Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1035

Ling Sheng quietly revealed a pair of eyes. Just after a glance, he felt a little thirsty. After seeing it clearly, he found that the man's neck, clavicle and chest were all blue and purple marks, as well as the scratch marks of fingernails. You don't have to think about who's masterpiece.

Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl and did not speak. He looked at himself with big eyes full of water and charming color. His throat knot rolled up and down, and his eyes became more and more fiery.

Ling Sheng stretched out a small hand and gently brushed the scar on the man's body. Heartache asked, "does it hurt?"

Jun Shiyan knew what the little girl was looking at and shook her head: "it doesn't hurt."

Ling Sheng heartache, voice stuffy: "you a liar."

"It seems to hurt a little now." Jun Shiyan pulled the little girl's hand out of the quilt: "help me with the medicine."

After finishing the medicine, Lingsheng lay on the bed with a soft stomach and didn't want to move. He was still in the hospital. Lying on the bed, he could see the busy figure of the man in the kitchen.

She quietly got out of bed and hugged him from the back. Her small face was close to his back, and her heart was warm and full.

Jun Shiyan was frying eggs. He raised his eyebrows slightly. He could see the little girl's bare white feet. He wiped her hands, turned around and clasped her waist. She asked her to step on the back of his feet, bow her head and counter with her forehead: "what's the matter?"

"When can I have dinner?" Ling Sheng clings to people's tight, back to the small head, rubbed against the man's high nose, the whole person is like stepping on the cloud, floating happiness.

"Soon." Jun Shiyan's voice was a little hoarse and even more exciting. He pecked her lip and bent down to pick her up on the sofa.

Ling Sheng looked at the man to go, suddenly stretched out his hand, looked at the man turned around, just sweet soft way: "then you hurry up, I am hungry."

She didn't know what was wrong with her. She didn't want to leave him for a minute and a second. She wanted to be a conjoined baby and be together all the time.

Clearly, he was in the kitchen, and she could see him when she turned around.

Jun Shiyan wanted to cook in person and serve his little princess, so he didn't ask them to bring things to the banquet. The breakfast they made was very simple. After putting sandwiches and milk on the table, he saw that the little girl at home was still lying on the sofa, looking at him with big eyes flashing, and then he turned around to pick her up.

From yesterday to today, it's very sticky. When I took her for a bath last night, the little girl refused to take her pajamas. Like a koala bear, she hung it on him and had to take it together.

"No Ling Sheng looks at the man to put her on the chair, protest seriously.

Jun Shiyan's eyes became more and more spoiled. He let the little girl sit on his lap and brought her a sandwich.

Ling Sheng affectation very, looking at the man: "hello."

"Good." Jun Shiyan fed her a little bit. At this moment, he suddenly regretted why he had to wait until this time. She should have eaten her dry and wiped clean earlier. The little girl's lazy appearance is so lovely that people follow her.

Ling Sheng and Jun Shiyan will fly back to Beijing to attend the first fashion show of l-star.

On the plane, Ling Sheng lies on the bed and looks at the opposite sofa, fresh and energetic. The man at work is deeply resentful and clings to his fingers. It's unfair. It's unfair. He's also human. Why does she feel tired and doesn't want to move.

Jun Shiyan noticed the little girl's blazing eyes and asked her, "are you hungry? Thirsty? I'll call Anyan and send it to you. "

Ling Sheng snorted, angry, rolled to the bed, back to him, did not speak.

Jun Shiyan walked over nervously and reached for the little girl's forehead to test the temperature. He was afraid that she would have a fever: "what's the matter? Does it still hurt? "

Ling Sheng angrily turned back and pinched his face: "I want to protest!"

Jun Shiyan's indulgent smile, eh, is waiting for her next words.

Ling Sheng: "Jun Shiyan, if there is a next life, I don't want to be a woman, I want to be a man!"

Jun Shiyan thought what was wrong with the little girl. She didn't expect that she was going to say this. Su Dao was so weak that she said, "OK."

Ling Sheng sighed, but how to do? After he wakes up, it seems that he can't change his soul with her in the next life. However, if he doesn't have the memory to recover from her, he will not be able to recover her.

Then she will have a man's body, and then she can do whatever she wants. By the way, when she is pregnant and has a baby, let him have a baby, and let him feel the hardships of being a woman and a pregnant woman.

Jun Shiyan didn't know what the little girl was thinking. He saw her eyes flash with a sly light. He even laughed at her and put her in his arms: "what are you laughing at? So happy. "

Ling Sheng solemnly low cough, pulled back his thoughts, seriously asked him: "do you say a man can be pregnant and have children?""Want to have a baby?" Jun Shiyan didn't expect that the little girl was so anxious. He didn't want the baby in a hurry. He always felt that he owed his son too much. He wanted to give all his love and energy to his son. If she wanted another baby, he buried his head in her ear: "let's have a daughter."

Xiao Qi should, and really wants to have a sister.

"Who said to have children." Ling Sheng's ears are red. Even if he wants a child, he should give birth to him. He pushes him away: "go away. Go to work. I'm going to sleep."

Jun Shiyan hugged her, rolled directly to the bed, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll roll with you."

Ling Sheng suddenly widened his eyes

How does she feel that he has become more and more cheeky since last night?

Ling Sheng had another sleep in the morning. After lunch, they flew back to the capital in a private plane. By the time l-star head office arrived, it was already evening.

This conference can be called the top red carpet in the entertainment industry. In addition to Chinese stars and fashion celebrities, there are also many Hollywood stars who have a good relationship with Nangong Lengyu and front-line designers of the world's top luxury brands.

At the gate of the company, there was a long red carpet. Reporters and fans from all over the world surrounded the scene. However, the order of the scene was well maintained and there was no chaos.

When Ling Sheng and Jun Shiyan got off the bus, it was Linda, Nangong Lengyu's assistant, who came to pick them up. He took them to the office directly from the special passage, instead of going to the meeting hall directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!