Transcendent Noble

Chapter 18

"Neither dodo nor Neville nor the shining church would like to see the rise of the RAND Empire again, even though his majesty novest has stepped into the field of legend. Therefore, the imperial royal family can only end the war after swallowing the three provinces in the east of the Gambis kingdom in the name of punishing treason. In fact, the RAND imperial family has been weak for many years and has not enough strength to continue the war Go down. "

Edwin is worthy of being a master scholar of the silver and white tower. During his journey in the next few days, he showed everyone the profound knowledge of a scholar and master. His exquisite exposition of natural species, geography, history, humanities and politics made Victor feel suddenly enlightened about the world.

This made him secretly glad that this trip could be accompanied by this greedy and knowledgeable old man.

"In the name of punishing rebellion, Emperor Rand hanged two Dukes who took refuge in our kingdom of Gambis and recovered their fiefdoms. What is the reason to annex the territory of our York family?"

Nicole, who was cooking pine nut tea for everyone in the carriage, couldn\'t help feeling a little indignant when she heard master Edwin talk about the war that drove her away from her hometown a few years ago.

Looking at the solemn Bruce Knight sitting aside, Victor had a funny feeling in his heart.

Although Victor is also an aristocrat of the kingdom of Gambis, as a transgressor, he has no sense of belonging to the kingdom. From the perspective of a bystander, Victor has a more objective understanding of the war and the situation of the kingdom.

The kingdom of Gambis, the kingdom of Dodo and the kingdom of Neville were nominal vassals of the RAND empire. However, the RAND Empire has long declined in the thousands of years of history, and the Imperial Center has gradually lost its control over the local aristocrats.

Although the imperial royal family has never canonized Prince level lords, those lords and nobles who have long been out of imperial control swallowed and merged with each other driven by ambition, and gradually formed three powerful forces. Finally, under the mediation of the glorious church, the weak Rand imperial royal family had to canonize these three powerful Lords as kings.

Since then, the once powerful Rand Empire has officially split, and the imperial royal family can only survive in limited territory.

Everyone believed that the three powerful kings would establish a new empire to replace the RAND empire through the cruel annexation war.

But the sassanites came.

This powerful and barbaric northern empire finally defeated the nomads who prevented it from going south and opened its greedy mouth to the nameless Rand empire.

Under the pressure of the Sassanians, the brewing war of the three kings quickly became the alliance of the three kings. The Dodo kingdom with the most powerful force will face the attack of the Sassanians, while the kingdom of Neville will establish many easy to defend and difficult to attack fortresses in the northern mountains. Every time the Sassanians attack the Dodo Kingdom, Neville\'s army will attack from the fortress and attack the territory of the Sassanians. The richest kingdom of Gambis in the South provided long-term free military assistance and logistical supplies to the kingdom of Dodo and the kingdom of Neville.

A new balance has been formed, and the royal family of the RAND Empire has been preserved in this new balance.

But no one expected that three hundred years later, the long declining royal family of the RAND Empire would have an emperor who stepped into the legendary field, his majesty Neo West.

The Golden Knight is already the peak of knights, and how powerful are the knights who break through the peak and enter the legendary field? How can an Imperial Emperor with great power tolerate the decline of the royal family?

It happened that two hereditary earls in the territory controlled by the RAND Empire took refuge in the Gambis Kingdom 20 years ago. They were canonized as Duke by the Gambis royal family and incorporated their territory into the three eastern provinces.

Nyovist sent troops in the name of punishing rebellion, which triggered the war between the Gambis royal family and the imperial royal family, and led to the loss of the three eastern provinces of the Gambis Kingdom, including the Yorkshire.

However, Victor believed that another main purpose of the imperial royal family\'s war was to kill his majesty Ryan, king of Gambis!

The perennial war with the Sassanians has weakened the kingdom of Dodo, and the territory of the kingdom of Neville is barren, congenitally deficient and difficult to form a climate. Only the rich kingdom of Gambis is located in the south. After years of development, it has gradually become the most powerful of the three kings. With the development of the vast human and horse hills in the East, the other two kingdoms are even more disturbed.

Neo West should take this situation into account before launching an attack on Gambis. Sure enough, at the beginning of the war, Dodo and Neville stood idly by. Dodo Kingdom even deployed troops on the border of Gambis Kingdom, forcing the Golden Knight Marquis golon, the military Minister of Gambis, to lead the main army to confront it until King Ryan and his majesty Neo West\'s Knight duel, Only after the Imperial Emperor showed his strength beyond the Golden Knight and killed his opponent did dodo and Neville officially intervene.

As a result of the war, the imperial royal family occupied the land of three provinces, but the powerful Imperial Emperor was injured, and the Gambis kingdom not only lost part of its territory, but also lost a strong and powerful king, which plunged the increasingly powerful Gambis kingdom into internal friction of seizing sovereignty.

It satisfied everyone except Gambis.

Victor even suspected that nyovist was deliberately wounded in the battle, otherwise dodo and Neville would not easily let the imperial royal family annex York.

Sylvia, the actual controller of the York family, resolutely gave up the rich territory operated by the York family for hundreds of years in the war and moved west to avoid the disaster of the family.

