Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 265

Harris City, mystery Avenue.

There used to be the name of John Street, but since more and more mysterious shops have been opened and become more and more famous, its original name has gradually been forgotten and become a well-known "mysterious market".

Here, you can see young girls wearing hoods and looking like witches. You can also see "sages" dressed in mysterious clothes, with astrometers, medicine bottles and various silver pendants hanging around their waists.

Perhaps there is no shortage of "demon hunter" dressed up by hunters and "vampire" dressed up!

"It feels... A bit like coming to a large-scale diffuse Exhibition..."

Sulu and rod walked on the mysterious Avenue and looked at these young people in strange clothes. Knowing that most of them were ordinary people, Sulu turned his eyes in secret.

Besides them, there are clowns performing on the street, wandering painters, performance artists, tourists... All kinds of people flow, almost filling the whole street.

Many mysterious signboards are listed in the shops on both sides.

Herbs, crystal divination, magic books and so on are just pediatrics. There are even "signs" that directly display several suspected skeletons.

Federal bear children seem to eat this set especially. This kind of shop full of dark magic style is often full of business.

I don\'t know how many fat sheep have been hurt and come back satisfied with strange things such as\' water demon\'s braid \',\' little devil\'s head \',\' black goat\'s horn \',\' mano\'s black magic book \'.

Sulu rolled his eyes again.

Even if you don\'t need inspiration, you can confirm that 999 of the 1000 items are fake by just glancing at them with your own insight.

Of course, it must be false!

Otherwise, selling mysterious items to ordinary people casually is an evil act that has been hit by the eleventh inning!

There may also be some unlucky or lucky people who can get one or two real goods, but after all, they are very few, and the end is often not very good.

"This is the most prosperous and famous street in Harris..."

Rhode looked at the \'Wangpu\' on both sides and said with some emotion: "if our doll\'s home were here, how good it would be..."

"Big brother... You think too much."

Sulu glanced at rod without a word.

He suspected that the other party, like Sean, was involved in some kind of bad luck, and the main effect was to lose money!

The "doll house" store, as a rare real estate acquired by rod, fell to the valley when nya was attacked by the ancient snake last year.

After all, a city can\'t even guarantee safety. How can houses and shops sell? As a result, many real estate businessmen went bankrupt and a sharp depreciation is inevitable.

When the dream of the ancient gods broke out, it was a direct disaster.

The whole city was pulled into the dreamworld, leaving only an unfathomable pit in its place, which may have become a lake.

This directly led to the clearing of Rhodes\' assets in nya!


Rhodes didn\'t realize it at all. She was very excited and said, "if only a few years ago, the business here was good, but it wasn\'t so hot..."

"You mean... The reason for the dawn?"

Sulu jawed his head and understood that since the dawn of the gods, extraordinary events have occurred frequently everywhere. No matter how much they cover up, there are also "smart people" to understand and pursue the truth!

It can be said that the Federation, which originally had a strong mysterious atmosphere, has seen a sharp increase in mystery lovers in recent years!

Among them, the "upper class society" that really has a way will naturally find professionals and cooperate with extraordinary forces to obtain a quota to become "extraordinary".

Some middle-class people, ordinary people who happen to know the news, or small rich businessmen who have no other way, can only bump into them like headless flies.

The mysterious Avenue in Harris city is like a fresh Xiang, attracting them one after another, even if they know someone has been slaughtered.

"Among the ten shops here, seven or eight are fake, but there are also two or three. There are real professionals. They are usually open to ordinary people and sell some special materials to professionals..."

Rod looked around and lowered his voice: "as for how to distinguish? The real \'mysterious store\' has some special signs..."

"I see."

Sulu jaw head, in a shop sign, saw an ancient Hebrew character.

Although it only occupies a small corner compared with the huge advertising language, it is enough to explain everything.

With curiosity, he walked into the shop called \'father bock\'s cabin\'.

The first floor of the shop is not big. All kinds of strange props are displayed around, and the light is dim.

"It\'s really a prop... There\'s no spirit. Do you deliberately dim the light in order to deceive people more conveniently?"

Sulu secretly feigned and checked it at will.

At this time, in addition to the two of them, there were several guests in the store. It seemed that they were students traveling. Two men and two women were bargaining with the clerk: "is this really an ancient coin from the Chris Empire?"

"Of course, and it also has the attribute of bad luck. It is rumored that... Every owner of it has encountered some bad luck more or less, so... If you are the same, our store provides recycling service, with a value of 70% of the selling price!"

The clerk smiled and said.

What made Sulu speechless was that even if he emphasized the "bad luck effect", the young people did not hesitate at all. Instead, they emptied their money bag with bright eyes and bought it.

"Forget it... It\'s just a fake anyway. Let them spend money on experience..."

Sulu glanced and didn\'t speak.

Who knows, after paying the money and taking the \'bad luck coin\', one of the girls with long hair and shawl and tall figure suddenly showed a fox like smile on her face: "since we have completed a transaction, are we also regular customers of your store... Can you take us to the second floor to see the real mysterious goods?"

The clerk changed his look and reluctantly said with a smile, "this guest... I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about."

"Don\'t try to fool me! Believe it or not, I\'ll go outside immediately and publicize that you sell fake goods! Go to the police station again!"

The corner of the girl\'s mouth tilted slightly and showed a look of asking for permission: "don\'t worry, we know the rules of \'that world\' and won\'t cause you trouble. Moreover... We are very rich and are your high-quality customers."


The clerk struggled on his face, but only for a moment. He glanced at Sulu\'s direction with a guilty eye and lowered his voice: "OK..."

With that, he winked, walked to Sulu and smiled professionally: "Dear guest, what do you need?"

It seems that he is going to coax the Sulu group of guests away and talk about more private business.