Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 994: Chaos 1st Order

"Father, why does it do this, people are not its enemies, and they speak ill of each other, so I need to be beaten..."

Han Ling asked in a voice transmission, with a helpless tone.

After Han Jue heard it, he echoed: "After all, it has never left my dojo, and I found that I am not weak, so I am too excited, understand it, it is just hilarious anyway."


Han Ling was stunned for a while, pondered carefully, and felt that the word had some meaning.

The performance of the Black Prison Chicken did not attract the attention of the great masters in the hall. After all, there are 100 fighting spaces, and the battle of the free saint could not attract the attention of the great masters for the time being, but one of them was very unhappy.

He is the elder of Heiyuji\'s opponent, but because Heiyuji is a disciple of Yinmen, he doesn\'t dare to say anything.

The battle of the free saints is not like Han Jue\'s instant kill, easy to solve, some fierce battles for several days, it is difficult to win or lose, in this regard, the Supreme Punishment God Venerable did not bother.

10,000 people will choose 1,000 people. It is estimated that it will take some time. Han Jue is not in a hurry. Anyway, he watched it with relish.

the next day.

Han Jue\'s attention was attracted by Han Ming.

Although Han Jue took care of this life\'s biological younger brother, the two brothers never had a good talk. After becoming the Chaos Demon God, Han Ming has been practicing hard, but he is still one step away from the Great Dao Saint.

In this battle, Han Jue saw the change in Han Ming\'s life.

In other words, it was the first time he saw Han Ming fighting seriously, showing a stubbornness, just like he would rather die and be reborn in order not to trouble him.

The battle lasted for an hour and then ended, and Han Ming won a strong victory with the power of the Chaos Demon God\'s Dao.

In the realm of freedom, the Chaos Demon God is almost invincible.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. After all, if you have mastered the power of the Dao, you need to obtain the Dao in order to find the soul in order to master the power of the Dao.

In Han Jue\'s view, Han Ming is more likely to become Qian Jun than Hei Prison Chicken.

Han Qing\'er is a bit dangerous. After all, she was pampered and grew up. She obviously lacks battle experience. She barely won the first game, but if she wants to become a thousand gentlemen, she has to win two or three more games.


There are not one thousand Dao Tianjiao among the ten thousand strong, Han Jue glanced at it, and it was in the early two hundred.

This number is already a lot. You must know that before the divine power will run rampant in the chaos, there are only more than 100 Great Dao saints on the bright side, which is enough to see that the arrogance has not been built in these years.

The main credit is still in the Punishment of God Venerable. Before the change, the older generation would make things difficult for Tianjiao, such as the Peacock God Sovereign, the undefeated previous life, etc., all of which have proved that the Dao was blocked by others.

If you want to promote the development of the big environment, you really have to have power.

Han Jue thought silently.

The Supreme Punishment God is very similar to the Xuandu Holy Venerable, but the Supreme Punishment God Venerable is stealing the family\'s upper position, and the means must be ruthless by the Xuandu Holy Venerable.

It all works for me, it\'s fine.

Thinking of this, Han Jue felt a little at ease.

If he hadn\'t made a move against the original ancestor, how could the Supreme Punishment God be in the position, and how could there be today\'s peace in Chaos.

So speaking, in the final analysis, the credit still lies with him, but he hides the merit and fame deeply.

Han Jue watched the battle while thinking.

After three full months, the Great Dao Sage finally participated in the competition of Qianjun.

Among the saints of Hidden Gate Avenue, Jiang Peishi participated in the battle first.

At the beginning of the battle, Jiang Jueshi performed great fortune, blocked the space within a radius of 10,000 miles, and ended the battle with a divine palm, but he was very graceful and did not destroy all the square gods. , and saluted him before dying.

"This Jiang Jueshi really has the demeanor of a great sage. I see that many arrogances are unparalleled in talent, but their hearts are like ordinary spirits." The Supreme Punishment God Venerable said with emotion.

These remarks caused many great experts in the hall to nod their heads, and they remembered Jiang Peishi.

Since Jiang Jueshi, Han Huang, Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi, Murong Qi, Tiangang Demon God, Crimson Fox, Da Santian, Time Demon God, Shuttle Demon God, Crown Invincible and other saints of the hidden avenues have played one after another and won. Clean and neat, so that all forces envy greatly.

What a solid foundation!

Under the deliberate arrangement of the Supreme Punishment God Venerable, the saints of the Great Dao could not meet for the time being.

In this regard, the powerful can also understand, this is reasonable.

Han Jue paid special attention to Wuxiang Tianxia.

This son is indeed very strong. Although he hides his aura, Han Jue can see through it at a glance. In terms of cultivation, he is stronger than Han Huang.

But this is nothing.

The word Wuxiang made Han Jue inexplicably think of Wuxiang, the invisible and detached great god.

He couldn\'t figure it out, so he used the evolution function in his heart.

"What is the relationship between the Great God of Invisibility and Formless Transcendence and the Underworld?"

[Need to deduct one thousand trillion years of life, whether to continue]


[There is some inheritance relationship]


No matter how much, that\'s what matters!

No wonder!

Han Jue wondered, where did such a arrogant genius appear.

In 100 million years of age can achieve the supreme Dao, in addition to their father and son, can there be a third person?

Even if there is, it must be the same as them.

The hanging of the world without a phase is opened by the great gods without a phase and a formless transcendence.

a month later.

Qianjun finally decided, and the Supreme Punishment God showed Qianjun\'s name and origin in the air, such as Han Huang Tianting, Han Tuo God Punishment, and there was a blank between the name and the place.

This time 17bXw Zhang Si. The news of their achievement of Qianjun has also been passed back to their respective areas of influence, and UU reading is considered a success.

However, Qianjun is only a stage, and the next hundred is the real competition.

If you become a hundred gods, you will get the title and territory of the Supreme Punishment God. If you become one of the top ten, you can become a **** of the Dao.

This is just a status reward, and it is even more immeasurable in terms of resources.

Even single-handedly, he can become a hegemon.

Before there are only two hundred winners left, the saint of the avenue will not encounter the saint of the avenue.

The first one to be eliminated from the Hidden Sect was the Black Prison Chicken. As for Han Qinger and Chaos Tengu, they were already eliminated outside Qianjun Sect.

Han Jue saw the black prison chicken jumping furiously in the courtyard of Shijue City, scolding his father and mother, making him almost want to laugh, but fortunately he held it back in time.

How strange.

Han Jue will feel distressed when the others are eliminated, but when the Black Prison Chicken is eliminated, he will gloat over the misfortune instead.

Maybe it\'s too cheap.

A saint named Zizai was eliminated, and a month later, there were only dozens of saints left, and only Han Ming was left to represent the hidden sage. All the participants who were not saints of the Great Dao were eliminated.

Han Jue was suddenly relieved.

My little brother has really grown up and can be on his own.

Back then, when Han Jue knew about Han Ming\'s existence, he was extremely conflicted, for fear that Han Ming would cause trouble for him. Now, looking at him, he felt like he was looking at his younger generation.

It seems that my mentality is starting to get old.

Make a big tyrant. Han Jue thought silently that he always felt that his mentality was very young. After all, he had not experienced much and had been in retreat.

Time passed, and there were only two hundred Tianjiao left.

The hidden door side accounted for 10%, such a lineup has been spread in the ten city, and the title of the first line of chaos belongs to the hidden door.

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