Transcendent Noble

Chapter 42

A camp was built in a depression in the east of Victor\'s collar.

The camp was built along the mountain. Only a row of high fences were built at the narrow depression to cover the situation in the camp.

Surprisingly, although the fence of the camp is more than ten meters high, the material used to build the fence is crisp red fir. The fence made of this material can not even resist the impact of ordinary jackals, and there is no ditch on the ground in front of the fence

This strange camp has many arrow towers, but most of them are built on steep ridges. Because they are built too high, they have little defense effect on the camp and can only be used as simple watchtowers.

Even the most ignorant farmer knows that living in such a camp is just joking about his life.

But this humble camp is a forbidden area for free people, and now it has become a forbidden area for Victor\'s people.

In the camp, a handsome and elegant young man was carefully wiping a silver long sword with a snow-white spider silk scarf. He looked focused and moved gently. It seemed that it was not a long sword, but his sweetheart.

Just as the young man was concentrating on maintaining his long sword, a tall and burly figure came from behind him.

This is a strong man with a full face and beard. His explosive muscles seem to break his leather armor. In his hand, he also carries a wide sword with amazing size. The sharp blade is purple. It is actually a precious gold weapon.

"Bernard, how was the harvest in the mine today?" The young man who sat on the stone wiping his sword didn\'t turn back and asked the strong man who came over.

"Good day, Miss Dwight." The strong man like a giant bear respectfully gave the young man a standard knightly salute.

"Most of the silver mines dug out today are accompanied by very few \'white stones\'. It is estimated that it will take two days before we can gather a cart and transport it back to adults\' territory." As he spoke, Bernard, the strong man, looked with envy at Dwight\'s long silver sword.

Although the long sword looked ordinary, Bernard knew that once DeWitt worked, the long sword would show its amazing power and noble appearance.

Because this is a Mithril sword, and Dwight is a great Knight of the silver class.

"Bernard, you\'re too anxious. I warned you long ago to polish the fighting spirit to be mellow and break through again, otherwise you won\'t be like this. None of the three wind elements resonate!" Dwight noticed Bernard\'s eager eyes, shook his head and said with some pity.

His voice is like a mature middle-aged man. It is low and magnetic, which is somewhat incompatible with his young face.

This is not surprising. Once Knights enter the silver level, it means that they can communicate the four elements in the void. These elements are linked with their bodies, circulating and endless. This is a qualitative change in the essence of life. Therefore, knights who break through the silver level will return to their peak physical appearance.

Although these extraordinary Knights get rid of the problem of aging and live far longer than ordinary people, their soul characteristics will not change. Their soul fire will still be extinguished one day. This is the characteristic of fire element. It is hot and short.

"Teacher, I\'m not afraid to miss this opportunity." Bernard scratched his head awkwardly. As Dwight\'s former attendant knight, even though he had been promoted to bronze knight, he was still in great awe of his teacher.

In the human world, the relationship between Knight attendants and knights is very close, comparable to father and son, which has a great relationship with the aristocratic eldest son inheritance system in the human world.

In aristocratic families, the eldest son inherits everything, and what about those aristocratic children who have no right of inheritance?

Generally speaking, the family will try to accommodate and support these offspring and let them work for the family. It takes at least 3000 mu of land and a manor to support a knight, so many families can\'t afford it. After all, the family\'s land is limited, and these lands have long been enfeoffed. These noble children who awakened the knight\'s blood will be sent by the family to other great nobles and become trainee Knights of great nobles.

These great nobles will assign these new trainee knights to the official Knights of the family and become the squire of the knight. These Knights will bear the responsibility of training and educating these young squires, and this relationship will continue until the trainee knights are officially promoted to bronze knights. Therefore, the knight and his retinue Knight are both superior and subordinate, as well as teachers and fathers.

There are also a very small number of noble children who advocate freedom and are rebellious. They often choose to leave their family and become traveling knights. These people can keep the family name of their blood family and have the right to explore territory. Therefore, it is also called the pioneering knight.

