Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 112


A ten meter long giant snake was trampled on by Sulu, and still unwilling to open his big mouth to swallow him.

"Spirit sting!"

The next moment, the giant snake lost his eyes and fell to the ground, turning into a corpse.

And behind it, two forks emerge.

Sulu chose the one on the left and walked along the wall with strange patterns.

He had tried this labyrinth of secret places before.

But the extraordinary is more disgusting and difficult to deal with than ordinary people.

For example, with more powerful repression and rules, you can\'t fly.

Even climbing to the top of the maze is an extravagant hope.

Moreover, the wall is very strong and difficult to be damaged. Sulu even suspects that even if it is damaged, it will immediately produce complex distortion.

So he honestly followed the maze route - along a wall, all the way to the end!

As long as the maze does not change, sooner or later we can reach the end of the core!

"If you really encounter a maze that can change, then recognize it!"

According to Sulu\'s observation and deduction, this can only be achieved if they are similar to the type of [psychic medium] and can contact the existence of the second spiritual world.

For example, at this time, the entrance of the secret place of the soul is on the spirit body, and the defense is changed. It not only has a mixture of mazes, monsters and guards, but also will detect and warn at the first time if there is an invasion by outsiders.

At his present level, it is impossible for the demon curse spirit of nya to sneak into his heart and secretly tamper with his memory!


Turning a corner, a group of wild wolves howled and charged over.

"Spirit pressure!"

Sulu\'s eyes were frozen, and the terrible pressure was released violently, beating like a big wave and tide.

"Woo woo!"

The big wild wolf immediately held his tail, his hair trembled and made a dog\'s sob.

Sulu took the initiative to charge, and the physical quality of the [soldier] made him enter it, like entering a no man\'s land.


After breaking through the wolves, three forks appeared opposite.

Sulu\'s face stiffened, chose the one on the far left and continued to explore


"Damn it, it\'s finally here!"

Time does not know how long, Sulu came to the core of the maze.

The surrounding walls are empty, like a marble square.

In the middle of the square, there stands a monster!

It is five meters tall, with cow like horns, hooves below the knees and legs, red eyes, and a giant axe in its big Plush hand.

"Monster? It\'s really compound!"

As soon as Sulu saw each other, he felt that the Tauren was the subconscious core of jessila!

It\'s a wonderful feeling. You have to see it face to face to be sure.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly... From the appearance, jessila should be a thoughtful person, just corresponding to the maze... But in fact, her subconscious core is guarded by monsters, that is to say, she is a careful person on the surface but actually reckless person?"

Under the appearance of reason, there are impulsive emotions. This kind of contradiction is very easy for Sulu to understand.


At this time, the tauren, as the last line of defense, saw the intruder Sulu and immediately shouted.


A layer of earthy yellow light emerged and enveloped the whole square.

Sulu\'s body suddenly froze: "what\'s this? Gravity? Spell like ability? Will even the supernatural force participate in the subconscious core defense of the supernatural?"

The Minotaur is hard to deal with. If the other party still has the ability to cast spells, the difficulty will soar again!

"Sure enough... [mystic] it\'s still too reluctantly to explore the spiritual world!"

Sulu sighed and came to the field.

Hoo Hoo!

At this time, the huge Minotaur had impolitely waved his axe and chopped it down with a fierce axe.


Sulu\'s body flashed, and a deep gully immediately appeared on the nearby marble ground. A large number of stones splashed on him, causing bursts of pain.

If his spirit body is injured, the external self will certainly not be better.

"Spirit pressure!"

"Spirit sting!"

The skill that has never been unfavourable before can only make Minotaur move once at this time.

"Repression... Has also increased."

Invading other people\'s spiritual world will certainly be suppressed.

At this time, this suppression reached its peak!

"If I\'m a high-level professional, don\'t I become an ordinary person at this time?"

Sulu was very cold in his heart, but he didn\'t miss the opportunity.

"Tiger power! Open!"

He burst into a drink, and the shape of a fierce tiger loomed behind him.

At the same time, a stream of heat flowed all over his body, making him roar unconsciously.


Sulu stepped on the back of the axe and rushed all the way along the Tauren\'s arm. His right leg seemed to turn into a whip, and his thigh worked hard and whipped it down.


After eating a leg whip, the Minotaur stepped back and seemed to be dizzy.

"Damn... Whether it\'s [psychic] or [mystic], there are too few attack methods..."

Sulu bit his teeth.

He didn\'t have many magic items to defend himself. He was very helpless when he met this kind of monster.

"It seems... We must try. Can we kill it?"

Sulu sensed the time in the lower spiritual world.

This time, for the sake of safety, of course, he also lit candles in the real world, and in the spiritual world, he felt different from the outside world.

But at this time, I felt it and found that it was only half past.

"There\'s still time... To kill the Minotaur!"

Sulu took a deep breath.


Bang bang!

A series of sounds came, and the Minotaur finally fell to the ground slowly in a series of blows.

With a big noise like a small earthquake, Minotaur first fell to the ground and immediately changed.

Its body shape has been shrinking, its limbs have become slender and coordinated, and its hooves have become a pair of big white legs.


Sulu came forward, looked at the unconscious\' jessila \', rubbed his fingers: "it\'s really troublesome..."

If it\'s an ordinary monster defense, it\'s simple and rough. You can see everything in the secret realm of your mind. There\'s only one powerful monster. If you defeat it, you can do whatever you want.

But the woman was so clever that she put monsters in the maze!

Even he almost didn\'t clean up.

"Fortunately... I finally won!"

Sulu looked at jessila in front of him and was a little proud: "open everything to me..."

With his ability, he can only get some information.

As for things like ghosts, modifying and deleting memories, or even forcibly creating an experience for ordinary people and forging a friend or relative, Sulu can\'t do it at all.

At most, through some subconscious hints, this jessila has some good feelings for him.

"But it\'s no use at all... Even love may not be able to tie women down. What\'s more, sacrifice is sacrifice..."