Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 983: 1st God's Great Way

The arrival of Hongjun did not affect Han Jue\'s cultivation, and soon, he entered a state of retreat again.

He now has only one goal, the creator of Tao.

the other side.

Liu Bei was preaching to Hongjun.

Although there are living beings in the universe of stars, he has also accepted disciples, but those living beings have spiritual wisdom, but they have no experience.

Hongjun is different. He has been through chaos for tens of thousands of years. He has rich experience. After worshipping the great power, he is conscientious and conscientious when listening to the sermon, and he does not dare to be distracted.

His attitude of seeking the Tao made Liu Bei very satisfied, and finally found the feeling of being a teacher.

No wonder the owner likes to take apprentices so much.

Liu Bei looked at the handsome Hongjun and sighed in his heart.

"Unfortunately, if it were thousands of years earlier, I could still train him to participate in the Chaos event."

Liu Bei suddenly felt a little regretful.

Hongjun\'s aptitude, he already understands, is definitely a arrogance.

If he can win the prestige at the Chaos event, then his face will be great.

Just thinking about it, Liu Bei smiled.

Half a million years later.

Han Jue has already passed thirteen million years, not to mention the way of heaven, Chaos is already a brand new appearance.

Han Jue glanced at it, and the void near the Dao of Heaven was full of cities, floating islands and other buildings, as well as in other fields. Under the supervision of the Dao deities, the chaos was considered peaceful, like the battle between the forces of fate and the Sanqing Sacred Realm. Nothing in Chaos.

Han Jue estimated that the number of chaotic creatures had increased a hundredfold. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Dao saints are born almost every ten thousand years, and as for the freedom saints, there are naturally more.

The name of the chaotic event is even more conspicuous. Every chaotic domain has many names of arrogance. In this era of arrogance, Shenwei Tiansheng has become an ancient legend, and it is rarely mentioned by living beings on weekdays.

Before the Chaos event was launched, Chaos had already circulated various rankings about Tianjiao, and Han Huang had also become a legend, and was replaced by Tianjiao of the new generation, such as Tianting, the most famous ones were Zhao Shuangquan and Qingtian Xuanji, who were Known as the double pride of heaven.

As there are more and more Tianjiao, the chaos is also very lively, and even the gate of the avenue is often gathered by the saints of the avenue to exchange information on the Tianjiao.

And at the bottom of Chaos, the top ten cities arranged by the Supreme Punishment God have also been built, and the news has spread. All the forces in Chaos know that the Chaos event will be launched at the bottom of Chaos, which also makes the bottom of Chaos lively.

When Han Jue was observing Chaos, on the other side, inside the Dao of Ignorance.

The four people of Dao Zhizun are like rainbows, forming four terrifying air columns that connect the heaven and the earth, and their diameters continue to increase upwards, as if to split the entire sky.

The four were far away from each other, and the nearby springs had been drained, leaving potholes of different sizes.

Zhao Xuanyuan opened his eyes, looked at his three companions, and said with a smile, "Brothers, I feel that I am so strong that I am invincible among the saints of the Great Dao."

Jiang Yi hummed, "Then can you beat me?"


"Come on! Who is afraid of who!"

The two stood up, ready to fight.

Dao Zhizun opened his eyes and said solemnly: "What to fight, practice well, and when the chaos event starts, you will have a chance to fight!"

The two had to sit down again.

Lao Dan sighed with emotion: "The divine power of the Dao\'s luck is indeed powerful. The Dao\'s divine power of luck in the ignorant Dao world is so powerful. The Tao is supreme. The divine power you hold comes from chaos, so it should be stronger, right?"

Dao Zhizun nodded and said: "The power of the Great Dao\'s luck and luck is different. My Dao\'s luck and luck seems to be the opposite of the divine right. The divine right will represent the attack, and I am the ultimate defense. What is it? Wait until the chaos event, I will amaze you."

After speaking, Dao Zhizun showed a proud look on his face.

Lao Dan carefully looked at Dao Zhizun and found that Dao Zhizun was indeed different. There was a powerful force in his eyes, and it was enough to palpitate when he looked at him.

"Are you going to participate in the Chaos Festival?" This time 7* Zhang Si

A voice came, and the first **** appeared behind Lao Dan.

Old Dan was secretly startled.

So fast!

He didn\'t notice it at all.

The white hair on the face of the first **** has faded. Although there are still a lot of white hairs on his body, he has become more and more human-like, and his lower body is also changing, temporarily looking deformed.

Dao Zhizun looked at the first **** and said, "Isn\'t it possible? This is a plan that I have long waited for."

No. 1 Divine Dao: "The chaotic event is unfolding at the bottom of chaos, and it is the closest to the Dao of Ignorance. If you can come out on top in the event of chaos, and even order all the talents, this will be an opportunity for the world of Dao of ignorance to rise."

Dao Zhizun frowned and said: "It\'s not easy to lead Chaos Tianjiao, even if you win the name of the eternal peak, you may not be able to do it. Moreover, according to your words, Chaos and Ignorance Dao Realm cannot be merged, they are opposites. How can Chaos Tianjiao help the ignorant Dao world?"

The first **** replied: "I have a way to make the chaotic arrogance become the ignorant arrogance. After the will of chaos disappears, the chaos is temporarily without a master. In thousands of years, even in a billion years, he will not leave the border."

"As long as the chaos is not destroyed, he will not take action. He is extremely conceited. This is our opportunity, and it is also an opportunity for the ignorant Dao world and the Dao of Heaven. UU Reading"

Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi glanced at each other, but said nothing, leaving it to Dao Zhizun to deal with it.

Dao Zhizun pondered: "We will consider it."

No. 1 Shinto: "You mentioned the divine power just now. The ignorant Dao world also has a similar Dao Qi luck divine right, and it is the most powerful Dao Qi Luck divine right. I have already learned it before you came. Do you want to see it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the four Dao Zhizun came to be interested one after another, and Zhao Xuanyuan urged him to show it quickly.

The First God took off, flew into the sky, and slowly raised his arms.


The earth trembled violently, and terrifying breaths emerged from the ground, as if countless volcanoes erupted, and the four of them gathered together and looked around.

With a loud noise, a black figure broke through the surface and flew under the sky.

The four of them looked intently, and it was a dark figure, like a figure in battle armor, burly and domineering, exuding an overwhelming terrifying aura.

As soon as he stopped, the surrounding space began to distort, forming a terrifying and eerie image.

The four of Dao Zhizun frowned.

Zhao Xuanyuan murmured: "What a powerful breath, it must surpass the saints of the Dao, and be stronger than the original divine power."

Jiang Yi frowned and said, "The most powerful thing about divine power is the number, twenty thousand."

The voice fell, and one after another figure broke out of the ground, like a rain of black arrows rushing towards the sky.

The first **** looked down at the vast scene gathered below, and said, "Chaos has divine powers, and I will give them the generals of extermination."

"The divine power of chaos will be as many as 20,000, and my destruction power will be as high as 100,000."

"As I get stronger and stronger, more and more powers will be destroyed. One hundred thousand is by no means the limit."

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