Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1019

Xiao Qi is also very happy not to go to the amusement park. He follows his butt with his short legs: "grandfather and grandfather, I'll play next week. You can go and refuel Xiao Qi."

Huo CI sneered: "if I don't go, why don't you let your father go?"

Seven small eyebrows wrinkled very tight, big eyes look suddenly a change, stem neck raised small head, small face very serious, tender voice of the voice: "small seven no father!"

Huo CI laughed and clapped the little guy's head with satisfaction: "OK, I'll cheer you on!"

See that?

This is the right attitude towards the enemy!

Take a look at the shameless and shameless thing of the smelly girl at home. I have already forgiven others. Don't say you hate me. You didn't get angry with him when you gave birth to you. You're so angry with him. If you want her to roll away, don't be angry with him at home!

Jun Laosan that son of a bitch, even if he did not do anything, she herself for so many years, suffering all forget? Well, the scar forgot the pain. She deserved to be cheated by others. He was angry when he thought of it!

Huo CI has been free these days. In the past, when he was free, he liked to find someone to go out. Or he just stayed at home and didn't go anywhere. Since he had grandchildren, he suddenly found that it was interesting to take grandchildren.

In particular, he is a good-looking grandson who is obedient and sensible, and flatters others. He is just like him in the street.

Shopping malls are the most famous luxury shopping malls in Beijing. Most of the shopping malls you can go to are those that are not rich or expensive. If you don't have a million yuan, you dare not enter.

Huo CI wears sunglasses, masks, a long black windbreaker, perfect to impeccable figure, temperament such as China, holding Xiao Qi, wearing a cool jacket, only wearing sunglasses, walking is also a huge style.

When they stepped into the mall, they attracted everyone's eyes. They couldn't help but look at them. Especially the beautiful girls, they all cast envious eyes and couldn't help talking with their peers in a low voice.

It is rare for a father to go shopping with his son.

It's even more rare for such a handsome and elegant man to go shopping with his son.

Ah ah ah!

What kind of fairy father and son is this!

Baba's legs are long, with good figure and good temperament. The king's aura has wood!

Children are so cute, cool and cute. Their hearts are changed and there is wood!

Huo Ci's small entries are all over all ages. Soon, some fans looked at the past doubtfully. Without any hesitation, they secretly took photos and sent a circle of friends: I met a man with temperament and body like my words, ah, ah, ah, want to marry! It's a pity that their sons can play soy sauce, sobbing.

There are also a lot of small entries in the circle of friends. Soon, some people will comment on it.

What is it like, blind? That's my word, OK! 】

[you fake powder! 】

[ah ah, ah, I don't believe it, it can't be, it won't be, my word will never have a son. 】

[your daughter has been quietly jumping for more than 20 years. Why can't you have a son? You still don't know how to be a powerful family. How can a powerful family like Huo Ci not have a son! 】

after the stimulation of Lingsheng, the ones who took off the powder ran early. The ones who didn't take off the powder had already been trained as hard as a rock. What else can they do? Accept it. All of a sudden, the daughters can accept it. The son is the son. How wonderful it is!

After all, there were few people in the circle of friends, and they were soon moved to the microblog, the base camp of star chasing girls, and Huo Ci's son Chen immediately became a hot search.

[happy New Year's day, my sisters laugh to death, you have both children, congratulations]

[spend money to raise a daughter, son and daughter-in-law, sympathize with the entry sisters for a second, I don't know whether you are bleeding in your heart

upstairs, your brain is gone, what else to say, my words Huo family is less than six, rich family, billions of assets, still use We keep it? 】

[pure passers-by, the big shadow emperor's design has collapsed completely and is ready to fly completely. Entry sisters, if your words have deceived you for more than 20 years, I will ask you if you are angry, ha ha ha ha!

Even if my words are released completely, a movie can be eaten for a lifetime.

Passers-by you horse, lead war to death, I wish your home cooking paste through the heart of the earth as soon as possible. 】

After ling Sheng's incident, they had already calmed down for a long time, and gave a strong counterattack response to the blackspots' instigation.

[if there is no evidence, please don't talk nonsense. Open your dog's eyes and see clearly that he is the son of Shiyan, the richest man in the world. What's my word for! 】

[sisters, calm down, Lao Huo even admitted her daughter. If it is really a son, do you care to admit one more? This child appeared with Nangong film queen and me Lao Huo last time. The richest man in the world has already claimed it. He is the son of someone else. 】

[ha ha ha ha, I can ask sunspots to be individuals. Close your mouth and compare with each other all day long, and be careful that the evil will come out of your mouth. ][we all recognize the female geese, just a few geese, not to mention one, ten or 100, as long as I like them, I want to have as many as I want]

Huo CI is the national film emperor, with a good reputation and a large fan base, which is not the current flow of small fresh meat. Wife's powder only accounts for a small part of fans, including career fans, facial fans, film and TV series fans It's the biggest group.

Besides, he has no black material except the sudden appearance of a daughter. Even if there is a daughter, it is also the daughter of the film emperor and Nangong film queen. He is the best age. He has a normal love and has no relationship with the melon eaters. Even if he wants to blackmail him, he has nothing to do with it.

Eager sunspots, marketing numbers, can only take him to conceal the fact that he has children to black him, ridicule the small words, a show of speed.

Ling Sheng didn't know that her father and his son went on a hot search again. In the morning, she just finished half a month's training and had a rest today and tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, she will join the "brilliant" crew.

Junshiyan went to pick her up. After lunch, they were ready to go shopping. Next month, Grandpa's birthday was coming, so I bought him a gift.

"Third master." Ling Sheng picked up a suit of clothes and asked with a smile, "do you think it's very nice for your grandfather to wear this?"

Jun Shiyan took a look and nodded: "whatever you buy, grandfather will like it."

Grandfather dotes on her so much, what gift does not give. As long as she passes by and says happy birthday to his grandfather, grandfather will be happy and can't close his mouth. However, after that incident, no one in Huo's family has ever given him a good face. He really doesn't know what to give him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!