Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 93

At the Institute of electricity, slyden water is undoubtedly a giant.

Under him, there are various research groups directly responsible to him, responsible for studying the application of electricity in different directions.

For example, use electric current to drive mechanical transmission and use it as power.

Or, use electricity as a weapon.

There are more whimsical proposals. After all, the current has just been discovered, and everything needs inspiration.

William jesley is in charge of the part that transmits information through electric current.

Under him are the researchers.

The researcher went down again, and it was the turn of research assistants like Sulu and, worse, Andrew, who were at the bottom of the pyramid.

"We know... The current is very fast, very fast! And the experiment of electrostatic reaction has also been proved..."

Soon after, William jesley arrived and said excitedly, "if we can complete the plan and let the current bring the information we want it to bring, it will surpass all postmen, carriages and even trains! It will become the best information carrier in the new era!"

Sulu laid hands on the side and silently observed the experimental device in front of him.

It has complex lines, which are divided into 36 lines and submerged into different brine pipes.

On each salt pipe, there are detailed marks, which are common Hebrew letters and some common symbols.

This is the receiving terminal, which will be used to express the information in the current.

"What is the status of the receiving terminal?"

Hearing William\'s question, Sulu hurried forward to check: "everything is normal!"

"Good! I\'m going to start!"

William stood a few meters away and pressed the typewriter in his hand.

As he typed a letter, a current passed through the circuit and came to different brine pipes. Electrolysis occurred and small bubbles were produced.

"Slow down! Slow down... Fast, record!"

Cecilia looked at the scene and blushed with excitement: "green... Tree... Castle!"

This is not stuttering, but a letter by letter message.

"There\'s nothing wrong, it\'s\' green tree Castle \'! Ha ha..."

William laughed: "we succeeded!"

For a moment, everyone in the laboratory cheered.

"The prototype of the telegraph?" While cheering, Sulu said to himself, "unfortunately... It\'s not practical at all."


After a few more attempts, William made a decision: "report the experimental results and apply for more funds... I\'m going to challenge 100 meters this time, no! A distance of 1000 meters!"

Seeing so many people cheering, Sulu really had a toothache.

After the experiment, the office.

"Professor, can I come in?"

Sulu is knocking outside.

Because William didn\'t accept him as a student, he couldn\'t call him a mentor.


William\'s voice came from inside. When he saw Sulu entering the door, he rarely showed a smile.

This is because the experiment was successful and the mood was good. The second is that time has slowly proved that Sulu is really capable.

"I heard that you have been studying in the public reference room recently? Yes, very good... Electricity is an emerging discipline, but I believe in its potential!"

William laughed.

"I have great confidence in this, and there is one more thing!"

Sulu smiled and handed over two pages of paper: "this is my paper to be published. What do you think, professor?"

"DC speculation?"

William looked at it and his eyes lit up: "good! Very good... It has some inspiration for me! I want to do two more experiments. I think it\'s worth 10 points. This paper alone is enough for you to be promoted to a researcher!"

"Thank you!" Su Lu said politely and finally mentioned his intention: "today\'s experiment is definitely hope for current information... But I think it still has some problems. It\'s too unstable..."

This was a bit of a slap in the face when he said it in public. Sulu said privately after choosing the experiment: "if it\'s just an experiment, it\'s nothing, but it\'s almost impossible to put into production. Maybe we should change our thinking!"

"Change your mind!"

William\'s old-fashioned face stood up again: "do you think I will fail the experiment?"

"No, no, Professor... I mean, the experiment may succeed, but it will be difficult to go on!" Sulu tactfully put forward his own suggestions.

"Get out!"

William\'s face sank: "remember, you\'re just an assistant! And Science... Needs constant exploration, especially new disciplines!"


Sulu turned and left.

Out of the information building, he looked at the rosy clouds in the sky and sighed.

Not everyone has his experience and knows which way is good and which way is dead.

But scientific research just needs some iron headed babies.

Only when you can\'t get through it completely and hit your head and blood, can you prove that this road is wrong and you should give up!


Late at night.

In the dormitory, on the desk, Su Lu was writing at his desk: "some assumptions about the future of DC..."

In any case, we still have to write the paper and get the ten points.

After William\'s comments today, he has more confidence in the paper.

I don\'t know how long it took. Sulu dropped the last full stop, stood up and stretched.

Before he came to the window, he looked at the almost dark night outside, as well as the stars and Moon: "this was my planned life, but..."

Board and lodging are all inclusive and the treatment is generous.

Basically, even college students can hardly find the same job.

If according to the original plan, Sulu would release his knowledge bit by bit, and finally win the title of a theoretical physicist.

By eating patents or starting a company, you can complete the gorgeous transformation, be a successful capitalist and make the portley family shine in the White Eagle Federation.

Unfortunately, the dawn of the gods changed all this.

"Even... Not only the mysterious side, but also physics must be changed because of them!"

"To this end, I must improve my identity as soon as possible. It doesn\'t matter if I\'m a little radical!"

Sulu returned to his desk, picked up his last paper and began to write some new knowledge points in his memory.

After becoming an extraordinary person, especially the type of spiritual specialty, he found that his memory was becoming clearer and clearer. Whether before or after crossing, he could recall almost everything.

This is very helpful for him to sort out the treasure of previous life knowledge.

"According to the observation during this period, the team led by Professor William is indeed the top in the field of electromagnetic Informatics, and their ultimate goal is telegraph?"

"In fact... The team has almost finished some pre knowledge points, and there is only one idea left!"

This is the difficulty of scientific research.

Obviously, the preconditions are met, but we can\'t find the right way, which is different from Newton\'s apple.

But Sulu is different!

The experience of his previous life has enabled him to avoid the detours of decades or even centuries and directly go in the right direction.

"Morse code! It\'s you!"