Transcendent Noble

Chapter 34

Bayer patrolled the camp with a long sword. This is his territory.

Everyone he met in the camp would salute him respectfully, and Bayer would smile and nod to the people.

Several children were playing with each other while holding a newly captured ground lizard. When they saw Bayer from a distance, they immediately came in a swarm.

"Uncle Bayer, this is the prey we just caught in the way you taught us. Here you are." A leading child raised the ground lizard in his hand like a treasure.

"OK, I accept your sacrifice. In order to reward you for your successful promotion to hunter, I will reward you with this ground lizard. Now you can go to Aunt Marcy and ask her to bake it for you, and then we can have a good meal and have more strength. How about helping uncle Bayer Hunt bears when you grow up in the future?" Bayer said with a smile.

"Well, in the future, I must become a powerful soldier like Uncle Bayer!" The leading boy shouted.

"Work hard, and you will certainly become more powerful soldiers than uncle Bayer." Bayer smiled and touched the little boy\'s head.

When the other children saw this, they shouted one after another.

"I want it too."

"I want it too."

Unable to laugh or cry, Bayer had to touch them one by one.

At this time, a tall and strong man came over and saw Bayer laughing with the children. He quietly stood aside and stood upright.

After Bayer coaxed the bear children away, the man came forward and said to Bayer, "head, old Barton\'s camp was taken by the jackals."

"Old Barton? When did it happen?" Bayer asked suspiciously.

"What happened two nights ago, two survivors just came to join us. According to them, the jackals directly broke the fence of the camp. The people in the camp were unprepared and collapsed."

"Break the fence directly? The fence of old Patton camp is made of two layers of iron oak. Is there another ferocious jackal in this territory?" Hearing this, Bayer frowned.

Ferocious jackals are a trouble there. They can always quickly gather a group of men and then attack humans unscrupulously.

"The two survivors said that they had been digging a secret silver mine all day, slept heavily, and escaped with the crowd without seeing what was going on. They also brought a piece of ore. however, after reading it, the old liar glo said it was fake silver." The tall man held back his smile and explained to Bayer.

"Mark, it\'s not funny. They\'re all poor people, just like us." Bayer looked at some gloating men unhappily and said sternly.

"They deserve it! Boss, when you asked old Barton to bring people to join us, he refused. Now I understand that he thought he had found a secret silver mine and wanted to swallow it alone. As a result, he died and killed so many people." Mark said angrily.

Greed always makes people stupid. Bayer doesn\'t pay much attention to the tragic outcome of old Patton camp. What really bothers him is another thing.

"Have you got the result of what I asked you to send someone to Heibao town to inquire?" Bayer asked Mark.

"The man sent hasn\'t come back yet. Boss, what do you say if the York family comes to recruit us?" Mark said anxiously.

Mark knows what\'s bothering Bayer. Since they found that Viktor and his party began to build the camp, Bayer stopped absorbing other small free camps and sent people to Heibao town to find out which adult of the York family came to work here.

"The York family has strong strength. If we can recruit us, the big guys can\'t wait. They\'re afraid they\'ll drive us away or think we\'re bandits. I\'m afraid we\'ll end up like Patton camp." Bayer smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Boss, there are more than 400 people in our camp, and more than half of them can fight. As long as the York family is not stupid, they will certainly recruit us. I\'m just worried about how the York family will deal with us after they know about us in whitewater castle?" Looking around vaguely, mark whispered to Bayer.

Hearing that mark asked the question he was most worried about in his heart, Bayer kneaded his long sword expressionless.

This is a heroic long sword forged by the kingdom of Dodo with a hundred refining methods. The sharp blade of Sen Leng is suffused with purple and gold light. That is because the material for casting this long sword is mixed with some precious refined gold, which makes this long sword more solid, sharp and heavy.

Heroic long sword is a weapon made by dodo kingdom in recognition of outstanding warriors. Only those brave soldiers who killed more than ten enemies at one time in battle can obtain it. It is not only of extraordinary quality, but also symbolizes the glory of soldiers. Therefore, the kingdom of Dodo engraved the name and deeds of the sword recipient on the sword body.

