Transcendent Noble

Chapter 3

In the water season, in the middle of the horse hills, the new territory of the Gambis Kingdom, stands a huge castle made of limestone and obsidian, which belongs to the Earl of the Kingdom, enbiser The fort of York. The Earl of York holds a high position as governor of the kingdom of sito. The castle naturally became the core fortress of the Kingdom\'s new territory. The fortress is made of solid limestone as the frame and obsidian with high hardness as the wall. It looks like a black monster as a whole. It is also called black fortress.

Inside the castle, a warm room like spring. Two well-dressed men were whispering.

"Victor, Lord Marquis was very worried after hearing about your experience. He specially sent me to Heibao to help you deal with relevant affairs." A middle-aged man looked at the distracted young man sitting in the chair and sighed secretly.

After all, the Baron in front of him was 18 years old. When he was just an adult, he was kicked by the marquis in the name of inheriting the territory from the king\'s capital to this wild new territory. Now he was plotted and nearly lost his life. Until now, he was still a little confused. When the middle-aged man thought of this, he couldn\'t help feeling pity, and his eyes became softer.

This young man, with dark hair and Black Pearl eyes, slightly pointed ears, obviously has the blood of the moon elf. He has a handsome face and slender figure. He is a rare beautiful young man. But at the moment, his face was pale, his eyes were dull, and he looked like he had just recovered from a serious illness. He was Victor, the feudal nobleman of the kingdom of Gambis Baron Wimbledon.

Now, the young Baron has a new soul in his body - Zhang Shuang.

In the process of soul fusion, Zhang Shuang sorted out the broken memory of the young baron.

Here is a new world composed of four elements: Earth, fire, wind, water, and its laws are very different from the original world. The four elements circulate and form seasonal changes. When the soil element is rich, it forms spring, the fire element forms summer, the wind element forms autumn, and the water element forms cold winter. According to the change of element strength, each season is divided into four months, 36 days a month.

The four elements blend and repel each other in this world, forming all kinds of materials and life. Human beings are not the only intelligent race in the world. In addition to human beings, there are many kinds of intelligent life, such as elves, goblins, orcs, barbarians and so on.

Due to the element characteristics of life, some individuals have extraordinary power, and the powerful individual power also makes the human society here still in the stage of aristocratic enfeoffment. And victor Wimbledon himself is a partition Baron of the Gambis kingdom in the human world.

In my memory, Victor was originally the son of a country aristocrat. At the age of 12, his father gave it to Sophia, a Marquess of the Wimbledon family Wimbledon upbringing education. At the age of 15, he became the new husband of the beautiful widow who raised him.

Sophia was originally the third wife of the old Marquis of Wimbledon, the finance minister of the kingdom. When she married the old Marquis, she was only 20 years old. Only three years later, the old Marquis died of illness.

Since the old Marquis had no direct descendants, other members of the Wimbledon family began to seek the legacy and title of the old Marquis.

In the midst of the uproar, Sophia took out the will of the old Marquis. The will states that the late finance minister of the Kingdom handed over all his property and titles to his widow Sophia for inheritance. The will was also notarized by a big man in the royal family.

Wealth and rank fell to others. How could the Wimbledon family members be willing to appeal to the noble Senate.

After several games, the Senate recognized the validity of the will, but asked the Marquis Sophia to choose a husband from the Wimbledon family within three years in accordance with the noble decree.

Sophia was originally a famous beauty in the royal capital. The noble children of the Wimbledon family began to pursue her madly, trying to win the favor of the beauty and finally get both money and people.

However, it was surprising that the Marquis Sophia chose the second son of a poor Baron in the Wimbledon family as her husband three years later.

The lucky one is Victor Wimbledon, who was only 12 years old at that time, was brought back by Sophia to the Marquis house, the royal capital, for careful training, and married Sophia three years later. Sophia also inherited the Marquis title as she wished and became a hot aristocrat in the kingdom.

Victor Wimbledon was young and handsome. He also awakened the blood of the moon elf and was deeply loved by Sophia. Three years after his marriage, the Marquis spent a lot of money to buy him the Baron title and hereditary territory.

The little Baron himself obeyed Sophia\'s orders and was extremely attached. He rushed from the royal capital to the new territory to take office according to the order of the marquis. However, he was attacked by bandits on the way, his brain was severely damaged and he was unconscious until he was replaced by Zhang Xiaoqiang.

In the process of integrating the little Baron\'s soul, Zhang Shuang read his memory from the perspective of a third person. He despised the little Baron\'s deep attachment to the Marquis Sophia, but he was also determined to survive in this strange world with this new identity.

