returning, he suddenly changed his mind and agreed to take Xiao Qi to the show.

Or maybe all this is under his control, which he has planned for a long time.

Does he want to be on the show with her? Want to see her make a fool of herself? Want seven to make a choice between them?

"Nangong, our program group, has invited brother CI back countless times. I really can't do it. You'd better ask brother Ci to discuss whether you bring the child here, or he brings the child here, or you two bring the child together?" Jin Yu's heart crazy cry, the best they can take the baby on the show together, want to think of the time that rub the topic degree of burst watch, audience rating, he can laugh to wake up in a dream.

"Well, I'll give you an answer after I have consulted him." Nangong Lengyu hung up the phone. After thinking about it, she didn't call Huo Ci and continued to work.

Huo CI is still waiting for a call at home. Jin Yu calls him and says that Nangong Lengyu has already called and wants to take her baby to the program. She asks them what they think, who brings the child to the program, and implicitly indicates that all three of them go to the best. , the fastest update of the webnovel!