Transcendent Noble

Chapter 25

Victor felt a little tired after more than ten days of journey, and what happened yesterday made him realize that he was not ready to be a Lord.

The migration of more than 400 people is not just to let these civilians eat and wear warm and free from the threat of monsters. In addition to these most basic guarantees, these people will also have more needs, such as spouses, rights, status in the group, etc.

Nelson is an experienced mercenary leader. No leader died at the hands of monsters along the way, which is enough to prove his ability. However, it is obvious that he is not good at managing these civilians.

Without restrictions, a few militias have quickly transformed into bullies who bully the weak with a little position advantage. What will happen to the formal members of the war bear?

Victor believes that the members of the War Bear mercenary regiment have not changed to be as ferocious as those militias, not because of their good nature, but because the mercenaries have not realized the change of their roles. They also regard this migration as a protection task for mercenaries and strictly abide by the morality of mercenaries.

But what happened this time will make some people realize that everything is different.

Speaking of it, Victor would also like to thank the obscene Maus. If he hadn\'t publicized the matter immediately, it can be imagined that Nelson would kill these people privately in order to protect his team members, and Victor would be kept in the dark.

Nelson is a mercenary who abides by morality, but that doesn\'t mean he is a kind man. In fact, a mercenary licking blood on the edge of the knife has nothing to do with kindness anyway. If, once he starts to deal with the problem in this way, he will continue to prey on humans like the beast who tasted human flesh for the first time, and victor will completely lose control of this group.

Victor felt very heavy at the thought.

"You need a housekeeper!" The old scholar pointed out sharply.

For what happened yesterday, whether it was Edwin or Bruce, or even Nicole and several other trainee knights, they were very indifferent. They didn\'t care about the coerced peasant woman, nor did they care about the killed Logan, let alone the fate of the expelled militia.

This made Victor realize that the aristocracy and the civilian world in the world are separated, and the managers promoted by the aristocracy are connected between them: housekeeper, mayor, sheriff, village head and so on. These people are the ears, eyes and minions of the nobility ruling civilians.

"How should I choose a housekeeper?" Victor had to consult master Edwin.

Victor\'s mind is mostly about the memory of aristocratic etiquette and the skills of how to please women, but there is no plot to become a qualified Lord, which is the credit of the Marquis Sophia.

"The Lord\'s housekeeper can\'t be served by anyone. He needs to be proficient not only in large and small affairs in the territory, but also in aristocratic etiquette. The most important thing is that he must be absolutely loyal to the Lord. Before that, he first needs to be literate." Edwin gently blew away the heat from the pine nut tea and said to victor.

Victor was so frustrated that he couldn\'t pick out a few of his people just because of literacy.

"In fact, most of the housekeepers of the Lord\'s family are trained from an early age. They are often blood descendants of the family. Only in this way can they ensure their absolute loyalty to the family, and their descendants will continue to serve the family. These people are also candidates for village heads, town heads, sheriffs and tax officials." Edwin saw Victor\'s discouraged appearance and smiled and made up another knife.

Victor knew that Edwin was telling the truth. The Wimbledon family was a thousand year old aristocrat and its family history was older than that of the Gambis kingdom. When he came to the horse hill as Lord, Sophia sent a family housekeeper to work for him. The housekeeper was a descendant of the Wimbledon family. He took care of everything in order along the way. Only when the robbers attacked, the housekeeper was the first to be slaughtered.

Now it seems that this is very likely that Victor secretly thought of the York family in order to control their own means.

"It seems that I can only let it go first." Victor said helplessly.

"You should consider taking captain Nelson\'s sister as your personal maid. If she will give birth to your offspring, that child will become the natural choice for your family housekeeper." Edwin spoke to Victor as if joking or formally.

Edwin\'s suggestion made Victor\'s heart beat. Nelson is the main force that Victor can rely on at present. If we can strengthen the contact with Nelson in this way, it is indeed a good choice. Moreover, Lilia is young and moving, simple and beautiful. She has a vitality different from noble women, and she herself is also very fond of victor.

In the next period of time, Nelson and his men will become an important force to maintain Victor\'s ruling position, and attracting Nelson has become what Victor must do. This is probably the real reason why the old scholar suggested Victor to take Lilia as a personal maid.

Victor knew that Nelson didn\'t want Lilia to get too close to him. He was afraid that his only sister didn\'t have a good home in the end.

However, the nobles\' personal maids are the legal partners recognized by the nobles and have a high status in the territory. Although their children can not inherit the nobles\' surnames, they may also awaken the knight\'s blood. Once these descendants are successfully promoted to Knights, they will be recognized as aristocrats immediately. Therefore, becoming a close maid of the nobility is the destination of common women.

Victor secretly glanced at Nicole and found that the female trainee knight had a natural look on her face.

"Although captain Nelson has no noble blood, he is a powerful and fierce soldier and deserves due respect."

Victor\'s silence made the Bruce Knight think that Victor was disgusting with Lilia\'s identity and couldn\'t help but open his mouth to complain about Nelson. After so many days together, the proud Knight appreciated Nelson\'s ability and strength.

Taking someone else\'s sister as a personal maid is actually respect for him! This is indeed the noble logic of all evil.

"This is really a way, but I still need to ask Nelson and Lilia for their opinions first. I will respect their choice." The values of modern society made Victor hesitate, but he had to admit that this might be his best choice.

"However, before there is no qualified manager, I will personally undertake these internal affairs. Although it is against the dignity of the nobility, it is my duty after all." Victor raised his voice, and his confident attitude brightened Miss Nicole\'s eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Edwin touched his beard. He was very interested in Victor\'s idea.

"I intend to divide these leaders into six groups and let them choose their own team leaders. These team leaders will lead the members to complete the tasks assigned by me. If they encounter problems, the team leader can report directly to me and I will deal with them as appropriate." Victor replied.

"However, you can\'t guarantee their loyalty. Maybe these people will soon become like Logan. They will unite to deceive you and squeeze those men in your name. Don\'t underestimate the petty wisdom and boldness of these inferior people. Once they do evil, they will have no bottom line!" The old scholar was not optimistic about Victor\'s method.

"You\'re right. For people without moral beliefs, absolute rights will lead to absolute corruption. Therefore, I plan to assign a deputy group leader to each group. These Deputy group leaders can\'t interfere with the work of the group leader, but they can directly report what they see and hear to me every ten days, and the position of deputy group leader will be held by adult leaders in turn."

Supervision and reporting are effective means to restrict rights. As a transgressor, Victor certainly knows this truth.

"Absolute power leads to absolute corruption!? very insightful. I must admit, Victor, you surprised me!" Edwin exclaimed to victor.

"Good idea. But Victor, I think I must remind you not to forget to use the whip!"

Bruce Knight\'s Chunchun teachings made Victor speechless.

Just as victor was exchanging views with the crowd, cheers came from the front line.

After nearly twenty days of trekking, they finally arrived at the new territory.

When Victor climbed the hillside, he saw an endless purple ocean. When he looked at it, he saw purple plants with a height of more than one person. The stems of these plants were straight, but there were no branches, but purple leaves grew at the top. They were next to each other, crowded with each other, and connected one after another. A light wind swept and the purple leaves moved, Like waves, like waves, it is spectacular.

Looking at the magnificent and boundless purple sea and listening to the vibrant birds and insects, Victor\'s heart is mixed. He will bid farewell to himself in the past, whether it is a rough fate of his previous life or a little aristocrat with crisis, he will usher in a new beginning here.