Transcendent Noble

Chapter 40

Jinshui River flows slowly from west to East. It has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

No one knows where the source of Jinshui River is, but no one will deny that Jinshui River is the largest river in the human world. It flows eastward from the endless forest, goes through tens of thousands of kilometers, and finally flows into the ocean.

The Jinshui River divides the mainland into two, the north is a civilized place for human reproduction, and the south is a barren wilderness where barbarians and orcs dance together. The river several kilometers wide has become a natural barrier against barbarians and orcs.

Victor stood on the high slope and looked down at the Jinshui River eight kilometers wide. He couldn\'t help being overwhelmed by its majestic momentum.

"Spectacular! Unfortunately, there is no sun today, otherwise you will know why it is called Jinshui River." Edwin couldn\'t help laughing when he saw Victor\'s dizzy appearance.

"Yes. It\'s the first time I\'ve seen this river. I heard that in the morning and evening, under the sun, the river glitters and is spectacular." Exclaimed victor.

"Well, you will have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the scenery of Jinshui River in the future." Edwin nodded.

Victor\'s territory is adjacent to the Jinshui River. He can build a holiday manor here and often look at the scenery here.

"Master, it\'s going to snow in this weather. Will you go to the Everglades another time?" A new wind blew and Victor tightened his tight cloak.

"It\'s because it\'s going to snow that it\'s the best time to enter the Everglades." Edwin shook his head and said to victor.

The snow road is difficult, but it will also freeze the ground of the Everglades. The most important thing is that most of the monsters in the Everglades hide in underground holes on snowy days, which makes their risk much less.

"However, Victor, the small stove and sledge you designed are very practical, which saves us a lot of trouble. Along the way, you keep thinking. I don\'t know how you can understand so many interesting things when you are young?" Edwin smiled at Victor. There seemed to be a deep meaning in his smile.

"I\'m just used to being comfortable. When I walk so far for the first time, I always want to make myself more comfortable before I figure out some gadgets." Faced with the temptation of the old scholar, Victor said indifferently.

The marching stove designed by Victor is a reduced and simplified version of the previous honeycomb coal stove on earth. Lighting charcoal and putting it in the tent will make the tent warm as spring. It can also burn some hot soup on it. It is very suitable for the swamp lacking dry firewood.

The sledge was designed because the carriage could not pass through the swamp and supplies needed to be carried by people. Therefore, Victor made two cars that could replace the rocker and wheels for the carpenters in the camp.

Of course, the car should be pulled by people. Anyway, Bruce\'s elite soldiers have enough strength. It\'s absolutely nothing to pull two cars.

After knowing that Edwin was going to visit the Everglades and Nicole would go with them, Victor carefully designed a marching stove and a small sledge for them.

In fact, he mainly loves his sister.

"That\'s... Fishman?!" Victor\'s sharp eyes captured the river bank thousands of meters away. Suddenly, several fish headed monsters climbed up and were wandering around there.

Edwin craned his neck and narrowed his eyes. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could only see a few small black spots running around the Bank of the river.

"It should be a fish man. Only these disgusting fools like to wander around the Jinshui River bank." Edwin shook his head. He was only envious of Victor\'s abnormal vision.

Fishman is a kind of aquatic orcs. They are short, like a mixture of fish and frogs. Their natural scales are tight and greasy, with good defense ability, and their wide mouth is also full of terrible sharp teeth. In fact, Fishman is a miscellaneous ORC. They occasionally eat the silt in the river to supplement the salt they need.

Fish people mainly live on the river bank and coast. They have a strong sense of territory. They are hostile to the land creatures invading their territory and will spare no effort to siege the land creatures. However, when they find that they are not the opponent of the invaders, they will flee back to the water. When more companions are gathered, fish people will continue to attack the creatures invading their territory, Until the intruder is killed or driven away.

Fish people are very stupid. Although they fear death, they simply can\'t remember the feeling of fear and pain. This characteristic makes their behavior very stubborn. Therefore, some white tower scholars believe that fish people can\'t be regarded as intelligent species at all. Even if they can use and simple tools, they also have a certain sociality.

"It\'s not surprising that there are fish people in your territory. These annoying little monsters are everywhere on the Bank of Jinshui River. As long as your people are not close to the Jinshui River bank, they will be fine. In fact, they are the Lords of the Jinshui River bank." Edwin patted Victor on the shoulder and said helplessly.

It is precisely because of the mindless and stubborn race of fish people in Jinshui River that human beings can not carry out fishing and shipping in Jinshui River.

Although there is nothing to do with the fish people in Jinshui River and sea, human beings will ruthlessly suppress and kill the fish people in other places, otherwise other waters will be occupied by these guys, because these guys are so capable of living!

Therefore, people always think that a dead fish man is a good fish man!

"Master Edwin, Victor, everyone is ready. Can we go now?" A crisp voice came from behind victor.

As soon as victor looked back, he saw that Nicole knight was standing there with a smile. Suddenly, his heart was hot. He walked forward, took the woman Knight\'s slender hand and said, "OK, let\'s go." As for Edwin, he had long forgotten.

Nicole blushed, but she didn\'t take out the jade hand held by Victor. Instead, she left side by side with victor. As for Edwin, she had long forgotten.

Edwin stared at the two people as if there were no one else. He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but finally turned into a wry smile, with both comfort and regret in his eyes.

Although Nicole was successfully promoted to knight, the outcome of her and Victor is still uncertain. As a knight of York family, she must return to Heibao at the end of this mission. Although Victor was a lord, he had a legitimate wife, and his wife was powerful and distinguished.

