Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 988: Wan Qiang, 0 Jun, 10 must

After chatting for a while, Han Jue was about to preach, and the five gods were excited, and immediately meditated in front of Han Jue.

The sermon lasted for three thousand years. When Han Jue and his daughter left, the five gods were still in a state of enlightenment.

I don\'t know how long ago.

They wake up one after another.

Yi Tian asked in surprise, "Where\'s the godfather?"

Han Tuo said: "It must have left."

He took a deep breath, his eyes were burning, and the hands in his sleeves were clenched into fists.

He felt his father\'s expectations, and he had a greater ambition for the Chaos event.

Before, he didn\'t dare to think about the eternal peak, thinking that it should belong to his second brother, but now, he understands what his father means.

Father hoped that he would also fight and bring pressure to Han Huang!

"Shenwei Tiansheng is really amazing."

"Three thousand years of listening is better than millions of years of practice."

"Big brother, it seems that Shenwei Tiansheng also values ​​you very much, you have to behave well."

"Haha, I am the absolute top of the eternal world!"

Listening to the words of the brothers, Han Tuo smiled. He felt that he was extremely happy. He had a father who valued him, and a brother who shared life and death. If he didn\'t get an excellent ranking, I\'d be sorry for caring about people!

Third Dojo.

Han Ling asked curiously, "Father, aren\'t you going to the second brother and the third sister?"

Han Jue said, "Your second brother doesn\'t need my guidance anymore. As for Qing\'er, forget it. She\'s the most fun. I don\'t want to give her hope."

Han Qinger is only now at ease, and it is impossible to have a good ranking in the chaos event.

Thousands of years have passed, and the chaotic free saints are not as rare as they used to be.

The chaotic event must be the battlefield of the saints of the avenue. Without the supremacy of the avenue, it is difficult to compete for the eternal peak.

Han Ling blinked, moved.

Sounds like this, her father really doted on her.

Look at her third sister...

Han Ling couldn\'t help feeling sympathy for Han Qinger.

Han Jue closed his eyes, and Han Ling stopped asking questions and began to practice.

Han Jue did not practice, but entrusted Han Qinger with a dream.

After all, it was his daughter, and he used to be his favorite little padded jacket. Han Jue still had to take care of it, pass on his magical powers, and give some pointers.

Han Qinger was very excited, and dragged Han Jue to chat for a while. Compared with Han Ling, Han Qinger was more carefree and closest to Han Jue.

The dream lasted a long time.

After the end of the dream, Han Jue followed Han Huang and Jiang Peishi in turn to support the dream, and they did not express their magical powers, but only encouraged them.

Less than 100,000 years from the chaos event, the entire chaos became turbulent, and more and more Tianjiao began to come out to fight and learn, wanting to gain prestige, but the long-established Tianjiao calmed down, began to retreat, and did the last. sprint.

At the bottom of the chaos, the ten cities are extremely magnificent, and the area is larger than the entire fairyland. There is an area inside which is the gathering place of the teleportation circle. At present, the number of teleportation circles that have been built has exceeded 100 million, and many living beings are in the process. building.

All the creatures who participated in the construction of the ten cities are not ordinary spirits, and they do not complain, they regard it as an opportunity.

After thousands of years of publicity, the Chaos event has not yet been launched, and it is enough to establish its mythical status. This will be an unprecedented event for Chaos.

At present, the guards of the ten cities are all Daoist spirits, and the order is strict.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Supreme Punishment God Venerable has already given a death order, and there must be no accident in the city of Ten Absolutes. He values ​​this chaotic event very highly.

As the time for the chaotic event is getting closer and closer, there are Tianjiao and forces rushing to avoid missing this event, or to make good ties or win Tianjiao in advance.

The chaotic event is no longer a stage for Tianjiao, but also a game of power and a gluttonous feast.

If you can dig up the top ten chaotic masters, you will dig up a Dao deity.

In addition to the Chaos Ten Masters, there are also Hundred Zuns, Qianjun, and Wanqiang. As long as you enter Wanqiang, you will definitely become known as Chaos. Wanqiang is also the arrogance that all forces desire.

There are so many fields of chaos, and Wanqiang Tianjiao can be regarded as a peerless Tianjiao that is rare in a million years.

In a blink of an eye.

Han Jue retreated for another 150,000 years, and the Chaos Festival will be launched a hundred years later.

Han Jue opened his eyes and said, "Linger, are you ready?"

Han Ling opened his eyes immediately, his eyes full of anticipation.

The father and daughter walked out of the dojo and found the three daughters of Xing Hongxuan. This chaotic event made history, and he naturally had to bring his own woman, but he had to leave a stray soul in the dojo before going there.

If something goes wrong, the dead can be resurrected.

This time 17bX*WX* Zhang Si. Han never wanted to face a situation where he was blackmailed.

No matter who it is, as long as Han Jue may die, he will abandon it. He thinks so, but if he is known by the people around him or experiences it himself, he will be distraught, so he has to avoid such a situation.

Han Jue has never been adventurous.

at the same time.

At the bottom of the chaos, the huge Ten City is very lively, every street in the city is crowded, and there are many creatures, beasts, mounts and so on above the city.

"Extreme Northern Territory, the Great Heavenly God King is here!"

A cultivator stood on top of a black dragon and shouted loudly. The voice resounded throughout the entire Ten City, causing countless creatures in the city to be in an uproar.

Obviously, this great **** king is very famous.

"Tsk tsk, the Great Heavenly God King really came, I thought he was not qualified."

"Hahaha, the Great Heavenly God King is estimated to be close to 100 million years old."

"The Great Heavenly God King is considered a 10,000-strong Tianjiao?"

"Inevitably, UU Reading has been famous for a long time after all."

"In the past thousand years, there have been too many peerless talents. I used to think that Wan Qiang must be mixed with unknown people. Now it seems that it is difficult to enter Wan Qiang."

"Can my Primordial Saint be selected into Wan Qiang?"

This kind of announcement has been going on for thousands of years, and the atmosphere of the chaos event has been hyped to the extreme. This is arranged by the Supreme Punishment God Venerable.

With the spread of the experience of many geniuses, let alone the eternal peak, no one even dared to predict the top 100 in chaos.

After a few hours.

"The Tower of the Avenue, Zhou Fan is here!"

Zhou Fan\'s name also caused quite a stir, but it was still a little smaller than that of the Great Heavenly God King.

In the past few million years, the Tower of the Avenue has been too low-key.

At the same time, in a vast courtyard, many hidden disciples have gathered here.

The black prison chicken shouted: "God, go pick you up, Brother Fan!"

Chaos Tengu was unhappy and scolded: "Why is it me every time, why don\'t you brother go?"

"You\'re talking about brother chicken, but you can\'t run errands when you\'re a brother!"


Guan Bubai glanced at Chaos Tengu and hummed, "Don\'t hurry up!"

Make a big tyrant. The others also began to urge the Chaos Tengu.

Chaos Tengu was sad and angry, so he could only rush to pick him up.

Da Santian suddenly asked, "Where\'s Murongqi? Why hasn\'t he come yet?"

Fang Liang said: "I passed a letter with him. His goal is very high. If he wants to win the eternal peak, he said that if he wants to grab a big opportunity, he has to come later."

The Black Prison Chicken smiled and said, "Eternal Peak? He dares to think, isn\'t this the position of our Junior Brother Huang?"

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