Transcendent Noble

Chapter 22

"Victor, didn\'t you really feel any change in your body when you assassinated the mutant jackal?" Master Edwin asked Victor with interest.

The battle of encircling and suppressing the jackals was very successful. All jackals and robbers had been killed, and only some irrelevant goblins and dog headed people escaped in the chaos.

Most importantly, the fierce jackal leader was killed by esrik.

The death of the Jackal leader means that there will be no jackal clan threatening human villages in this territory for a long time.

In the human camp, three soldiers were seriously injured, seven were slightly injured and no one was killed.

The result was a relief to Baron eskry. As a new Lord, he couldn\'t give much money to pay his pension.

When Baron eskry counted his military achievements, he was shocked to find that the seemingly weak little Baron actually killed seven jackals with a heavy crossbow, and each arrow ran through the key point of his head.

I\'m afraid only those knights who are friendly to the wind element can match this terrible shooting skill.

When he saw the body of the broken tooth, eskry was shocked and felt a trace of happiness.

He did not expect that there were two violent leaders in the Jackal group. If the thin and violent jackal escaped the encirclement and suppression, it would soon gather a new jackal group.

It seems that more soldiers should be recruited, eskri thought secretly, but the embarrassed finance in the territory made him feel a headache.

In order to thank Victor for getting rid of a big trouble for him, escley expressed his willingness to help Victor make a specimen of the broken tooth head with family secrets, but Victor ruthlessly refused.

Back at the castle, master Edwin showed great interest in Victor\'s magical shooting and extraordinary agility after learning of Victor\'s amazing achievements.

Early the next morning, Victor once again refused eskry\'s earnest request to make a specimen of the ugly jackal\'s head. In the Baron\'s regretful eyes, he took his team on the journey south.

Just on the road, master Edwin kept asking Victor one question after another in the carriage. Looking at the eager eyes of the old scholar, Victor could only smile bitterly.

"Master, you have asked this question three times. Well, I repeat, I didn\'t have any strange feelings at that time. It was purely an instinctive reaction. I didn\'t even think about the whole process."

Victor didn\'t tell the truth. He was surprised and frightened by the sudden power, because he remembered the purification ceremony held by the shining Church in Heibao square.

He must be very careful before he knows the source of this power.

"It seems that the natural power of the moon elf blood gives you superhuman vision and keen fighting intuition." Whispered Edwin.

"The power of the moon elf blood? Master, can you make it clearer?" Hearing the master\'s words, Victor\'s heart moved. Now he is very eager to understand his state.

"The elves live in the depths of the endless forest, far away from the human world for thousands of years, and we know nothing about their power system. However, it is certain that the strength of the elves far exceeds that of humans. According to the records in the ancient documents excavated by the white tower, elves are extraordinary archers. The archers of the elves can accurately shoot fast-moving prey with a war bow 400 meters away! You should know that even the cross crossbow of Dodo Kingdom has no such range, not to mention hitting the moving target. In addition, the elves are very agile. It is said that the wood elves, the main representative of the elves, live in the tall tree crown all year round, and they can run and jump freely on the tree tops. " Edwin sighed.

"So, do you think I have inherited the genius of the elves, and can I reach that level in the future?" Victor\'s eyes flashed and asked Edwin in in surprise.

"Hahaha, little Victor, I don\'t mean that. Shooting a target 400 meters away with a war bow is only possible after the silver wind Knight uses fighting spirit in the human world. From this point of view, every elf Archer is equivalent to our Silver Knight, but do you think it\'s possible?" For Victor\'s surprise, Edwin laughed and poured cold water on him.

"Of course it\'s impossible! If the elves are so powerful, how can there be other races in the world? Therefore, I think the elves should have special training methods and power inheritance, combined with their blood talent to achieve this amazing effect. You can only rely on their thin blood, but there is no power inheritance of the elves, anyway It\'s impossible to reach the level of ELF shooter. " Without waiting for Victor\'s answer, Edwin directly expressed his judgment.

Victor was excited because he knew he could do it!

After killing the broken tooth, he obviously felt that his body had changed greatly.

First of all, his eyesight has been greatly improved. Originally, his eyesight was very good. He can see the eyes of the Jackal 300 meters away, but that is the result of the x-3 chip helping him constantly correct the visual image. It is not really clear, but now he can see the hare hidden in the grass 500 meters away even if he does not enter the overrun state.

And he also awakened the ability of night vision. Night and fog can no longer block his sight. Even the night blade leopard hidden in the dark, Victor is now confident to shoot it with an arrow.

Secondly, his hearing became very sharp. He could clearly hear a gopher digging a cave 200 meters away.

Most importantly, he seems to be able to enter a state of communicating with the wind element.

When he enters this state, all his senses are greatly improved. Through the calculation of x-3, his eyesight is improved by 50% on the original basis, while his hearing is improved by 70%. In addition, even if he doesn\'t listen and doesn\'t look, he can clearly and accurately grasp all subtle changes within a 10 meter radius around him.

The last change almost made Victor happy. Now he can let the breeze surround his body like broken teeth. He can not only change the speed very fast, but also make many unimaginable changes in his movement. In this state, his speed increased by 100%, reaching an amazing 25 meters per second, and his body\'s sensitivity increased by 150%.

However, Victor was shocked that he could attach the breeze to other objects!

This ability not only greatly increased his speed of waving weapons, but also made him extremely flexible in using weapons. When he throws the dagger surrounded by the breeze, the dagger can fly at high speed in the air. However, after a distance of more than 10 meters, the breeze surrounding the dagger will dissipate automatically. Even so, the throwing distance and speed increase exponentially.

This is already a kind of extraordinary ability, which has to remind victor of wizards, which is also the reason why Victor must keep secret.

Victor called the first state of communicating the wind element super sense and the second state of controlling the wind element Wujian. When he opened the two states together with exceeding the limit, he would enter a wonderful state, giving him a sense of omniscience and omnipotence. It was in this state that he easily killed the ferocious jackal man, However, after this special state lasted for 20 seconds, Victor began to dizzy and finally had to quit this state.

Victor called this state Apocalypse!

Victor thinks that x-3, super sense, Infernal Affairs and Apocalypse all have greater potential for him to explore, but the current environment does not allow him to do so.

Wait until you have your own territory, and then slowly explore your potential. At present, you still try to get more information about blood and extraordinary power from Edwin scholars. Victor thought to himself.

"It\'s disappointing that there is no growth potential!" Victor sighed to the old scholar according to the little excitement in his heart.

"Victor, don\'t be too greedy! You know that less than 40% of the human noble blood can awaken the fighting spirit of knights! Although you don\'t have the ability to awaken knights, you awaken the blood of moon elves and are endowed with terrible shooting skills and keen fighting intuition. As far as I know, those who also awaken the blood of elves in the human noble blood don\'t have such talent! Compared with me You guys, you\'re so lucky! " Cried Edwin angrily.

"Maybe it\'s because they don\'t have the experience of facing death like me!" Victor said faintly, but he didn\'t notice that Nicole looked pale and lowered her head.

"Child, I know your longing for power, but I have to remind you, don\'t forget that you are still a lord! Sometimes, responsibility is also a power. Please remember this." The old scholar solemnly advised victor.

Victor\'s heart was shocked and he was a little crazy for a moment.