Therefore, this may be the last time they get along, which makes victor and Nicole less reserved and more enthusiastic than before.

People in love always want time to be slow, slow, and then slow. However, time is like the water of Jinshui River.

After a two-day trek, Victor and his party finally reached an entrance to the Everglades.

The Everglades is a mysterious area rarely touched by human beings, and human beings know little about it. The last recorded exploration was 1500 years ago. In order to track the remaining sins of the Pantheon, fahild, the legendary paladin of the shining church, led dozens of elite judges into the swamp. Finally, fahild came out of the swamp alive with a team of less than ten people.

Although the glorious church kept fahild\'s experience secret, rumors about the existence of lizard groups in the Everglades and the possible existence of super order Warcraft Hydra lizard spread in the human world.

Therefore, the Everglades is also called lizard swamp.

"Bruce, don\'t you really need me to arrange some people to enter the lizard swamp with you?" Victor asked the knight who was checking his equipment.

"It\'s really not necessary. Master Edwin can only explore the periphery of the swamp and collect some specimens, so the time will not be very long. Moreover, after we enter the lizard swamp, your strength will be weak, so you should be more careful during this period of time, victor." Bruce declined Victor\'s kindness.

Bruce\'s words flashed a haze in Victor\'s eyes.

Since killing gorash, Victor asked the guards to take the head of the old ogre to patrol the free people camp in the territory.

At the beginning, the effect was very good. When the leaders of the free people saw that the ogre\'s head was held high on the spear by the Lord\'s guard, they began to become frightened. They no longer dared to brazenly prevent their free people from taking refuge in victor. Even Bayer was a lot more honest. Old Dick even took the opportunity to win over a group of supporters.

More than 30 free people have joined Victor\'s camp these days. Victor is very happy about this. With the cover of free people, he will soon be able to create alchemy auxiliary soldiers and alchemy militia.

However, an unexpected thing happened.

Nelson\'s hammer was shot through his thigh outside the free camp in the east of the territory when he led the team to carry out the inspection mission.

This camp is another large-scale free people camp besides Pinghu village. There are about 200 people in it. According to the liberals who took refuge, these people never communicate with other liberals, and they will mercilessly kill any liberals close to their camp.

The members of those small free camps even thought that they were a group of ferocious bandits, but they had never heard of this group attacking other camps. They seemed to care only about their own territory. Therefore, the rumors of bandits gradually subsided in the territory, but all the free people were told never to get close to the camp in the East!

However, these people ignored the identity of the Lord\'s guard and the head of the ogre on the spear. More than 70 meters apart, an arrow pierced the thigh of the hammer.

Later, Victor and Nelson checked the long arrow. It was completely an arrow cut from iron fir. Therefore, if such an arrow is used to shoot the hammer, the warning is very obvious.

This arrogant warning made victor and Nelson very angry. After their anger, they were deeply confused about the incident.

The body of this arrow is very long. It can\'t be shot with weapons such as a crossbow. It should be a matching arrow of a long bow. However, this arrow, even the arrow, is cut from wood and its weight is relatively light. It is difficult for ordinary people to shoot 70 meters with it and maintain amazing accuracy. It can be seen that the man who shot the hammer is definitely a strong guy.

This free camp never communicates with other camps. How do they replenish materials?

Why did they kill strangers near their camp?

How does a camp that doesn\'t communicate with the outside world know the identity of the hammer Lord\'s escort? Otherwise, why don\'t they just shoot the hammer?

Why would they ignore the majesty and goodwill of the Lord and shoot the hammer?

In short, all the problems show that this so-called free private land is full of mysteries and strange things.

After discussion, Victor and Nelson decided to stand still for the time being without making it clear. Because the day of Edwin\'s visit to the Everglades is approaching, and Bruce has made it clear that he will no longer intervene in the problem of the free people of Victor territory.

Victor has no complaints about this. It is his decision as a lord to absorb free people. He must bear the consequences of this decision.

To this end, he quietly produced five alchemy crows to monitor and spy on the camp all day. Victor believes that after returning to the camp this time, this group of arrogant free people will no longer have secrets.

With the alchemy tower in hand, Victor was confident to deal with the problem without Bruce\'s help.

"Bruce, you\'re right, but I\'ll arrange some people to build a temporary camp here to provide logistical support for you. I hope you can leave a trainee Knight here with my people." Victor dispersed all the ideas in his mind and suggested to Bruce.

Bruce accepted Victor\'s advice.

Watching Edwin, Bruce and Nicole firmly step into the deep and unpredictable swamp, black feather hovers around Victor\'s head and flies to the team with a "quack", which will help Edwin explore this strange world.

Victor stretched out his slender palm, and a snowflake fell quietly on his palm.

It\'s snowing.

Feeling the coolness brought by the melting snow, Victor restrained his reluctance and melancholy and asked Nelson, "Nelson, do you know why master Edwin has to venture into the Everglades at such an old age?"

Nelson scratched his head, and he was puzzled.

Edwin\'s status is noble. He doesn\'t need to run around for life at all. Now he braves the wind and snow and enters the dangerous swamp to explore. What is the picture?

"Because it will not perish." Victor spoke softly, as if to himself.

Human beings in the last world, after millions of years, have climbed to the top of the earth with a weak body. During this period, countless powerful species disappeared, and the reason why humans can step on these powerful opponents is because humans have been moving forward and never stopped.

The human beings in this world still have many unknown fields and many powerful opponents, but the human beings here also have pioneers like Edwin and pioneers like Victor.

Victor got on his horse and said to the confused Nelson, "let\'s go home!"

Like Edwin, he has a lot to go.