Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 978: In the future of Huang Zuntian, the Dark Lord is still there

Han Jue agreed to fight with Han Ling, and the father and daughter entered the mock trial.

As soon as the fight started, Han Jue shot.


There is no controversy.

Han Ling woke up suddenly, with a dull look on his face.

Han Jue did not change his face.

The Taoist temple was silent for a while, and Han Ling said aggrievedly: "Father! How can you really move! Even if you move, let me use my full strength first. I mainly want to try the power of this treasure."

Han Jue said angrily, "There are so many opponents in the mock trial, aren\'t you enough to try? You are just too bold and want to trouble your father."

"How can it be!"

"Ha ha."

"I don\'t care, father, don\'t shoot, let me attack for a while."

Facing Han Ling\'s coquettish behavior, Han Jue couldn\'t bear it and could only agree.

The second mock trial began, and Han would never make a move, leaving Han Ling to use all means to attack.

He also finally saw the power of the imperial soldiers.

The emperor\'s cultivation base is like the deity, and his aggressiveness is fierce, but he does not have supernatural powers. It is indeed like a mortal army. It is difficult for anyone in the same realm to stop Han Ling, but if there is a realm gap, no matter how many emperors there are, it is a fake.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. No matter how Han Ling attacked, he could not break Han Jue\'s defense.

Eventually, she got tired and gave up the fight.

The father and daughter opened their eyes, and Han Ling sighed, shocked.

Han Jue smiled proudly and said, "Do you know how powerful your father is? You don\'t go out and ask, how powerful your father is."

Han Ling pouted and said, "Really, then you can tell your story again. Last time you talked about proving the Dao, what about later?"

She is really curious.

She is already invincible at the same level in the simulated trial, and she has the power to parry even in the face of the Great Dao Saint.

She has played against all the existences in the mock trial without her own strength, but no one can feel the oppression like her.

Han Jue immediately began to tell his story.

He was naturally happy to appear in the presence of his daughter.

This talk went on for a long time.

After Han Jue finished speaking, Han was very inspired.

Han Jue\'s enemies and situations made her fascinated, but what should she do if she faced Han Jue\'s previous crisis?

"Retreat practice is to make your enemies never guess your cultivation." Han Jue said with a smile.

Han Ling nodded and said with deep conviction: "I think so too, father, don\'t worry, I will never be arrogant."

The father and daughter chatted for a while, Han Ling continued to practice, and Han Jue began to check emails.

The circle of friends is very lively. All the old friends have grown up and can be alone. Han Jue can see the years with emotion.

Soon, an email caught Han Jue\'s attention.

[Your friend Huang Zuntian opened up the Dao world, and Daoism has risen sharply]

Road world?

This is a key to the creator of Tao!

This guy has something.

Han Jue thought for a while, but still asked Huang Zuntian to dream.

The dream is the eighteen peaks of Yuqing Shengzong, with picturesque green mountains and green waters.

Goodbye Huang Zuntian, he is stronger in spirit, wearing a black robe with golden threads, a blue crown with purple jade dragon horns, a robe facing the wind, and a majestic face.


Huang Zuntian opened his eyes, saw Han Jue, and asked, "So it\'s you, I have a chance, I\'m looking for you, do you want to hear?"

Han Jue said, "I don\'t want to."

Huang Zuntian immediately knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said, "Meet the master!"

He was very excited, without any air.

His achievements are indeed remarkable, but compared with Han Jue, he always feels that he is far behind.

If Han Jue hadn\'t attracted the attention of all beings in the chaos in the name of divine mighty saint, how could he be today.

With what he knew about Han Jue, he knew that Han would never be pushy, and that he had been so flamboyant for millions of years in the past, wasn\'t it just to make all living beings forget them, those who are destined to doom?

Since Han Jue ascended to the top of Chaos, the Supreme Punishment God Venerable has also approached him and was willing to give him a chance, which made him even more in awe of Han Jue.

He felt that all this was due to Han Jue!

But Han Jue didn\'t look for him, so he didn\'t dare to expose his relationship with Han Jue.

Han Jue said, "Have you created a world in the depths of your soul?"

Huang Zuntian was stunned for a while, this was his secret, and the master knew it!

"Yes, the master is really amazing, you can find it all." Huang Zuntian replied respectfully, with a look of admiration.

Han Jue said, "Don\'t mention this to anyone, including your cronies."

He told Huang Zuntian the information that Chaos ignorant told himself.

After Huang Zuntian heard it, his liver and gallbladder trembled, but he didn\'t expect that there was a transcendent existence above chaos.

He took a deep breath and said, "Thank you master for reminding me, I originally wanted to move the doomsdays in, but fortunately... it was almost exposed..."

It is terrifying to revive the existence of chaotic beings with a wave of your hand!

This time 17BXWXm Zhang Si. Han Jue said: "I believe you will hide it well. I have been following you all these years. You have done a good job and changed the image of life in the hearts of all beings. Next, do you want to participate in the Chaos event?"

Huang Zuntian replied: "Yes, once I become a **** of the Dao, the power of fate will be truly washed away. Master, rest assured, I will never set my foot on the top of the eternity."

Han Jue was speechless and said, "You can fight if you have the ability. You don\'t have to give me face. Han Huang is my son, but I also value you. I have known you for far longer than I have known my children!"

Huang Zuntian was moved and knelt down again.

Han Jue said: "Regarding Li Daokong and Shi Dudao, UU Reading will take good care of me, but don\'t declare that it is my intention."

"This subordinate understands, master rest assured!"

Huang Zuntian immediately assured.

The dream is shattered.

Han Jue opened his eyes with infinite emotion in his heart.

Huang Zuntian, what a Huang Zuntian!

You can get this far on your own!

Jiang Jueshi\'s future is the creator of Taoism, Huang Zuntian won\'t be successful too, right?

Han Jue did not use the evolution function. Whether it was or not, Han Jue would help Huang Zuntian if he had the ability.

It\'s okay to have more Taoist creators, anyway, Han Jue\'s goal is to create masters!

As long as he is the only one, the second gear can be as many people as possible!

Afterwards, Han Jue, in the image of the Dark Lord, had dreams with Shi Dudao, Peacock God, and Jingtian Gong respectively, and encouraged them to prevent them from chilling.

The Dark Lord has to stay.

Before being absolutely invincible, the Dark Lord can help Han Jue do many things.

Han Jue suddenly had an idea.

Do you want to give Zhao Shuangquan and Qingtian Xuanji a dream, cultivate them in the image of the dark forbidden master, and finally let them target Shenwei Tiansheng? If so, what will the creators of Tao think?

Han Jue can pay first, wait until the two are strong, and then express his true thoughts, and by the way, check whether they have the potential to become enemies.

Anyway, no matter how strong they are, it is impossible to catch up with Han Jue.

"This method is possible, but I always feel that it is unnecessary..."

"Cultivation first, cultivation is the key."

Han Jue shook his head and laughed, and then entered the state of cultivation.

Make a big tyrant. After tens of thousands of years, Han Jue passed 11 million years old, but did not trigger the system selection reward, which means that the selection reward will be triggered in units of tens of millions of years in the future.

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