Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years

Chapter 81

In a cave.

Xing Hongxuan looks warily at the grey robed old man in front of her.

The grey robed old man snorted: "little girl, your husband can\'t be more talented than my apprentice. Give him up. I can let bygones be bygones and take you to wuxiangzong. This is a big chance that many people dream of."

The old man in grey robe is the old man of enlightenment.

Several decades ago, Xing Hongxuan mistakenly went into this cave to understand the Dharma and ran into an old Taoist priest. However, at that time, they just nodded and didn\'t communicate much.

Later, the old devil of enlightenment left, and Xing Hongxuan also returned to yuqingzong. Recently, Xing Hongxuan always felt that there was something else, so she went back to the secret place and found the cave to continue to practice magic skills.

When the old Wudao monster came back, the old Wudao monster was surprised to find that she had learned miraculous skills, so he wanted to take her as an apprentice daughter-in-law.

Xing Hongxuan declined at first, but he was so stubborn that she had to say that she was married.

The old Taoist priest has a profound way of doing things. He finds out that Xing Hongxuan has no marriage relationship. Xing Hongxuan has no choice but to say that he and the elder of the same clan have been engaged in private for life, which makes the old Taoist priest very angry.

This is also the reason why han Jue received 4-star hatred.

Xing Hongxuan shook her head and said, "thank you for your kindness. I really don\'t want to leave my husband."

On the other hand, Han Jue also found their conversation through the puppet of heaven.

Han Jue felt that there could be no hatred for no reason, so he started with the three puppets of heaven. Sure enough, he found the old man of enlightenment here in Xing Hongxuan.

The old man was helpless and said, "little girl, you Dayan are just a tiny place. As for yuqingzong, I have never heard of it. The secret place here connects many places. Joining wuxiangzong can let you see a wider world. If you want, I can hide your past. You can think about it for a while. I will come back in ten years. If you want, you can cut off the front edge, Wait for me here. "

Leaving these words behind, he left.

After listening, Han Jue was secretly angry.

It turned out to be to dig the bottom of the wall.

He couldn\'t help paying attention to Xing Hongxuan\'s expression with his divine sense.

After the old man left, Xing Hongxuan showed disdain.

She shook her head and continued to understand the skills on the cave wall.

It\'s not bad. This woman has no heart.

Inside the cave.

Han Jue calls out the interpersonal relationship to check the information of the old devil.

[laoguai of Wudao: he has seven levels of harmony. He is a master of wuxiangzong and a master of Daoism. You are the husband of his best friend\'s daughter-in-law and are dissatisfied with you. If Xing Hongxuan agrees to him, he will fight against you forever. His current hatred is four stars]

The master of wuxiangzong.

Han Jue felt his chin and fell into thinking.

After a while, he began to simulate the trial, and raised the cultivation of diansu demon king to the seventh level of fitness realm.

It took two minutes to beat him.

The old devil of enlightenment must be stronger.

It can\'t be killed in seconds. It\'s a bit difficult.

It seems that we can break through the fit earlier.

Han Jue immediately began to accept Qi, striving for the early fusion of virtual environment.


Five years later.

Han Jue finally achieved the great perfection of Rongxu realm. Before breaking through, he took out the book of doom, cursed the old devil for four days and four nights, and then went to the world of ten thousand demons to break through.

He first contacted the immortal Jingxu to clear the world of ten thousand demons.

Jing Xu real person also does not procrastinate, arranges immediately.

Li Qingzi has told Han Jue that any request must be met at the first time and must not be ignored.

Two hours later, the disciples in the world of ten thousand demons were driven out by all the elders, which caused a lot of repercussions in the inner gate. However, all the disciples were no longer dissatisfied when they heard that it was necessary for the elder to chop the gods.

The catastrophe of the complex is extremely terrible. Even if Han Jue opens the border, it still causes great movement. The elders of yuqingzong come together and feel the vast power of heaven. They are all frightened.

"How strong is elder beheader?"

"I\'m afraid we have to surpass our grandmaster."

"Don\'t be surprised. Can you and I compare the will of the elder of beheading God?"

"This is not what hard cultivation can achieve, and his talent is absolutely the strongest of yuqingzong."

"With the elder of the beheading God, yuqingzong is strong today. The most important thing is that the elder of the beheading God does not claim power, which is admirable."

Listening to the elders\' comments, Li Qingzi held her head high as if it was him.

Guan Yougang\'s face is complicated, and he looks at the scene of the destruction in the distance. His eyes are full of awe.

Up to now, he never complained about Han Jue. On the contrary, he began to cultivate Han Jue.

Unfortunately, at present, the gap between him and Han Jue is still widening.

"Maybe one day, he will become an immortal."

Guan Yougang thought silently.


On a piece of wasteland, a man with bare upper body meditates in mid air. Countless thunderbolts fall from the sky and interweave on him.

This person is Zhou fan!

Not far away, Mo revenge stood side by side with a purple dress woman.

Over the years, Zhou fan and Mo vengeance have become mature and powerful. Zhou fan\'s body is full of visual shock, like the holy body of an ancient god.

Mo vengeance with a magic sword is more like the spirit of a great devil.

Mo revenge asked: "master, what\'s the relationship between you and my younger martial brother? How can you be willing to spend so much money?"

The purple skirt woman not only revives Zhou fan, but also helps him to cultivate. Under her guidance, Zhou fan\'s strength advances by leaps and bounds.

Today, Zhou fan is breaking through Yuan Ying Jing. His actual strength is already comparable to that of Yuan Ying Jing friars. Before that, he killed a strong Yuan Ying!

"Your younger martial brother was predestined with me in his previous life. He once saved me. I\'m kind of grateful." The woman in purple said quietly.

Past life?

Don\'t revenge on curiosity.

The purple robed woman said with emotion: "it\'s his own strong spirit. The chance he got before makes him strong enough. I just push the boat with the current. In the future, he will set off a storm in the world. Maybe he will achieve Mahayana again."


Don\'t take revenge. Do you think Zhou fan was a Mahayana monk in his previous life?

"If he wants to break through successfully, I have to leave. In order to save him, I owe my elder martial sister a favor and have to pay it back." The purple robed woman shook her head. With that, she turned to leave.

Mo revenge quickly asked: "dare to ask the master, how can we repay you in the future?"

The purple robed woman jumped up, clouds appeared at her feet, carrying her to the sky. Her voice came to Mo\'s ears: "my name, you\'d better not know, so as not to cause trouble. The only thing I can tell you is my name Xuan."


Don\'t take revenge and frown. In retrospect, I haven\'t heard of the great power of Xuan in Xiuzhen world.

He looked back at Zhou fan.


The world of ten thousand demons.

After ten days and nights of robbery, Han Jue finally made a breakthrough.

Fit in!

He finally reached the fit state. His mood was exciting.

[you have the following choices when you successfully break through the fitness environment]

[1. To be born immediately and show your strength to the world, you can obtain a spiritual treasure and a supernatural power inheritance]

[2. Continue to close the door and practice in a low-key way. The target is the strongest in the world, and you can obtain natural materials and local treasures]