Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1030

Jun Shiyan's blood evaporated with her soft, crying voice. Her sense of reason was broken in a little bit. She waved away the doctor and looked at her. Her voice was hoarse, but she was sexy: "are you sure?"

Lingsheng eyes moist moist, more and more appear the whole person is smart, enchanting to move the soul, licked some dry lips, nodded, angry: "do you want to?"

Jun Shiyan's voice became more and more deep: "I'm afraid you are not ready and will regret it."

Ling Sheng couldn't stand it for a long time. If she went on like this, she would be burned to ashes by the burning fire. She never felt that he was so ink stained. She asked angrily, "Jun Shiyan, are you still not a man?"

Xu Xi is on guard at the door. The sound insulation effect of the ward is very good. He didn't hear what the first two people said. He didn't dare to listen, but he clearly heard Lingsheng's last roar, and then he was quiet again.

He secretly raised the corners of his lips and laughed vaguely, which man is willing to be questioned by his beloved woman.

Sanye's exclusive VIP ward has a complete range of facilities, comparable to a five-star hotel. Bah, a five-star hotel can't compare with it. It's similar to the bedroom at home. Even if, uh huh, ah, get up, the environment and experience are also very good.


the Huo family is still full of lights.

Huo Ci and Xiao Qi are playing drums upstairs.

Nangong Lengyu made a snack. She looked at the recipe and made a lotus seed soup. She served it to the two of them. As soon as she got to the door, she heard the conversation between her grandparents and grandchildren and lowered her voice.

"If you know, what about grandma?"

"As long as you don't say it, she won't know."

"Xiao Qi doesn't say that, but grandma knows that Xiao Qi is ill and worried about Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi is wrong to do so. Xiao Qi can't cheat her grandmother. If she knows, she will be angry."

"You want your heartless mother to know!"

Nangong Lengyu listened to the conversation inside, and her eyes began to change. Holding the tray's hand, she could not help tightening up. Did she cheat her? Use Xiao Qi to cheat her to come here? Huo Ci, this son of a bitch!

Huo CI frowned strangely when he heard the noise outside. He pushed the door and poked out his head. He saw the figure of Nangong Lengyu descending the stairs. His eyes suddenly froze and he sighed with regret. He turned around and glared at Xiao Qi, stinky boy. He was talking nonsense in the room. Did you hear that!

Small seven strides small short leg to run out, hears the grandmother to call him, excitedly ran down: "small seven immediately goes down, grandmother you wait a minute."

Huo CI stood on the second floor, watching the woman put the tray on the tea table, with two bowls of lotus seed soup on top of it. As soon as he saw it, it must have been for him and the stinky boy. His eyes were strange and stayed on her for a moment, frowning slightly. There was a feeling of calm before the storm.

Nangong Lengyu didn't say anything and asked nothing. She had a soft smile on her face. She held a bowl and fed it to Xiao Qi. The little guy was embarrassed and wanted to eat by himself. She said, "Xiaoqi is sick. Grandma, please."

Xiao Qi's small face, whoosh on a red transparent, even the ear tip has become pink tender tender red, quietly looked at the eye grandfather, pursed his lips, hard to nod, a guilty ah.

Nangong Lengyu glanced at Huo Ci, her eyes were very cold, with obvious mockery. Fortunately, she thought he was reliable before hearing their conversation. But what he did, he asked Xiao Qi to take illness as an excuse to cheat her.

As long as she thinks about it, she will not be angry. As the old saying goes, a dog will never change its habit of eating excrement, and he will always be this virtue and can not be changed!

Xiao Qi is very obedient. She eats the porridge fed by her grandmother, but she is very nervous. Her grandfather said that her grandmother would not find it. But how does he feel that her grandmother already knows?

Nangong Lengyu fed Xiao Qi a bowl of lotus seed soup, wiped his mouth and patted his head: "Xiao Qi, go to bed first. Grandma has something to tell your grandfather."

Xiao Qi anxiously looked at his grandfather, saw his grandfather nodded, then trotted back to his bedroom, careful of the dirty, thump, and quietly stood at the door, want to know what grandma wants to say to his grandfather.

Nangong Lengyu was afraid that Xiao Qi would follow her. She went to the balcony and looked at the man in front of her. She tried to calm herself down. She was angry with a son of a bitch: "Huo Ci, that's how old Xiaoqi is. If you don't teach him, you teach him to lie!"

Huo CI also does not deny, a look of total indifference: "you are her grandmother, you can't always let Laozi look after him alone, you also have the responsibility to support him!"

Nangong Lengyu hated his appearance, so she came up and sneered: "then you can tell me no, I'll take Xiao Qi away. How can you teach him to lie? Do you know that he is young now and needs good guidance. What you do will teach him to be bad."

"Did I teach him bad? Did I teach him to kill and set fire to? Or teach him not to do his job Huo CI sneered: "you don't teach Laozi justice here. I take him and teach him as much as he wants. When the emperor comes, I can't help him."What Nangong Lengyu dislikes most is that he looks like this, a low roar of anger: "Huo CI!"

Huo CI smile: "in it."

Nangong Lengyu was choked by his words: "I don't want to quarrel with you. I came to watch Xiao Qi, not to fight with you. Since you can't teach children, well, I'll take Xiao Qi with me."

Huo CI sneered: "you think I want to quarrel with you. You are so busy that Xiao Qi asks you to come and see him. Will you come over? Doesn't he call you every day? Are you coming over here? Work every day and make money. Do you dig into the eyes of money? The Nangong family is so short of your money? "

Nangong Lengyu's chest heaved violently, trying to calm herself down: "you can't make excuses for me. You can teach children to lie. Are you reasonable?"

It's ridiculous. He was the one who told Xiao Qi to lie. He didn't know how to repent. He also distorted the facts and put the matter on her. She told him not to teach children, right?

Xiao Qi stood outside, listening to grandma and grandma, because he pretended to be sick, they had a big quarrel. The voice was getting louder and louder. They were more and more angry. Their small faces were all withered. They felt sad and touched their little nose, turned around and ran to the bathroom. , the fastest update of the webnovel!