Once they open up new territory, they can start their own family. For example, the Gambis royal family, the founder of the Augustus family, was a pioneering Knight of the RAND empire a thousand years ago.

The road of opening up the wilderness is rugged and dangerous. In fact, most traveling Knights have failed. After all, human beings are not a strong race. In the end, these wandering Knights will join other families in order to survive. Of course, a few Knights became mercenaries and even became bandits. These fallen knights are called wild knights.

Bernard and Dwight are certainly not wild knights. They are the official Knights of Victor\'s East neighbor and the great noble count chebman\'s family.

The chebman family is the leading military aristocrat in the kingdom. They have more than 1000 elite soldiers, more than ten bronze knights and three silver knights.

Timok, the head of the chebman family Count chebman was greedy and stingy. When the Kingdom sold its people and horses, he was unwilling to spend a lot of money to buy territory.

When the York family cleaned up the territory, he quietly sent someone to investigate the situation in the territory. As a result, a silver mine with amazing reserves was found near the edge of his territory.

So count chebman asked Bernard to take people to secretly mine as free people. As a result, in the process of mining, they found that the silver mine was actually accompanied by a secret silver mine.

Chebman was crazy. He first wanted to buy this territory from the York family, but he was afraid to arouse the suspicion of the York family. Before he came up with a good way, this territory was replaced by Victor.

Hearing the news, chebman laughed three times and ordered to continue digging until it was all dug up.

Although the chebman family is a neutral family, he knows everything about victor. An abandoned son who has lost the protection of the family bullies him. The only thing to be careful about is not to attract the attention of the York family. For the sake of insurance, he still sent the great Knight Dwight to take charge.

"It\'s foolish to increase the difficulty of promotion for the sake of secret silver equipment! Do you want to take the road of life and death trial!" Dwight said angrily to Bernard.

He knew Bernard\'s mind. The discovery of the secret silver mine broke the head of the chebman family knights. Therefore, the count of chebman decided to distribute the secret silver share according to the ranking order of the family knights.

Of course, the three great Knights of the family should give priority to supply, but Bernard resonated with the three ground elements and two water elements in the middle layer in advance in order to improve his ranking. This irrational promotion will cause great obstacles to the later cultivation.

"Teacher, I know I\'m wrong. I\'m just afraid the \'white stone\' behind is not enough." Bernard lowered his head and muttered. The teacher\'s anger made him ashamed and uneasy.

Dwight was funny and angry when he saw Bernard trembling in front of him.

Bernard became his squire Knight when he was 15 years old. He taught him to use all kinds of weapons, taught him how to polish his fighting spirit, and led him to attack. He witnessed Bernard grow from a green boy to a powerful knight. Now the knight is as nervous as when he was young in the face of his criticism. Dwight believed that Bernard would be his disciple and child no matter where he grew up in the future.

Dwight\'s eyes softened when he thought of this. He said to Bernard, "you don\'t need to worry about the secret silver equipment now. That\'s what the family needs to consider. Remember, those who run fast don\'t necessarily succeed. Only those who laugh last are the winners."

"By the way, did he send someone to trouble after driving away the little Lord\'s guard last time?" Dwight then asked.

"No, the last lesson made the little Lord feel much at ease, and no one was allowed to show around with that ridiculous ogre\'s head." Bernard said disdainfully.

"Oh?! how do you know so well?" Dwight asked his disciples curiously. For the sake of confidentiality, the camp has not communicated with the outside world.

"When I first came here to mine, in order to collect information in this territory, I asked my men to pretend to be free people and set up another camp nearby. All the information was transmitted by them." Bernard explained that although he was a rough man, he was not a brainless man.

"Well done!"

"Teacher, this weak little Baron has no consciousness of exploiting the Lord. He actually wants to absorb those humble free people. Therefore, he also prevents Bruce from cleaning the territory. His camp is like a sieve. It is full of loopholes! Our people have joined his camp, and now he can\'t hide his every move from us." Bernard was quite proud of the teacher\'s praise.