This made Victor deeply admire the beautiful lady\'s wisdom and decision, but also secretly fear.

Just as the atmosphere inside the carriage became dull, Nelson rode up and knocked on the wall of the carriage.

"Sir, we have entered the territory of Baron escley. Our motorcade can reach the castle of the escley family before dark. Just now the Baron\'s servant came and sent an invitation. Baron escley will host a banquet in his castle to entertain you, master Edwin, Knight Bruce and all trainee knights." Nelson handed Victor a beautiful invitation made of gold foil through the window.

Victor took the invitation, simply looked through it, and handed it to the scholar and master sitting opposite.

"The dishes at the Esquire dinner party are as crude as their family members. In addition to barbecue, it\'s barbecue. Victor, the white roast chicken dipping sauce you invented at noon today is more popular." Edwin took the invitation and curled his lips.

The eskri family is also the old aristocrats of the kingdom. They are famous for their bravery and unity. However, the family never participated in the struggle within the royal family, so no matter which political force will not win over the family. Anyway, the eskri family will be loyal to whoever can ascend the throne.

It is rumored that although members of the eskri family are brave, they are not good at strategy, so they have always been far away from political speculation. In the aristocratic circle of the royal capital, some people even satirize that the head of the members of the eskri family is full of muscles. Of course, this can\'t be heard by the eskri family, otherwise they will let the talkative people understand what muscles are.

However, for Victor, he preferred to deal with the eskri family without political tendency.

"Master, out of noble etiquette, we should go to visit the hospitable Lord. It\'s just that we can let our team have a good rest near his castle and buy some supplies." Said Victor with a smile.

"Nelson spread the news and let everyone work harder. We spent the night in the wall of eskry\'s house and rested there for a day." Victor commanded Nelson.

Soon after Nelson went down, cheers broke out in the team.

The nearly ten days of living in the open has made every leader feel deeply tired. It is said that everyone is excited to have a good rest for a period of time, which makes everyone\'s increasingly heavy footsteps start to become much lighter.

When he arrived at the castle, Victor saw the armored Baron esric.

The Baron is not tall, but he is very strong. His beard and brown hair make him look like a strong male bear. His heavy armor was as light as leather armor. It was obvious that the Baron was a powerful knight.

In fact, like Victor, Baron escley is the second son of the family, but as a knight, he did not take refuge in other rich and noble families, but stayed in the family according to the tradition of the escley family and worked diligently for his brother for more than ten years. Because the family\'s territory was limited and he could not even give him a manor as a fief, he had no complaints.

Until this time, Baron escley\'s brother spent a lot of savings to buy him a baron title and territory. In the indifferent aristocratic family, the unity of the eskri family is indeed very rare.

"Ha ha, Baron Victor, welcome to my castle." Baron Esquire laughed and patted Victor on the shoulder.

"Your Excellency eskry, thank you very much for your hospitality." The seemingly heavy slap, but there was no pressure when it fell on the shoulder, which made Victor have a deeper understanding of the knight\'s ability.

"It\'s a great honor to meet you, master." The Baron made a knightly salute to master Edwin, and the eschrie family had special admiration for scholars.

"Hey, Bruce, old man, we meet again. We must have more drinks today." Eskry hammered Bruce heavily on his chest. With great strength, the dust on Bruce\'s Leather Armor shook up, but Bruce shook his head with a bitter smile.

Then, the Baron introduced his family to victor. Two strong young men like him were his two sons, both trainee knights who awakened the knight\'s blood.

When introducing his wife, the elegant Baroness took the initiative to hand her white slender hand to victor, who had to kiss the beautiful lady with apricot eyes.

The banquet was held as scheduled, and as master Edwin said, the table was full of all kinds of barbecue.

Baron eskry\'s two sons are biting a roast leg of mutton. While biting the leg of mutton, they show a flattering smile to Nicole sitting opposite and glare at their brother from time to time.

Obviously, the two lovely trainee knights are showing Miss Nicole the skills of the escley family in pursuing women - to see who can eat better. However, they obviously didn\'t notice Miss Nicole\'s face.

At the dinner table, after Victor offered to buy some supplies from the Baron, Baron eskry looked a little embarrassed.

"Victor, I can provide you with enough dry wood and weapons, but the food is really not enough. However, I can give you all these supplies, but I want you to send some people to help me encircle the Jackal bandits in the south of my territory." Lord eskry said to victor.

It turned out that a group of jackal robbers entrenched in the south of Baron eskry\'s territory and often attacked his people. Recently, the robbers even broke down one of his manors. As a powerful knight, eskri can easily crush these ugly orcs, but he is short of manpower, so he can only disperse the jackals every time, but he can\'t completely destroy them. After he left, the jackals soon gathered again, which gave eskry a headache.

"Of course, I will send my escort to cooperate with you to destroy these hateful jackals, but I will participate in your encirclement and suppression." Victor had not seen the jackal, and was eager to try when he heard eskry\'s request.

Eskry mused. He planned to use some tactful methods to refuse Victor\'s request. After all, Victor was not a powerful knight.

However, when he saw his wife looking at Victor eagerly with big watery eyes, his heart trembled, and the words he was about to refuse became two words.

"All right."