Transcendent Noble

Chapter 898

In the cliff cave, Charlotte held the hilt of the sword and turned around gloomily. The whole person seemed very anxious, completely without the elegance and calmness of your female knight.

Wizard imosen has been moved near the cave. He was hurt. It seemed that he was still in a serious condition. Pastor Dane used magic on him and didn\'t get any better. According to Dane\'s explanation, imosen\'s situation belongs to the mental trauma caused by spell autophagy, and the general healing magic is not helpful to him. With Charlotte\'s consent, the priest of the Lord of glory performed a calming skill to let imosen repair his mental damage in deep sleep.

Imosen couldn\'t wake up, the alienated otter was unmanned, the long-distance sailing activities of the raft lost important guarantee, and Randall\'s expedition could only shrink in the cave.

In this dilemma, Charlotte, as the leader of Randall\'s expedition, should come forward to boost morale and stabilize the morale of the army. However, if Charlotte had an overall view, she would not have been swept out by the Buryat family. She was taught how to love a strong master and a perfect husband. The count of golden eye has far exceeded Charlotte\'s all fantasies about her master and husband. When she learned that the Emersons and daughters had failed and that Victor\'s life and death were uncertain, Charlotte became haunted. How can she comfort others?

Half a day ago, Lord Nelson decisively ran to help victor. If he hadn\'t been unable to keep up with the speed of the golden class fierce soldiers and was afraid of becoming a burden, Charlotte would have led the family members to chase him out.

Now Charlotte wanted Victor to be safe and Lord Nelson to bring him back. Of course, it doesn\'t matter if Nelson doesn\'t come back, as long as victor can come back.

In fact, most people think that Lord Nelson can\'t cope with the danger his highness Randall encounters. I\'m afraid he can\'t come back. Even Nelson himself explained that if Lord Victor didn\'t come back within three days, the Randall expedition didn\'t need to wait for anyone. The so-called "anyone" certainly includes the Lord himself.

Nelson\'s first day out is not over yet. His depression is like a lingering shadow over everyone in the cave. The most unbearable thing is that if his highness Randall falls into the hands of strong enemies, their insignificant roles can leave safely, but they will bear the sin of abandoning the LORD all their life and can only spend the next day and night in endless regret.

The young Brandon couldn\'t help it any more. He pulled out the purple light Zhan\'s fine gold sword and said in a loud voice, "I\'m going out to find the count. Who will go with me?"

Charlotte looked back and was just about to promise, but she heard Klaus respond first: "go, I\'ll stay here and wait."

Brandon was furious and shouted, "Klaus, what do you mean?! if the count needs help, you just sit? Have you forgotten the kindness of the master to us and the responsibility of being a family knight?!"

Klaus sat cross legged in the corner with his sword across his knee and said calmly: "The count is my Lord and my teacher. He adopted me and personally taught me how to lead me to the knight\'s road with a sword. I don\'t want to stop you from doing anything, but I know what I should do... Brandon, listen, the master knows our position, but we don\'t know our master\'s position. If the master needs us, we all run out, where What should I do? "

Rogers, the soul warrior, suddenly asked, "brother Klaus, how do you know your choice is right?"

Klaus shook his head and said bitterly: "I don\'t know who is right and who is wrong... So I believe in the master\'s decision and obey the master\'s orders. I hope Brandon is right, but... In short, someone must stay here. It doesn\'t matter even if you think I\'m a coward, but I must explain that if the master comes back, he must leave immediately, and I won\'t wait for you."

The honor of the family retinue is better than life, but there is a coward before there is a warrior. The ghost faced swordsman Todd understands that Klaus actually wants someone to stand up for Brandon, and he is willing to bear the name of coward.

"Brandon, count me in." Todd stood up and smiled.

The ferocious soldier red wolf also came over and said with a bitter smile, "I\'ve always been timid and afraid of death. I\'ll be counted this time anyway."

The tall Rogers stood silently beside Brandon and showed his attitude with practical actions.

The blood Python Marcy has a forthright character not commensurate with her gorgeous appearance and a delicate female mind. She laughed and said, "I\'ll go too. But Mrs. Charlotte and the caster should stay so that no one will answer her when her master comes back."