"The flowers in a greenhouse will not understand that only iron and blood can establish the order of the pioneering leader. Once the support of the York family is lost, I can foresee that this small leader will die in the hands of these free people." Dwight sighed.

"Yes, the little Baron didn\'t want to win over the knights, but he did something about the work point system and breeding. By the way, he forced the people to take a bath! It\'s full of useless gadgets!"

When he heard that Victor was so absurd and incompetent, DeWitt also laughed and shook his head. He said to Bernard, "this stupid little Lord is very beneficial to us. Leave more snacks. Don\'t let him be killed by the free people. Maybe we can completely control this territory in the future."

"You\'ve done well this time! When Bruce of the York family leaves here, I\'ll go back to see the count. I\'m sure your Excellency will be very happy if you can control this territory." Dwight patted Bernard on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Teacher, you can go back now. I can handle a Bruce!" Bernard clapped his chest excitedly. Although count chebman was stingy, he was never stingy with the knights who made contributions to the family.

"It is said that Bruce is only one step away from the silver stage. You are not his opponent now."

Dwight looked at the disciple with an unconvinced look on his face and warned him, "don\'t make trouble. Even I don\'t want to meet Bruce."

"Teacher, you are a Silver Knight! How can you be afraid of Bruce? Besides, are there fewer knights who die in the wilderness?" The teacher\'s words surprised Bernard.

"What do you know? Bruce is a family Knight valued by Mrs. rose. She thinks he can become the sixth Silver Knight of the York family. It\'s not difficult for me to kill Bruce, but the York family will investigate carefully. I\'m afraid it won\'t be here at that time." Dwight\'s dignified tone made Bernard shrink his neck.

At this time, two strong men, pushing a car full of debris, came out of the kitchen. They had just finished cooking two wild boars and were about to pull the debris out of the camp and dump them.

The smell made Bernard and Dwight frown. However, a few big black crows flew down from the treetops and shouted, "quack", as if they couldn\'t wait to enjoy these free meals.

"You lazy bones! How many times have I told you? I want to bury the garbage away! Look how many such smelly birds have attracted these days!" Bernard scolded loudly, and he vented his anger at his subordinates.

Hearing the knight\'s angry scolding, the two poor vent quickly chased away the uninvited diners.

Perhaps knowing that there was no chance to taste delicious food today, the driven crow circled in the air for several times, "quack" and "quack", and flew straight to the West.

Victor is playing a jigsaw puzzle at the moment.

Although the alchemical crows are smart, they can\'t understand the complex human language after all, so the sentences they vividly imitate are chaotic.

Victor had to record these words sentence by sentence on the slate with a charcoal pen, and then connect them logically.

After several days of hard work, now he knows everything he should know.

In the camp in the east of the territory, two powerful knights are secretly mining silver mines and secret silver mines. They are probably Knights of the chebman family in the East. Moreover, they have infiltrated into their camp and now have ideas about their territory.

Victor gently pressed the center of his swollen eyebrows. A guard loudly reported outside the door, "Sir, Captain Nelson is back."

Nelson was sent by Victor to Baron eskry to exchange some materials and verify some things.

In Victor\'s named office, Nelson met his Lord.

"Nelson, how\'s it going?" Victor asked with a smile as he sat Nelson across from his desk.

"My Lord, Baron Esquire is full of praise for our purple cane wine. I have changed enough salt, a part of tung oil and a small amount of flour." Nelson beamed and said that he was very excited that purple cane wine was welcomed by his neighbors.

At the beginning, Victor limited the collar people to cut down the purple sugarcane forest, which puzzled many people. But after the successful brewing of purple sugarcane wine, its unique sweet taste intoxicated everyone. Master Edwin even said it was a top wine.

Nelson was encouraged by the scholar\'s words. He seemed to have seen countless kinsol wave to him again, so he began to strictly implement Victor\'s ban and never allow anyone to destroy the money path of the territory.

