Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1003

It's also good to be a vase at home after marriage. She looks so beautiful, which is exactly the type he likes. However, he is a man, and his family has power and power. It is his right to cheat on a woman. As his future wife, if she dares to wear a green hat to him, he will not kill her!

Ling Sheng didn't expect that after the little white rabbit got angry, he scared the garbage on the opposite side who had been swearing since he was caught. He looked at him with a smile. The little white rabbit didn't get angry. He really thought she was a paper paste!

This Dongfang fan will have a bad time sooner or later. When song Yiyan wakes up, he will not be able to kill such a dandy.

And Ji Xing, if he knew that his daughter-in-law was so bullied, would he be let go?

Should she be a symbolic expression of silence for him!

When the Oriental dream came in, he saw that his younger brother was held by one left and one right, and his eyes suddenly became cold and heavy. He strode over and said, "don't let go!"

Ling Sheng saw her at the moment she came in and said with a smile, "Hello, aunt Dongfang."

Oriental Dream coldly inclined her one eye, this smelly wench, where have her matter son, ignore her, look at younger brother: "how to return a responsibility?"

When Dongfang fan saw her sister coming, he was immediately aggrieved. Without saying a word, he complained and pointed to Ling Sheng: "elder sister, this woman is a psychopath. She hit me. Look at my face, how can I go out to meet people?"

Ling Sheng chuckled and almost choked on the milk tea. You guessed it, but he was not just an informer. Turning around, he saw her family's fifth uncle also came in. He followed Dongfang Meng in front of and behind his feet. His eyes flashed with obvious cunning. He cried and chucked his mouth to shed tears. He learned from Dongfang fan: "Uncle Wu, he hit me!"

Dongfang fan didn't expect that she was so shameless. She was so angry that she held her fist and had a black face. Damned woman, she was making fun of him and laughing at him!

Ling Sheng is deliberately laughing at him, what things, he will complain ah, others will not?

Lu and Bai are short protectors. Naturally, they have to face Lingsheng. Their eyes are very cold. When they look at Dongfang fan, they still smile: "young master Dongfang, bullying a girl is not a man's job."

Dongfang fan held a mouthful of blood in his throat, who bullied who? Who beat who? Female? Is she a woman? She is more ferocious than a man. When she hits people, she wants to kill people. There are few men who kill her like this!

Oriental Dream pulled Dongfang fan to come forward, pointing to the wound on his face: "Lu and Bai, you don't talk nonsense to my mother, you look at my brother's injury, who beat who in the end?"

Lu and Bai look at Lingsheng.

Ling Sheng immediately hugged his arm, whining and crying. He covered his chest in agony, and his voice was all low: "Uncle Wu, he is a scheming man. Others It's an internal injury

Finish saying that, also extremely painful low cough up, wish to cough out a mouthful of blood just good.

Oriental Dream gas chest a stuffy, hate to stare at her, have always known that this smelly girl is not a funny idea, rascal very, but also did not expect her so shameless, can say anything.

Internal injury?

How do you do this?

Her ability to talk nonsense is just the same as her father!

"Since your brother has been injured and my niece has been injured, as long as your brother sincerely apologizes, we will not investigate this matter." Lu and Bai are in a state of loss and concession. They are magnanimous.

Ling Sheng nodded a little head, and then a low cough, stuffy voice: "I listen to Uncle Wu, but Uncle Wu, the protagonist of this matter is Yan Yan Yan, we should always listen to Yan Yan how to say?"

Dongfang dreamt that she didn't know the whole story yet. It was Lu and Bai who called her and asked her to come over. After looking for someone to check, they found out that they had a fight. Their younger brother and Ling Sheng had a fight, and they were beaten on the ground. Their faces were swollen, blue and purple, and the corners of their lips were torn. It was obvious that she had poisoned her hand and bullied her brother.

Dongfang fan frowned and looked at Song Yiyan menacingly. If she dared to talk nonsense, she would see how he would deal with her later. However, he gave her eight guts, and she did not dare to say anything. This woman is a cowardly fool, and she has nothing to do with her own thoughts and personality.

Lu and Bai looked at Song Yiyan and said, "Miss Song, you are the party. What's going on? Tell me about it."

Ling Sheng sat down and sat next to song Yiyan. He clenched her hand, cheered her up and gave her strength. It was Dongfang fan, a dandy who bullied people. She helped people in order to save them.

Su Yi sat beside Lu and Bai, put the coffee in front of him and added two pieces of sugar.

Ling Sheng clearly saw that Su Yi reached out quietly and poked Xialu and Bai's hand and looked at him with pride and admiration.

Song Yiyan summoned up her courage, holding Lingsheng's hand and looking at the Oriental Dream.

She knew that Dongfang fan was arrogant and used to people, not to mention that there was no one he was afraid of in Beijing. People from Dongfang family also spoiled him and used to him. The only person he was afraid of was his sister Dongfang Meng: "I made an appointment with Liu screenwriter to get the script today. He rushed in and beat people up. He also said that I had Hongxing out of the wall and put a green cap on him.""Sister, she's talking nonsense. She's dating that man. I caught her and refused to admit it." Dongfang fan roared with anger and red eyes: "she's my fiancee. She's with a man. What's wrong with him? I haven't killed him yet

Song Yiyan was frightened by his ferocious face and tensed her body. She swallowed subconsciously, shrunk down, but her voice was very loud. She argued with reason: "I don't have it. I have a cooperative relationship with Liu's screenwriter. You are the man of honor with the heart of a villain."

"Which woman would admit to cheating?" Dongfang fan didn't expect that she would dare to say it. She was so bold. Who gave her the courage to knock her fist on the table, and her eyes suddenly opened, full of threats: "do you say it again?"

Lu and Bai frowned and looked at Song Yiyan: "don't be afraid. Your sister is here. She won't take sides with anyone. She will make decisions for you."

Since Song Yiyan and Dongfang fan are unmarried husband and wife, her name is Dongfang Meng. She still wants to get it.

Ling Sheng also gives song Yiyan strength and encouragement.

Song Yiyan calmed down. At that moment, she was scared. Her heart was still shaking with fear: "after he hit someone, he said he would clean me up, grab my hair and pull me out. Sister, if you don't believe me, you can find the store to monitor. I'm talking about the script with Liu screenwriter."

Said, red eyes on the cry, voice choked, tears drop by drop. , the fastest update of the webnovel!