Reverend Dane looked on coldly and saw that Charlotte, who should have given orders, was worried about gain and loss. She looked like she wanted to save her man and worried about missing victor. Dane couldn\'t help worrying secretly. He didn\'t object to Brandon\'s proposal, although his proposal was very stupid. However, the only three fierce soldiers in the team ran out, and no one here could warn According to common sense, the great Lord\'s expedition must have at least one fierce warrior with keen intuition. Their premonition of danger is even more valuable than the magic of fighting priests.

Dane coughed and said tactfully, "the lady should stay. Marcy, you stay with Mrs. Charlotte. Brandon and I go to see his highness Randall."

How can the only priest in the team run around? What if the count comes back and needs divine healing, and reverend Dane is not here?

After Dane\'s reminder, Brandon finally recovered his reason. He moved his lips, but he didn\'t know what to say.

Just when everyone was embarrassed, the red wolf with the sharpest perception suddenly shook his ears and exclaimed in a low voice, "someone has come down from the cliff... Three people!"

Charlotte immediately ran to the edge of the cave. As soon as she looked up, she saw Victor, Nelson and Caligula jumping down quickly on the steep cliff.

With a bang, the female Knight threw away her sword and covered her mouth with her hands. Her eyes were full of tears.

Victor fell lightly on the platform at the entrance, looked around the people, smiled and said, "I\'m back."

Charlotte rushed to her lover\'s arms in tears, but a man jumped on Victor first, cried loudly and shouted, "master, bell misses you so much."

Bertina is now a slim and beautiful young girl. She hangs on Victor and entangles him like an octopus without leaving any gaps. The most extreme thing is that Victor is only wearing a pair of breeches!

Charlotte\'s smooth cheeks suddenly bulged. She suddenly felt that bertina became annoying. She secretly bit her silver teeth and thought, "the goblin is intentional... How can she move faster than me? She must have used evil witchcraft."

Victor raised his hand, took bertina off and said seriously, "let\'s go. Let\'s go now."


The big river bay connects the water and the sky. It is boundless. It can be comparable to Borui River Bay and is the title of Shanghai lake.

Two log rafts more than ten meters long and more than four meters wide sailed on the river bend, looking extremely small. However, the seemingly crude log boats and rafts are very exquisite in material selection and workmanship. Although limited by conditions, the alchemy militia could not soak, dry, nail, oil and paint the wood. They chose a corrosion-resistant willow as the main material of the raft, bound it with more than 100 years old rattan, and fixed it with tenon and mortise structure to ensure that the original raft can resist the wind, waves and erosion of Jinshui River and can sail continuously for at least five months.

Although it is a windy season, the boats and rafts are sailing against the wind and waves, there are alchemical dragon lizards dragging at the bow of the boat, alchemical militia rowing and rowing in turn, and alienated otters biting the probe bar of the raft with their mouths to help push. The two boats and rafts, one before and one after, draw four white lines on the river, which is as fast as a galloping horse.

"At this speed, the ant fleet should not catch up with us." Reverend Dane took back his eyes from the vast river and said with a smile: "I guess the ant craftsmen can\'t make ships now. Even if they can make ships, they won\'t go far. They may fall apart after floating on the water for two days."

Victor sat on the shelf of the raft with deep eyes. He didn\'t seem to hear what the priest said. After a while, he asked, "Dane, if you can go back, do you think about your future destiny?"

His highness Randall\'s tone is plain and bleak like autumn. The Reverend Dane, who had been pretending to be relaxed, felt a chill in his heart. He trembled, remained silent for a moment, and muttered, "I didn\'t think about it, and I didn\'t dare to think about it."

Talking to smart people is easy Victor smiled, looked back at Dane and continued: "During this expedition, the Randall family suffered heavy losses. There were only 20 of the nearly 300 soul soldiers left. Almost all the war animals were destroyed, and even my four Dragon maids fell. Of course, our harvest was not small. There were more than 600 high-value purple amber, countless green amber, and many rare plant seeds. You should count these treasures. If you can find a suitable canal If Tao gets rid of it, he will earn at least 100000 kinsol. "

"However, compared with the boltanos secret method, the three-level blood source secret method and the principle of combat breathing method I taught you, a mere 100000 jinsol is nothing at all. What\'s more..."