"Good! What\'s the other thing you want to inquire about?" Victor asked in a low voice.

"My Lord, Lord escley said that Bernard was the new Knight of the chebman family, and Dwight was the Silver Knight of the chebman family. He wondered why I asked about these two people and was prevaricated by me for a reason." Nelson replied heavily.

Victor sighed softly, and now the information gathered by the alchemical crow has been verified.

"My Lord, I don\'t understand why a noble Silver Knight came to steal the silver mine?" Nelson was puzzled. He didn\'t know that there was a secret silver mine in the silver mine.

"Oh, do you know how stingy and greedy the chebman family is?" Said Victor with a smile.

The secret silver mine is too sensitive. The fewer people you know, the better. So Victor doesn\'t intend to tell Nelson the truth.

"When count chebman was young, he once followed the old count to see the king and fell in the royal garden. He quietly dug two pieces of turf on the lawn and hid them in his pocket and took them home. Later, he handed the turf to the family gardener. It is said that the lawn of their garden was cultivated in this way. When old count chebman knew it, he was very happy and often used it It taught the other descendants of the chebman family. "

Nelson was stunned by the allusion. He began to think that it was natural for chebman to send a silver knight to steal the silver mine.

"Well, from now on, let our people stop going to the land in the East." Victor drew a line on the parchment map.

Although he felt oppressed, Nelson nodded helplessly.

That\'s a great Knight of the silver class, and it\'s very shameless!

"Also, from now on, don\'t recruit guards among the new neighbors. Without my permission, people can\'t come to the upper camp at will. I can\'t trust them." Said Victor coldly, never let those spies find out his secret.

"Yes, my Lord." Nelson replied solemnly that he knew that his Lord was making some new things, such as sugar, and he was looking forward to it.

"In two days, master Edwin, they are expected to come back. At that time, you choose some guards to escort them back to Heibao, and bring some purple cane wine to old John for sale." Victor hesitated and said to Nelson.

On the one hand, he needs to support smart War Bear members, so as to facilitate his human creation plan. On the other hand, these bachelors really need to relax.

Nelson nodded hurriedly. He did miss those disabled old League members, and his men had complained to him more than once that life here was too monotonous.

"What about your safety, my lord?" Nelson was happy and asked with some worry.

"Don\'t you understand my strength?" Victor smiled and shook his head.

Nelson was stunned. Although the LORD looked weak, he was a strong man who could deal with the old ogre. The Bruce Knight even thought that once Victor took the military heavy crossbow, he could pose a fatal threat to the bronze knight.

"Also, tell those who can\'t go back to Heibao town together this time. I will often arrange personnel to sell goods in Heibao town. There will be opportunities in the future. Go."

Victor signaled that Nelson could go, but found Nelson standing there, waiting for Ai Ai and wanting to talk.

"My Lord, this... You see, this time, will you prepare 100, oh, no, 50 kinsol for me, because there are a lot of people this time..." Under Victor\'s gaze, Nelson finally blurted out his little request.

Taking the money bag given by Victor, Nelson went away in embarrassment in the eyes of his Lord.

Nelson left the room. Victor leaned back in his chair and sighed heavily. Nelson is a rare general, but he has no talent for advice.

There are rebellious free people in the territory, there are big aristocratic neighbors with bad intentions, and their own neighbors are also mixed with good and bad, with many hidden dangers.

Victor thought for a long time about how to solve these problems, and there was no good way.

"A mess!" Victor patted his fist and couldn\'t help complaining.

After thinking quietly for a while, Victor shook his head and laughed.

It was not that he thought of any solution, but that he suddenly found that there was no need to worry about these problems, because time was on his side.

Alchemy creatures, blood ability, powerful body refining, and those knowledge and skills beyond this era will become stronger and stronger over time, and all problems will become non problems.

Those of you who use the leaves to wipe your hips, I will let you know that even I am a fatuous little lords, you can not look up to it. "Woodlouse"

Victor thought of this and couldn\'t help touching his ass.

Infernal Affairs is a useful skill!