From now on, I am victor Baron Wimbledon. Zhang Shuang thought secretly.

"Mr. Abel, it\'s very kind of you to come! In this incident, the guards I brought were killed by the bandits. 70000 kingsol was looted. But the worst thing is that the people I managed to gather up in the past two months also fled. If the bandits didn\'t want to exchange me for ransom, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t be spared." The little Baron said excitedly to Abel with red eyes.

Lord Abel, the right-hand assistant of marquis Sophia, is in charge of the bucks business group among the four business groups in Marquis house. Responsible for trade with the RAND Empire and the kingdom of El, and earned a lot of wealth for the Marquis house. Abel was a shrewd and steady man who won the trust of the Marquis Sophia.

Victor entered the Marquis house at the age of 12. It was Lord Abel who taught him about business and geography, so Victor called Lord Abel a teacher according to his previous memory.

Lord Abel pondered for a moment and said; "Victor, I came here after receiving a letter from the marquis in Hongye town. I don\'t know much about your experience. I hope you can describe it in detail."

Victor began to describe it to the LORD according to the memory sorted out in his mind.

Originally, the kingdom of Gambis began to open up new territory to the man horse hills in the east of the Kingdom five years ago. As the Kingdom lost the war against the RAND Empire and lost a large area of territory, even his Majesty King Ryan died in the knight duel with his majesty Neo West, the emperor of the RAND empire. The kingdom was suddenly shaken.

Although the war has ended, in order to deter other restless neighbors, the Kingdom has increased its military investment, which has increased its financial burden. Driven by the new wealth minister, the Gambis royal family began to sell the territory and titles of Renma hill to the aristocratic giants of the kingdom.

The Marquis Sophia invested 500000 kinsol to buy a baron collar and a hereditary Baron title in the name of victor.

The young Baron Victor, excitedly holding the document signed by the Senate, came to Renma hill, submitted the document to the governor\'s office and was ready to take over the new territory. However, just when Victor arrived at the new territory with his escort and recruited people, they were attacked by the bandit group. These bandits showed amazing strength, and a barbarian among the bandits even had the fighting power of no less than a knight. Victor\'s bodyguard fought hard and was not an opponent. Finally, he was slaughtered, the recruited people were dispersed by the bandits, and Victor himself was captured by the bandits.

A month later, during the transfer of the captured Baron, the thieves met the cavalry team led by Sir Bruce, the knight sent by Heibao to search for them. After a fierce battle, the bandit group was defeated, only a few powerful bandits fled, and the rest were killed or captured. In the scuffle, Baron Victor unfortunately hurt his head and remained unconscious. It was not until Lord Abel\'s arrival that he just woke up.

"Victor, it\'s not as simple as you met the thieves." Abel gently stroked the white crystal ring on the middle finger of his right hand. People familiar with him knew that it was a small movement of Lord Abel\'s thinking.

"Victor, I once taught you to look at problems not just at the surface, but to find the essence of the problem." Abel thought for a moment and said, "if you want to find the essence of the problem, you can start from several aspects. First, let\'s see the consequences."

"Consequences? Do you mean I lost all my supporters?" Victor lowered his head uneasily, but Abel didn\'t notice a flash in his eyes.

"Yes! You have lost your leader and guard. It\'s on your own territory. But there\'s another thing you haven\'t noticed, that is, you\'re in the black castle now." Abel looked squarely at Victor, his eyes flashing with wisdom.

The x-3 chip starts running and extracts relevant memories in the brain. Soon Victor found the key point.

"Lord\'s law!!" Victor stood up fiercely and looked at Abel in shock.

Lord\'s law is one of the ancient laws of the human kingdom. Although the ancient law has no actual binding force, it is generally recognized by the human nobility and regarded as the basis for evaluating the good and evil of a Lord. This law defines the rights and obligations of the Lord, two of which are related to Victor\'s current situation. First, the Lord must protect the people from bandits, monsters, demons and other evil people when accepting the support of the people. Second, the LORD shall not leave the territory easily. During the year, the Lord or his successor must be guarded by one person in the territory.

"If you violate these two commandments, our governor has the initiative. He can impeach you to the Senate in the name of the governor of the new territory. If you operate properly, you can even deprive you of your territory and title. Ha ha, it\'s really a good plan." Lord Abel sneered.

"Why did he do that?" Victor looked frightened and inexplicable.

"Considering the former identity of count York and his current position, his purpose is obvious." Abel said slowly.

"I\'m afraid the bandit group that attacked you was the blood fox bandit group that was once active under the leadership of the Duke of York."

This is a black hand. Victor blinked and sat down slowly.