Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 53 - The Portrait of the Demon

All of a sudden, she remembered?

Thulhu was slightly stunned, and he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

The bodyguards around them instantly became very alert.

Roald quickly picked up the notebook and asked, “What does it look like?”

“Red! Red eyes! Black skin! Goat horns!”


The wine glass dropped to the floor and shattered.

Mrs. Schilling swung her arms around crazily. She murmured as if she was in a dream, “It’s looking for me! I’m gonna die! I’m dying!”

As if she could see her end, her voice was choked with tears. She was having a nervous breakdown!

“What happened?!”

Thulhu spread out his spiritual perception, but detected nothing.

“Calm down, ma’am!”

Roald pushed the bodyguards aside and grabbed Mrs. Schilling’s shoulders. “What’s going on?”

“It’s… it’s in my memory!”

Mrs. Schilling told Roald in great fear, “Once I can recall what it looks like, it’ll find me! I’m gonna be killed! Save me, please! Save me!”

Once Mrs. Schilling recalled the demon’s appearance, the cursed spirit would be able to lock onto her coordinates and find her!

Thulhu was shocked. No wonder Mrs. Schilling kept pushing herself to recall the spirit’s appearance. That was the power of suggestion which the cursed spirit had left behind!

The survivors were obviously all made to forget what the cursed spirit looked like.

However, due to the evil power left in them, they had no other choice but to keep trying their best to recall its appearance.

Once the memory came back, it was time for the cursed spirit to kill again!

How could a cursed spirit play with a human being’s mind like that?!

Thulhu was very angry. He spread out his spiritual perception to protect Mrs. Schilling.

“I can feel it…” Mrs. Schilling’s voice trembled. “It’s in the gallery. That painting! It’s coming for me!”

She huddled in on herself and screamed crazily, “Katie! Katie!!”


The female bodyguard stepped out to grab Mrs. Schilling’s hand.

Suddenly, she saw deep cuts on Mrs. Schilling’s right arm.

The four deep cuts looked like they had been made by the claws of a beast. Blood was everywhere.

“What… when?!”

Roald and Thulhu were both shocked.

Especially Thulhu!

The cursed spirit already hurt Mrs. Schilling, but he hadn’t sensed anything!

A thought quickly flashed through his mind: Maybe the cursed spirit had attacked Mrs. Schilling from a higher plane in the spirit world!

There were many planes in the spirit world.

As a fledgling spirit medium, Thulhu could only touch the surface.

He would have to pull his soul out of his body in order to act freely in that higher space.

But his soul was now still in his body, and his spiritual perception could only extend from this world to the surface of the spirit world.

Did he have to use [Soul Out of Body]?

No. Thulhu instantly rejected that plan.

As a rank one spirit medium, it would be extremely dangerous for him to directly face the cursed spirit in the spirit world.

For a second, Thulhu was very hesitant.

Suddenly, his spiritual perception finally caught something. His body started shaking.

Thulhu couldn’t describe it. He only knew that it was much more powerful than he was.

He could sense its aura. Thulhu was by no means its match!

It came from a much deeper space within the spirit world. Breaking through the many restrictions, the thing came to the first level of the spirit world!

The giant thing reached out its claws to Mrs. Schilling in this world!

The next moment.

Mrs. Schilling suddenly disappeared.

Meanwhile, the thing also disappeared from the first level of the spirit world.

The maidservants screamed. The bodyguards couldn’t believe their eyes.


“What happened?!”

Katie stared at the recliner and murmured, “Where’s Mrs. Schilling…”

“She’s been taken away.”

Thulhu spoke in a low voice. Roald and Thulhu were here, which might be the reason why the cursed spirit couldn’t kill Mrs. Schilling on the spot.

If Thulhu hadn’t protected Mrs. Schilling with his spiritual perception, she would have been killed by the evil power from another dimension.

“The gallery! The gallery is the final place of execution!”

Roald said the words to Thulhu.

“Let’s go!”

After quickly exchanging looks, they dashed out of the house and got into the coach.

“To the gallery! Quick!” Roald yelled.

The coachman immediately urged the horses forward as fast as possible.

“So tell me: do you think you can handle the cursed spirit?”

Inside the coach, Roald asked Thulhu the question seriously.

“I don’t know.”

Thulhu frowned. The aura he had sensed was so powerful; he knew that his Spirit Thrust wouldn’t last more than a second on it.

Cursed spirits couldn’t be eliminated. They could only be isolated or sealed.

The holy water and bullets were all Roald had to face a spirit. But at least, they had discovered the cursed spirit’s pattern of behavior.

“Then I’m afraid that what we can do this time will be very limited,” said Roald gloomily.

“What do you mean?”

Thulhu hurriedly asked the question.

“The cursed spirit follows a kill pattern, and we know what it is, so we can seal it!”

Roald continued to explain, “This cursed spirit kills everyone who sees the painting in the gallery. We’ll close down the gallery and seal off the entire area so that no one can enter. That way, after the cursed spirit kills all the survivors, the other city residents should be safe for a while.”

Thulhu shook his head. “There must be another way. Can’t we just burn the painting?”

“It won’t work. The painting’s just like a carrier: if you burn it, the cursed spirit will probably escape and return with even greater malice.”

Roald shook his head. “There’s no way that an ordinary person can fight a cursed spirit.”

Thulhu sighed, feeling extremely regretful.

He then saw the portrait sketch in Roald’s notebook. “Is this… the demon?”

Sometimes, even a figure left by the demon could turn into a creepy curse!

Maybe that painting, the portrait of the demon, was where the cursed spirit came from!

“The cursed spirit was probably made by the demon, but it’s not the real demon.” Roald shook his head. “The demon’s appearance changes all the time, and it doesn’t take a specific form. There’s only one possibility to explain why the demon sometimes looks similar to a human being: there’s a group of specialists whose occupation is [Demon]!”

“The high rank which evolves from [The Corrupted]!” Thulhu exclaimed in a low voice.

“Yes. They call themselves demons in human form. They even have ranks. The higher the rank, the more indiscernible their forms are. They also master horrible power, including curses!”