Bayer\'s heroic long sword is engraved with this sentence: I would like to use this sword to commend soldier Berg\'s heroic feat of killing 14 enemies at one time in battle.

Berg is Bayer\'s real name. He was originally the Silver Knight Theo of the Dodo kingdom Vicomte West\'s vassal. In the battle of Whitewater castle, as the leader of vicomte Theo\'s Pro guard, Berg fought bloody battles, killed and killed dozens of Sassanian soldiers, and was awarded a heroic long sword by the Dodo kingdom.

However, the severity of the battle of Whitewater Castle exceeded the expectations of both sides. In the subsequent offensive and defensive war, as many as five silver Knights died, including Viscount Theo, the Lord served by Berg.

Viscount Theo was killed and his pro guards lost more than half. Only eleven people, including Berg, survived. While Berger and other surviving guards were recovering in whitewater castle, vicomte Theo\'s younger brother Wendell suddenly inherited the vicomte title and ordered Berger and others to be hanged on the charge of protecting the Lord.

Berger and others are family guards loyal to Viscount theo. Naturally, they are feared by Wendell, who seeks to seize the inheritance of his nephew. However, Wendell\'s despicable behavior has aroused the dissatisfaction of Dodo\'s military judge, so the military judge who once fought side by side with Viscount Theo created an opportunity for Berger and others to escape.

Although Berg and others escaped from Whitewater castle, they were still wanted by the Dodo kingdom for treason within the RAND empire.

Finally, Berg changed his name to Bayer. Only his heroic sword recorded his real name and deeds.

"The York family is a millennium rich family. They won\'t pay attention to Wendell\'s mean guy at all. As long as we show enough value, they won\'t mind protecting us. They\'re afraid that other ordinary nobles will inherit the territory, and most of them will hand us over to the Dodo kingdom." Bayer sighed and whispered to mark who had been following him.

Just when they were full of worry and speechless to each other, a warning banging sound suddenly sounded on the sentry tower. The whole camp suddenly exploded like a pot, shouting, whistling and crying.

Bayer and Mark looked at each other and saw the heaviness and horror in each other\'s eyes.

Victor rode on his horse and observed the camp about one square kilometer under the hill.

This is obviously a Mott Style Wooden Castle, with a 7-meter-high double-layer iron oak fence, in which there are more than ten 9-meter-high arrow towers.

This Mott is built on the open space on the lake bank. There is only the former stronghold and no main fort. There is a 5-meter-wide moat on the ground of mot qianzhai, which turns the whole Qianbao into an island connected with the lake.

Victor looked around and found that two trestles had been built on the side of the camp near the lake. Many canoes were tied on both sides of the bridge, and there was an island in the center of the rippling lake.

Obviously, the island in the middle of the lake has become the main fort of Mott. When the camp in front can not be guarded, these free people will escape to the island in the middle of the lake in canoes.

At this time, the camp, which had just been very noisy, had been completely silent. Behind the 7-meter-high wooden fence, there were faintly many figures shaking. Those free people had propped up the frame behind the fence and became a temporary shooting platform. Once the war broke out, these archers hidden behind the wooden fence would stand high and pour out deadly arrows to the enemy.

"The camp is reasonably designed and well-trained. The people who preside over the camp obviously have rich combat experience." Bruce told Victor that he was surprised by the military quality of the free people camp.

"My Lord, the layout of this camp and the hidden way of guards show a strong dodo style. It seems that the rumors about Nabel\'s participation in the Whitewater battle should be true." The heavily armed Nelson added to victor.

The War Bear mercenaries are hired by the kingdom of Dodo and fight with the northern Sassanians all year round. They are very familiar with both sassanne and dodo\'s fighting style.

"Nelson sent for a subpoena and asked the camp to send a representative to see me." Said Victor faintly.

Bayer and Mark looked mistily at the army opposite from the shooting platform. The team of hundreds of people played two noble heraldry flags, one was the wild boar flag of the York family, and the other was the Nightingale flag they didn\'t know.

