Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 981: different kendo rivers

Han Jue looked at his little daughter again.

Just like myself.

Regardless of appearance or personality.

Han Jue suddenly had the feeling that he was a successor, something Han Huang had never given him before.

"I have to train her well. If the little guys outside dare to rebel, Ling\'er will take care of it."

Han Jue thought of this, and a smile appeared on his face.

Han Ling asked: "Father, can you take me to see the Chaos event? Although I don\'t participate, I also want to see the strength of the Chaos Heavenly Chosen."

Han Jue nodded, and then brought other wives and children to watch the battle.

The father and daughter chatted for a while, and Han Jue began to check his emails.

As the Chaos Festival is approaching, the battles in the circle of friends also begin to increase. Most of them are attacked, and few are seriously injured. It is estimated that they are all learning from each other.

After reading the email, Han Jue\'s eyes fell on the final realm in the depths of his soul.

The first Chaos Demon God, the Demon God of Life, has already demonstrated the Dao, and the Ninyuan Realm is higher than the previous Hongmeng and Chaos. Even if the Demon God of Life proves the Dao, there is no way to create a living being for the time being.

He couldn\'t figure out how to create it.

Mainly because of lack of knowledge.

The reason why he wanted to create living beings was because he felt lonely.

Han Jue thought for a while, and a ray of will sneaked into the final world.

At this moment, the Demon God of Life is cultivating in a planet with oceans, land, mountains, and trees.

The Demon God of Life is bigger than the mountains. Sitting in the mountains, every breath will lift up a terrifying giant peak, causing the trees on the mountains to shake violently. He is like a snake and has three heads. , The heads on both sides are like women, with bewitching facial features and long hair fluttering.

A figure with dazzling light appeared in front of the middle head of the Demon God of Life, and it was Han Jue.

The Demon God of Life opened his eyes and stared at Han Jue.

There is no fighting in the final world for the time being, so the demon **** of life is not afraid, but has doubts in his heart.

He couldn\'t feel Han Jue\'s breath.

Han Jue smiled and said, "What are you confused about?"

The Devil of Life: "I want to create the same existence as me... the more the better, but it has never been successful..."

It has to be said that the Chaos Demon God is extremely simple, and facing the mysterious Han Jue, he truthfully expresses his thoughts.

There is no suspicion, no fighting, no jealousy, and no concept of life cognition is formed.

Han Jue smiled and said, "I have a way, you need to activate the power of creation..."

He began to guide the demon **** of life to realize the power of creation.

The three thousand avenues have been formed, and they are located above the final yuan realm.

For the Chaos Demon God, the final world is boundless and endless, but such a big world is full of loneliness, making practice meaningless. Most Chaos Demon Gods are in a daze apart from cultivating. In their respective fields, look up to in the same lonely final universe.

a long time.

Han Jue quietly disappeared, and the Demon God of Life fell into an epiphany.

Han Jue in the Taoist temple opened his eyes.

He couldn\'t help but sigh, but he didn\'t expect that the evolution process would have to be promoted by him.

At present, although the Qi of the Final Yuan is increasing, it is far less than 1% of the Qi of Hongmeng.

To completely transform from the Hongmeng realm to the final realm, it will take a long time to accumulate.

This time * Zhang Si. What Han Jue lacks most now is time. He is looking forward to the day when the final world is completely formed, and he doesn\'t know whether he can become the creator of Tao before that.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Chaos, the long river of kendo.

In the pale space-time, a big river formed by the condensed sword energy rushed away, never to return.

Li Daokong in a white robe stood on the long river of swordsmanship. After millions of years, Li Daokong became vicissitudes of life, many of his hair became gray, but his eyes became sharper.

With his hands behind his waist, his robes moved with the flow of sword energy.

A figure appeared in the distance, also standing on the long river of kendo, it was Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu stared at Li Daokong and said, "What a powerful kendo will, you have such strength when you first entered the avenue."

Li Daokong looked at him and said, "Master, long time no see."

Lao Tzu said calmly: "I can\'t count as your master. You are already a descendant of the teacher. In terms of seniority, you and I should be the same generation."

Li Daokong smiled slightly, his eyes fell to the long river of kendo below, and said: "Master, this long river of kendo is completely different from the long river of kendo of heaven. It seems that there is life hidden in the endless sword energy, is there a cave in it?"

Lao Tzu\'s eyes changed slightly and said, "Can you feel it?"

Li Daokong raised his right hand, and the illusion of a golden river floated in his palm, and said, "This is the long river of kendo that I created. I think the long river of kendo can not only let the creatures from all worlds come to understand, but also can create creatures belonging to the kendo. I tried it and it worked."

Lao Tzu was silent.

Li Daokong grabbed his right hand, the golden river dissipated, he turned around and said, "Master, it seems that you are not without desires, there is another heavenly way in the long river of swordsmanship, a more powerful heavenly way, no wonder your cultivation. To be so powerful, all sentient beings believe in it, which is amazing."

Without waiting for Lao Tzu\'s answer, Li Daokong\'s figure turned into a star and scattered.

His last words echoed over the long river of kendo.

"Master, although the way of kendo is created by you, I will surpass you. When I attain the highest level, I will come to challenge you. At that time, it will not only be a duel between you and me, but also a duel between two kinds of kendo. UU Reading "

Lao Tzu never made a move from beginning to end, nor did he stop Li Daokong from leaving.

His eyes fell on the majestic kendo river below, and he muttered: "Kendo? That\'s just a narrow definition of yours."

Inside a huge palace, two rows of stone pillars surrounded by fire dragons illuminate the hall.

Huang Zuntian sat in the first seat, and below dozens of steps stood a powerful presence, including Patriarch Xitian, Li Daokong, Shi Dudao, Jing Tiangong, etc.

The weakest also has the cultivation base of freedom!

Huang Zuntian asked blankly, "How is the situation?"

A white-haired old Taoist took the lead in saying: "Lord, there are hundreds of free monks in the Sanqing Holy Realm, and there are seven Taoist saints, which is difficult to deal with."

Others took the call.

"Yeah, the Lao Tzu of the Sanqing Holy Realm is one of the peak existences of Chaos."

"It\'s not just Lao Tzu, the Tongtian Sect Master is not a good person."

"I have investigated, and Tianjiao, who is strongly promoted by the Sanqing Sacred Realm, has inherited the Taoist traditions of the three sects of Ren, Jie, and Chan. It is said that Lao Tzu also gave his Taoist ancestors the practice method."

Make a big tyrant. "That Tianjiao is really amazing. If he becomes the top ten masters of chaos and is promoted to the **** of the Dao, it will be difficult to deal with."

"I recommend taking action before the Chaos event."

Listening to the discussions of his subordinates, Huang Zuntian was thoughtful and tapped the armrest of the tiger\'s head with his right index finger.

Ancestor Xi Tian stepped forward and said, "If you want to deal with the Sanqing Holy Realm, you must first deal with Lao Tzu, life master, think twice."

Huang Zuntian leaned forward and said with a smile, "The Sanqing Sacred Realm must be taken care of. As for how to deal with Lao Tzu, I have a solution. If Lao Tzu is not in the Sanqing Sacred Realm, can I be sure to level the Sanqing Sacred Realm and take away its lineage?"

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