Transcendent Noble

Chapter 16

The night fell, and cold fog gradually rose in the camp in the field.

In the water season, the air is humid. There are not many dry firewood to burn in the camp. In order to resist the cold, people put on thick cloaks and crowded around the limited campfire to keep warm and rest.

Where no one could see, a pair of ferocious eyes were silently observing the camp. It was a night blade leopard.

This ferocious predator, with long sharp claws like a blade, is dark and moves quickly and silently. It is the darling of the night and a nightmare in the fog.

The night blade leopard is ferocious, cunning and vengeful. If they stare at it, it means that they will never die. Therefore, the moon blade leopard is called the black god of death by adventurers. Now, it\'s staring at the camp.

The beast has been observing the camp for a while. His intuition tells him that some prey in the camp is very dangerous and can even easily kill it in a frontal battle. But it did not intend to give up, because the raid in the dark was its housekeeping skill.

There are fully armed guards around the camp, but it can\'t defeat the ferocious and bloodthirsty beast. It knows that fear will make weak prey create chaos in the group, and chaos will bring it hunting opportunities. As long as a raid, it can drag the flustered and fleeing weak into the darkness and feast itself.

"Nelson, there are no people around the four campfires outside the camp. Why don\'t you let some leading people go to get warm?" Seeing the leading people crowded around the limited campfires in the camp, Victor couldn\'t help frowning because there were too many people, and some of the people lying outside were shivering with cold.

"Sir, the four campfires at the periphery of the camp are used to defend against wild animals. Our scouts found the claw prints of the night blade leopard nearby. This kind of wild animal will become very brave at night and often attack travelers. Especially now the fog is thick. It is difficult for our guards to defend against this ferocious beast without relying on the campfire." Nelson was dressed in armor, with two heavy battle axes leaning on his back, and looked warily outside the camp.

"Do you think the night blade leopard will attack the camp of so many of us?" Victor was a little surprised.

"It will certainly attack. Although this beast is not powerful, it will become very active at night. If we are a little careless, it will drag an unlucky ghost back for a midnight snack." As a professional mercenary, Nelson knows this ferocious beast like the back of his hand.

"Then I\'ll talk to the Bruce knight and ask him to line up two trainee knights to help you defend against this beast?" Victor was a little worried that the guards were understaffed.

"Don\'t worry, sir. My old guys are experienced players. As long as the beast shows up tonight, we can kill it." Nelson said confidently.

"Adults and scholars can stay in the carriage, and the cavalry of the knight will protect the safety of the carriage." Nelson thought for a moment, hoping his Lord would stay away from danger.

Victor nodded, boarded the carriage and found master Edwin.

"Master, how much do you know about the night blade leopard?" Victor decided to take this opportunity to communicate with scholars and masters.

"Why, is the camp targeted by this difficult beast?" As soon as the scholar asked, he heard the wailing of teal dogs and the neighing of horses outside the camp.

They hurriedly got out of the carriage. As soon as they got out of the carriage, they saw Knight Bruce coming with a long sword and several Knight\'s attendants.

"Sir, what happened?" Bruce asked victor.

"Maybe the night blade leopard attacked the camp." Victor was not sure. He walked to the place where the commotion was.

Several people walked to the edge of the camp and saw several guards leaning against each other with one handed spears and round shields, facing the dark wilderness outside the camp.

Although nothing could be seen, the sound of beasts gnawing at flesh and bones could be heard. It seems that when the beast approached the camp, it was found by the guard Teal dog. Then it caught the poor Teal dog, and now the beast is swallowing its prey in the dark.

"The night blade leopard is a beast that is very good at sneaking and raiding. They can always find the weakness of their prey and carry out surprise hunting at night. Once a victim appears in the prey group, the night blade leopard will continue to hunt the group until you kill it or leave its land." Edwin could not help frowning when he determined that it was the night blade leopard who attacked the camp. It was obvious that this beast, which was good at hiding itself with the help of night and thick fog, was a headache.

"Knight Bruce, it seems that you need to kill the beast." Victor begged Bruce.

"With pleasure." Knight Bruce made a knightly salute to victor.

Just then, a guard with a spear seemed to be afraid. He dropped his spear and turned and ran to the camp.

His exposed back stimulated the hunting instinct and bloodthirsty impulse of the night blade leopard. I saw that the fog billowed, and a huge beast ran out of the darkness and rushed at the deserter at a speed that people couldn\'t react to.

Seeing that the huge shadow was about to fall on the target, and the Bruce knight was a little far away, it was too late to rescue.

Just when everyone thought the militia was doomed, the militia suddenly rolled on the spot and disappeared into the vision of the beast. The night blade leopard was overwhelmed by the sudden change and was stunned in situ.

At this moment, there was a roar at the position closest to the beast. Nelson rushed to the stunned beast with his Tomahawk and round shield. With a heavy shield blow, the night blade leopard was hit hard on the head by Nelson with his shield. The powerful force directly knocked the beast over in the air, but it didn\'t wait for it to land, Nelson\'s Tomahawk had swept over its soft chest and abdomen and hit its body on the solid ground.

Between lightning and flint, it\'s over.

Victor and Edwin went to the body of the convulsing beast and saw Nelson pull the escaped guard out of a hole in the ground.

"It\'s a great strategy. It makes people pretend to be panic, arouses the attack desire of the night blade leopard, jumps into the dug underground hole, and finally kills the beast by the guards who have already been in ambush." Scholars were full of praise for the ambush.

"Captain Nelson can kill such a fierce beast so easily. If I\'m right, Nelson should be a fierce soldier." Said the Bruce Knight softly.

"Ferocity?" Victor looked at Nelson from the body of the ferocious beast on the ground.

"Ferocity is a special variation of ferocious creatures in the world. Ferocious animals will be more powerful and agile than ordinary animals. Their bones will become very hard, comparable to metal, and their muscles and fur will become particularly tight and strong. They can even resist some common attacks. Ferocious animals have tenacious vitality and strong self-healing ability. Ordinary injuries The potential will soon heal itself. However, the probability of biological violence is very low, and the probability of ordinary human violence is even lower. It is said that the barbarians in the northern Trier mountains will generally become violent when they grow up. Fortunately, their fertility is low, otherwise our human world will be ruthlessly attacked by the northern barbarians. " The scholar also looked at Nelson with great interest.

"Oh, what is the reason for human ferocity?" Asked Victor, who was very interested.

"There is no conclusion. In the past 100 years, Baita has investigated hundreds of cases of violent human beings. Unfortunately, no valuable clues and laws have been found. The ferocity seems to occur at random. There are not only mercenaries who are always on the edge of life and death, but also tailors, bards and even nuns. Moreover, the degree of ferocity is different. Some people with high degree of ferocity can even improve their combat effectiveness Knights are comparable, some are just slightly better than elite soldiers. " Edwin shrugged.

"Indeed, the ferocity is strong and weak, and captain Nelson\'s ferocity is already very strong, which can be comparable to the bronze knight who has just entered the knight field." Although the Bruce knight is reserved and arrogant, he also respects powerful soldiers.

Victor\'s eyes flashed. Although he was a noble, he did not awaken the knight\'s blood, but the ferocity seemed to open a new door for him.