"Boss, is it the York family or the army of other families?" Mark asked Bayer suspiciously.

"Just wait a minute." Bayer couldn\'t figure out the situation for a moment, but since he had come to the door, it would come out.

Sure enough, a cavalry on the other side ran to the camp and shouted, "on the order of Baron Wimbledon, the Lord here, the residents of the camp are required to send representatives to the Lord\'s account to receive your inquiry." After shouting three times, the cavalry turned his horse back to his camp.

The messenger\'s words made Bayer and Mark\'s mood fall to the bottom.

Although they did not know the Nightingale coat of arms of the Wimbledon family, they knew that the history of the family was older than the York family. However, this family has long declined in the long history. Now, they have transformed into a plate of scattered commercial aristocrats.

Bayer seemed to foresee the end of himself and others. He was tied up by the Baron Wimbledon and sent to the Viscount Wendell in exchange for various interests.

Bayer was very unwilling. Their eleven family guards hid their names and fled from dodo to the remote human horse hills. Along the way, they experienced the attacks of monsters and bandits, and suffered from injuries and hunger. After they established the free private land, there were only five of their 11 brothers who had fled together.

For this camp, Bayer paid countless efforts. He and his brother killed the brutal leader who enjoyed bullying other free people and replaced him as the new leader of the free people\'s group.

After becoming the leader of the free people, he led these free people to cut through thorns and thorns, camp, reclaim wasteland, fish and hunt, and maintain the livelihood of this group. Every time in the face of danger, Bayer always took the lead, fought in blood, and selflessly taught martial arts skills to other free people, so that these free people gradually have the ability to protect themselves and their families.

He is fair and friendly. Even if he follows his brother all the way and makes mistakes, he will be punished. Even the old, weak, orphaned and widowed will be taken care of. He establishes a new order for this group.

His ability and bravery, justice and kindness made him supported by the free people. Everyone in the camp supports and respects him. This feeling of being noticed by everyone makes Bayer extremely satisfied and slowly soothes his inner pain. He even forms a partner with three women in the camp.

In more than a year, the small camp with only dozens of people has gradually become a large free people camp with more than 400 people under his management.

At the beginning, Bayer really wanted to be recruited by a powerful Lord. Even if he was only an ordinary leader, he would live a life of displaced free people. But as the camp grew day by day, his heart was filled with a sense of achievement, honor and responsibility. These feelings made him full and happy. Now he just hopes that this life can continue. Because he likes the feeling of being loved.

"Take good care of my sword. I\'ll see the baron. You keep the camp. If I don\'t come back, I\'ll never open the camp door." Bayer handed the heroic sword to mark.

If the York family inherited the territory, Bayer might choose to give in due to the strength of the York family. But now the Wimbledon family is the master of the territory. The gap between reality and inner wildness made Bayer decide to win.

"Head, it\'s too dangerous! Let me go!" Mark was anxious to stop Bayer.

"Don\'t worry, if the camp is not broken, they won\'t kill me easily. I\'m measured." Bayer said confidently.

"If they attack the camp, you\'re welcome! Fight as you should! If you can\'t fight, retreat to the island." Before leaving, Bayer ordered with flashing eyes.

The man standing in front of Victor looked like a middle-aged man in his 40s who had suffered a lot, but he had coordinated muscles and flexible steps, but he looked like a young man. In the face of hundreds of guards, although the man with bare hands looked timid and his eyes turned disorderly, Victor clearly found that his eyes were frozen but not scattered. It seemed that his eyes were free, but he was actually observing the surrounding conditions quickly and secretly.

Victor\'s heart moved and directly entered the super sensory state, and a set of data immediately appeared in his field of vision.

Stamina 18, spirit 11, perception 11, life 15, this is a fierce warrior!

While Victor was observing Bayer, Bayer was secretly looking at the team in front of him.

The Baron with black hair, black eyes and handsome face is elegant but flabby. He doesn\'t look like a knight aristocrat.

