Transmigrated into a Female-Oriented Card Game

CH 55

7-star magician! It was an adventure only for this growth.

Cadel didn\'t know if it was the satisfaction of finally achieving his goal or the effect of the Amplification Grass that was burning in his chest. A fierce flow of mana filled his veins. He closed his eyes tightly to feel the heat and leaned his head against the wooden post.

‘……It feels good.’

He felt a surge of energy filled his body. From head to toe, the throbbing pain of being beaten disappeared and was replaced by an almost electrifying sensation of pleasure. This was no joke.

As he burst into a small laugh, he heard Lydon\'s soft voice.

“Feeling good?”

A languid gaze moved beneath his slowly raised eyelids, and he nodded slowly as he turned to face Lydon, who was staring at him.

“I definitely feel stronger.”

“Haha! Good, good. That\'s the way it should be. Show off your qualities to be my guardian, Cadel.”

Lydon’s guardian. At the sound of that ominous combination of words, Cadel\'s barely uplifting mood quickly turned into a mystical experience.

‘To persuade the Fairy King on the condition that I become Lydon\'s guardian in the outside world.……. I have no idea where to start.’

* * *

“Elder Melphis retreats because he can\'t catch a single human……. What do you mean by this?”

“From what I\'ve heard, Lydon intervened and screwed things up again with his whims.”

“Lydon again……. How can an heir, who may inherit the throne at any moment, still have a…….”

“His mind is elsewhere, and he\'s not worthy of being king. How could such a wretch be entrusted with the fate of the forest?”

In the heart of the Forest of Enchantment, a great tower stood, woven of tree roots and vines, ice crystals, and stalks of fresh flowers.

The Tower of Enchantment, home to the Fairy King, Hyron.

Six elders and their warriors gathered in the garden in front of the tower and had a heated discussion with ‘Melphis’, ‘Lydon\'’, and ‘human’ mixed together. The one who broke the commotion was Melphis, who appeared while crossing the garden. When he appeared with a vicious expression with veins popped on his forehead, the garden was instantly covered with silence.

“Sounds like a fun conversation.”

“El, Elder Melphis…….”