Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 996: Chaos Destiny


The boundless void exploded, as if the bells of time and space were trembling, echoing endlessly.

The figures of Jiang Jueshi and Dao Zhizun are crazily intertwined. They continue to exert their magical powers. The magical light of mana traverses the void, and various dharmas appear one after another, making the void seem like the evolution of the world is accelerating.

At the same time, the two of them cast their divine mighty palms to destroy all of the other\'s dharmas, but they were unable to hurt the other.

"I didn\'t expect that the master also passed on him..."

Both of them had such emotions in their minds at the same time.

Even if their cultivation base is already strong, none of the magical powers in their hands is more destructive than the Shenwei Great Heavenly Palm.

The power of Shenwei Datian Palm also caused discussion among the great experts in the hall.

"Is this the magic trick that Tiansheng used to face Tianjiao before?"

"It looks unremarkable, but the destructive power is really terrifying."

"I have heard that this is the divine power and the great heavenly palm. It has the good fortune of the Dao, and it can be regarded as the supernatural power of the Dao. It can be compared to the supernatural power of the Dao, and it is naturally tyrannical."

"With this magical power, the Taoism of Hidden Sect is indestructible enough."

"Both of them are amazing enough to dominate one side."

Not only the discussion in the main hall, but the entire Ten City is also very lively, with exclamations coming and going.

The names of Jiang Jueshi and Dao Zhizun have been written down by them. The practitioners who can come to the Ten Jue Cities are all leaders. Jiang Jueshi and the two are completely chaotic.

The hidden door side is also paying close attention, and it is really difficult to decide the outcome of the two.

Han Huang frowned. Logically, he naturally hoped that Jiang Peishi would win, and he didn\'t know Dao Supreme.

He knew Jiang Jueshi\'s strength well, but he didn\'t expect that there was still an existence in Hidden Sect that could compete with him.

He couldn\'t help but look around, wouldn\'t these Chaos Demon Gods be very strong?

Suddenly he couldn\'t understand.

"No wonder my father is so calm about my progress..."

Han Huang felt ashamed. When he showed off to his father, what was his father thinking?

"They\'re going to get real!"

Zhao Xuanyuan said suddenly, with an excited tone.

Jiang Yi also looked expectant.

All the disciples knew that the three of them were inseparable, and seeing their expressions, they couldn\'t help but wonder what kind of strength Dao Supreme would show.

Qing Tian Xuanji stared at Dao Supreme in the sky, his heartbeat quickened.

That is…

In the battle void, a winding river condensed around Dao Zhizun, occupying most of the void. He himself was like dust in the big waves, extremely insignificant. His aura appeared with the river and skyrocketed one after another, causing the void to change color.

Jiang Pei Shi was moved.

"what is this?"

It was the first time that Jiang Peishi encountered such a power. He did not dare to trust him, so he immediately displayed his great fortune and reincarnated with great fortune!

Divine light burst out from his body, and the circles of fortune circles rose from the soles of his feet, expanding continuously, and his momentum increased with it.

"Junior Brother Jiang, I\'m sorry, it\'s not just for the pressure on Junior Brother Huang, I\'m going to set the position of Senior Brother of the Eternal Peak!"

Dao Zhizun laughed wildly, and the meandering river set off a huge wave with a height of 100 million feet. Numerous phantoms rushed out of the waves, shouting and killing Jiang Peishi, with a huge momentum.

Someone in the hall exclaimed: "Fate is a long river?"

The other great powers followed in an uproar, and the Supreme Dao can actually drive the long river of chaotic destiny?

Heaven also has a long river of destiny, but compared to the long river of destiny of chaos, it is insignificant.

Chaos Destiny River has been established for countless years, and the power of cause and effect is unimaginable.

The phantoms in the giant waves are the phantoms of practitioners from ancient and modern times.

Jiang Peishi raised his arms, and the reincarnation of the great good fortune was running wildly. Nine statues that were exactly the same as him rose from the top of his head, and waved their divine mighty palms in all directions, back to back.

boom! boom! boom…

The huge waves of fate shot in all directions were shaken away one after another, but the long river of fate was endless, and it could not be ended with a few palms.

Jiang Peishi felt unprecedented pressure. This pressure was even greater than facing Han Huang. Although Han Huang could win against him, it was the difference in mana.

The pressure that Dao Supreme brought him was not just as simple as mana, he somehow felt that he was fighting against the entire chaos.

"The river of fate..."

Han Ling muttered to himself, the plain hand in his sleeve slightly held the cuff.

She was thinking about the scene where her imperial soldier collided with the long river of fate.

Han Jue was also a little surprised, Dao Zhizun had something.

He thought that Jiang Peishi would win, but he didn\'t expect a change.

Even he thinks it is a variable, let alone other people, Jiang Peishi is a heavenly general, he has great military exploits, his reputation is far-reaching, and the Taoist Supreme has been low-key for millions of years. Before the Chaos event, few people have heard of its name in Chaos.

Dark horse!

Dao Zhizun is not just as simple as manipulating the river of chaotic destiny. He keeps casting spells, and there are more and more rivers of destiny around him, making the entire void crowded.

"Junior Brother Jiang, you are really powerful, you must know that Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi can\'t stop me together!"

Dao Zhizun laughed loudly, and the voice resounded through the city of Shijue, and the faces of Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi, who were full of smiles, froze.

your mother!

Zhao Xuanyuan patted the table and stood up, scolding: "Junior Brother Jiang won me this son of a bitch!"

Hei Prison Chicken laughed and said, "Incompetent and furious, Jiang Peishi should not be able to win."

Zhao Xuanyuan was even more annoyed.


Chu Shiren\'s voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked at the sky.

In the surging river of chaotic destiny, big waves lined up on both sides, and Jiang Peishi stepped out, dressed in divine light. With every step forward, his figure increased several times, and the halo of his body continued to pour into his body, and the whole body began to emerge. Weird, mysterious golden runes, like words and patterns.

Jiang Jueshi\'s long hair fluttered, and he lost his blackness by divine light, his eyes lost pupils, and a black circle appeared between his eyebrows, UU reading www. was overflowing with black energy, growing like a raging flame.

The robes rattled, and Jiang Pei Shi\'s aura rose again.

"Senior Brother Dao, you are really powerful. I wanted to leave this trick to Junior Brother Huang, but I didn\'t expect you to force it out. Your destiny is indeed strong, but my reincarnation is not easy. Today, I will ask me The great creation of Chaos is famous!"

Jiang Peishi\'s voice sounded, equally loud, but more divine than Dao Supreme\'s arrogance and smugness.

He waved his right hand forward, and the golden runes all over his body attacked like a tornado, and the black circle between the eyebrows overflowed into the center of the tornado, like a black sword energy.

Dao Zhizun\'s face changed slightly, and he immediately moved the magic trick. Two divine weapons flew out from the river of fate on both sides, like halberds, one black and one white, crossed and blocked thousands of feet away, blocking Jiang Peishi\'s great fortune magical power.

The black and white halberd vibrated violently, and the sound produced between the collisions was deafening and extremely harsh.

Between the lightning and flint, the black and white halberds suddenly merged together, and a terrifying force erupted, dispelling Jiang Peishi\'s great fortune magical power, and the void shook violently.

"not good!"

The Supreme Punishment God suddenly disappeared, appeared in the battle void, and stabilized the space with his own mana.

His appearance caused an uproar in Shijue City.

Can the battle of these two break the power of the rules set by the Supreme Punishment God?



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