The Baron has a soldier in armor on both sides. The one on the right hand, with two battle axes, sharp eyes and vigorous body, looks extraordinary. The armor is also engraved with the Nightingale heraldry of the Wimbledon family, which should be the escort of the Baron, but he is not a knight, because he does not have the unique pride of the knight master.

The other, although with empty hands, was dignified and confident. He was surrounded by three bodyguards with scales and armor. It was obvious that this was a powerful knight. But the knight and his armor are engraved with boar heraldry, which shows that they are the Knights of York family.

Bayer quickly judged the scene in front of him: the young Lord in front of him and the York family should be allies. However, the Lord, he must have no Knights! Because a Lord will not easily ask his allies to deal with the internal affairs of the territory, which will expose the weakness of the Lord! And this victor Lord Wimbledon is a weak Lord!

This judgment pleased Bayer and strengthened his self-reliance.

"What\'s your name?" Victor asked the man quietly.

"Lord, my name is Bayer. May the glory of the glorious Lord shine on you." Bayer lowered his head, hid the joy in his eyes, knelt humbly in front of Victor, and exposed his defenseless neck under the sword and axe.

Victor sneered at the little tricks in Bayer\'s words.

All lords do not like the glory church to dictate in their own territory, because the glory church will not let the Lords and nobles do whatever they want to do to the leaders and free people in their territory. For thousands of years, hundreds of Lords have been permanently imprisoned in the monastery of Guangming mountain by Guangming church on the charge of slaughtering free people until their old death.

"Bayer, I appreciate your courage, but now, you have planted, mined and hunted in my territory, encroaching on my wealth. But I am willing to uphold the benevolent virtue of the Lord and give you the status of leader. Now make a choice, accept my rule or leave my territory." Victor made his attitude clear to Bayer.

"Sir, thank you for your kindness. It is our honor to be your leader. We are willing to accept your rule." Bayer looked surprised and bowed his head lower.

"Well, close your camp, take your people to my camp, and I will resettle you." Said Victor with a smile.

"Your Excellency, you may not know that there are 423 people in our camp. Now we can only make a living. If we close the camp and move to the adult\'s camp, we will face the dilemma of food shortage and increase the burden of adults. Please keep this camp for the time being." Bayer begged bitterly.

Victor\'s request made Bayer complain secretly. Keeping the camp is his bottom line. He can\'t agree to such a request.

"Oh?! are you rejecting me?!" Victor had an aristocratic smile on his face, but his eyes were cold.

"Lord, we are willing to pay 80% of your sacrifice, provide you with labor, and accept the management of the village head appointed by you. Just keep our camp for the time being, so that we can get through the cold water season." Bayer kowtowed to victor and begged bitterly.

The Bruce Knight nearby said impatiently, "Victor, the free people refuse the Lord\'s order. They can be regarded as bandits. My people and I will clear the obstacles for you and make a ruling."

A wooden Mott can\'t stop a knight\'s attack, but Bruce is not willing to bear the crime of slaughtering free people. Before the action, he needs Victor to exercise the Lord\'s ruling power.

If Vic decides that Bayer is a bandit, Bruce will lead his men to break through the camp and kill the bandits until they completely lose their threat. If Victor decides that Bayer is a free man, he and his men will no longer participate in Victor\'s settlement of the free man problem,

Victor remembered that after interrogating the three free people, Edwin seriously suggested to him that if the free private land could not be recovered, it should be resolutely destroyed! They pose a greater threat to the territory than bandits! Because they have actually formed the relationship between protection and being protected, which can never be tolerated!

Bruce was deeply convinced of this.

Victor in the overrun state clearly saw the sweat on Bayer\'s back neck. Although his body was still lying on the ground, his muscles were tight. He would burst up like a beast at any time, or jump at Victor, or escape back to the camp at an amazing speed.

Victor\'s palms were full of sweat, not because he was afraid that Bayer would raid him. Even a fierce soldier could not hold a Lord with his bare hands under the gaze of a knight, not to mention that Victor was enough to kill unsuspecting Bayer in the state of apocalypse.

Victor was nervous because he had to make a decision on the life and death of hundreds of people.

bandits? Or free people? Kill? Or not?

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