Victor paused a little, his eyes floated to the raft in front and sighed, "bertina has captured the spirit of the realm of all souls, although we don\'t know what it means to the glorious church. However, your credit is so great that the Privy Council needs the inquisition to weave charges for you, otherwise they won\'t be able to reward you."

Dane quietly held the holy crystal hidden in his pocket as if he could get invisible support from it. He asked in a deep voice, "Your Highness, can\'t you go back?"

Victor did not answer, but said: "If I can go back, Pope Clement and I will make efforts inside and outside, and naturally you can get your position. If I don\'t go back, you will be the first person Sylvia will kill. If you meet a priest in the oak prairie, she will kill two people, and if you meet ten, she will kill eleven. Sylvia will not open his net unless he is a powerful figure of bishop Perot\'s level One side, but Perot can\'t keep you. I doubt he will even plead for you. "

"Don\'t blame Sylvia for being cold-blooded. This is actually the common wish of the southern lords... When the northern lords opened up the northern wilderness, their tenant system was not mature and they didn\'t have time to build mercenaries as auxiliary troops. Therefore, many large mercenaries were formed with the tacit consent of the Sassanian Empire and the Neville kingdom. These free people\'s armed forces must be infiltrated and controlled by the church , the northern lords could not intervene at all. Fortunately, they relied on the support of the church and turned a blind eye to the choice of the free people\'s armed forces controlled by the church. "

"Our southern lords are different. We would rather slow down the development process a little and wait for the mercenary corps to take shape, rather than the church to install a large number of free people\'s armed forces in the southern development."

"The secret method of blood source created by the wizard of kite castle and I is an important means to unite the mercenary Corps. I taught you the secret method of three levels of blood source, but I didn\'t come up with the corresponding medicine formula. However, with the talents and heritage of Guanghui church, we can restore or even improve the secret method of blood source and the medicine formula. But it takes time, calculated by year... This period of time is enough for us to improve the mercenaries The regiment system prevents mercenaries from being disintegrated from the inside. However, the training threshold of combat breathing method is very low, and it can quickly improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers... I can think that the guy turnans will use the principle of combat breathing method to create combat breathing methods of different levels and directions, and then teach them to free civilian mercenaries. Those large mercenary regiments have been close since then Unite around the church and can\'t drive away. "

Victor smiled and asked, "do you think we Southern Lords would like to see the church guide the free people\'s armed forces to the south?"

Dane smiled bitterly and said, "I swear to the Supreme Lord that the principle of combat breathing will not be spread outside in ten years. I\'m afraid your highness will not believe me?"

"Come on, how can you take such an oath?" Victor held Dane\'s shoulder and laughed. After a while, he put away his smile and said, "Dane, you are a golden order caster now. I can give you a safe advice."

With that, Victor raised his arm. Charlotte immediately brought a deer skin pocket, took out the Hydra pearl from it and handed it to victor.

"This is the jewel entrusted to me by the Hydra in the lizard swamp. I have an agreement with him. Now, this Hydra jewel is in your custody. If you meet Sylvia, show her this jewel. I promise that she will not kill you, but also help you deal with the censure of the inquisition."

"... don\'t you understand? Then go to the boat ahead and think about it slowly. By the way, call Nelson for me." Victor smilingly stuffed the Hydra pearl and the deer skin pocket into the priest and winked at Charlotte.

The senior female Knight of the bronze stage showed a narrow smile, took Dane\'s belt and threw him out in spite of his opposition.

On another raft, Caligula smiled and caught the priest flying in the air. The big fool takes catching and throwing people as a game. Dane could only admit that he was unlucky. He didn\'t light the fire of his heart and couldn\'t walk on the water. He had to accept the "kind pick-up" of his companions.

Nelson had been waiting for a long time. When Reverend Dane flew back, he jumped out of the side of the boat, gently touched the tug behind the raft and jumped onto Victor\'s raft.

"Your Excellency, you summoned me?" Nelson whispered.

Victor nodded, asked his number one confidant to sit down and said calmly, "there are some things I must explain to you."

Nelson\'s eyes burst with a blue vein and said calmly, "Sir, if you think that monster will catch up, I will fight with it. Unless it steps on my body, I will never let it hurt adults!"

Victor shook his head and said with a smile, "you are delusional... Lady spider, as an ancient demon God, is beyond my imagination. Meiwen, Dili, Frey and bertina\'s legendary guardian spirit all died in his hands, not to mention you, a fierce warrior of the golden order?"

Nelson hesitated for a moment and finally said, "Sir, if my death can awaken your fighting spirit, it\'s worth it!"

"Fighting spirit... Well, my fighting spirit is still there, but you can\'t understand it." Victor touched his chin and asked, "Nelson, we just met. Nicole had a life and death trial with an old ogre. I took you to rescue her. What did you think?"

Nelson was stunned for a long time before he replied sheepishly, "Sir, I was so scared... I had no problem dealing with the fierce jackals before. If I were an ogre, I\'m afraid there\'s no chance of winning."

Victor nodded, sighed and said with emotion: "How time flies! What happened more than ten years ago just happened yesterday... You couldn\'t cope with an old ogre. Later, you killed an ogre barbarian in the sassanne Empire and easily won the title of Ogre butcher. You also killed half dragons, undead creatures, black blood demons of the golden order, and even spider maidens. Do you find it? Follow the facts With the increase of strength, the enemies you encounter are becoming stronger and stronger... This truth is actually the same to me. "

"There is a joke like proverb in the aristocracy circle, \'aristocrats and aristocrats drink afternoon tea in the garden, beggars and beggars fight in the mud pit\'.... we can never fight with beggars in the mud pit, because we can kill them with one look, just like the Sassanian Knight killed by you. His family just sends out a reward and forces the War Bear mercenaries to leave There is no way. But today, the Golden Knight of the Sassanian Empire wants the bear of the north to talk well. "

Nelson lowered his head in frustration and said, "I see. To Ms. spider, I\'m like a beggar in a mud pit."

Victor patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said, "it\'s not worth your shame. It\'s just that in the face of the demon monarch who mastered the root law, armed confrontation has lost its meaning."

As soon as Nelson\'s eyes lit up, he suddenly had spirit and asked, "rely on the extraordinary wisdom of adults?"

Wisdom, in front of spiders, Victor used to make complaints about her. She shook her head silently and said, "my strength has been raised too fast, and my opponent has been strong enough to make people desperate. But I once had the chance to escape this desperate situation, but I gave up. I did not do this to save aka, and there was another reason why I decided not to escape and to make a decision."

After a long silence, he continued, "I\'m worried that if I use the power of the Lord of glory to expel Ms. spider this time, I\'m afraid the enemy I\'ll face in the future is... Sylvia, there\'s really no way to live."

"How is this possible?!" Nelson roared uncontrollably.

Victor said calmly: "I have seen a perfect divine knight, who can be regarded as the embodiment of the will of the world. That special experience reminds me of Queen Veronica and sword Saint delavin... The church once spread rumors that Veronica killed her husband when she fell. In fact, delavin returned to the elf family and ascended the throne of the elf emperor as a sun elf. This move of delavin must be in line with Veronica\'s mind. To be exact, it complies with the requirements of the divine knight, otherwise delavin will really be killed by his wife. "

"The divinity of the sun elf is unique and eternal. I occupy the position of the sun elf and suppress the divinity of the sun elf, which itself violates the laws of the world. Therefore, this road is a dead end. The further I go forward, the more terrible the obstacles I encounter. I would rather end with the incarnation of spider lady now than kill each other with my lover in the future."

Victor smiled and said lazily: "In fact, you don\'t have to worry too much. I guess the next situation is nothing more than these... Either, Ms. spider failed to catch up with us, his avatar collapsed, and we returned to the human horse hills smoothly; or, he caught up with us and killed us all. But I think the most likely thing is that I will leave you and go to Ailanta of the elf Empire to guard the sun tree."