Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 971: Chaos first day pride

"Really? Let\'s wait until you have seen the outside world."

Han Jue shook his head and laughed, but he didn\'t take it seriously.

He waved his sleeves and brought Han Ling to the main dojo, and he let Han Ling walk in Baiyue Xianchuan first. . .

As a result, Han Ling came back in less than an hour, saying that Baiyue Xianchuan was nothing to see.

Han Jue took her to the third dojo again to meet with the disciples.

Li Yao and Wu Daojian were very surprised to see Han Ling, and pulled her to look left and right.

Han Jue informed the other demon gods that within three breaths, the demon gods came to the Taoist temple.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Han Jue led his daughter out of the Taoist temple and introduced it to the disciples.

"Is this the fourth daughter of the master?"

"Hello, Junior Sister Ling\'er!"

"What should I be called? Uncle Shi, or Aunt Shi?"

"Hahaha, she looks so good-looking, as expected of the master\'s seed."

"How old is she, how come she is already a saint?"

"Think about Han Huang, you shouldn\'t be surprised."

Facing the eager gazes of dozens of fellow students, Han Ling was not nervous, but took the initiative to say hello.

Now, the demon gods have found their own way, and Han Jue doesn\'t need to preach to them. He came here to let them know. It won\'t take long before the news will reach the ears of the direct disciples who are in the chaos.

On the same day, Han Jue\'s father and daughter left, and all the disciples dispersed to continue their cultivation.

Inside the Taoist temple, Wudao Sword pulled Li Yao and said, "Sister Li Yao, you have to seize the opportunity. The master rarely comes here. If he can have a son and a daughter, he will be here for a long time."

Li Yao rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Who taught you this?"

Wudao Sword laughed and said: "Black prison chicken, it is my staff now. Linger was there just now, so I can\'t use it well. Next time the master comes alone, I will definitely grasp it well."

Li Yao was lost in thought.

Indeed, Han Jue came too few times!

Although the relationship will not change, but the relationship needs to be cultivated.

Han Jue left the dojo with Han Ling and began to travel through Chaos.

In the third dojo, there are separate souls of the two of them, which is convenient for resurrection.

It seems peaceful now, but Han Jue thinks it\'s better to keep one hand. If the creator of Tao suddenly goes crazy and wants to mess with him, wouldn\'t it be a rollover?

The higher the cultivation base, the more cautious one must be!

Unless he is already invincible.

The father and daughter stood on the purple cloud, and Han Jue introduced Chaos to her.

Han Ling listened quietly and listened very seriously.

After Han Jue briefly explained the chaos pattern, and then talked about his own experience, Han Ling was interested, and his eyes lit up.

Ziyun moved fast.

When Han Jue told his story and preached the Dao, they came to the realm of the Great Dao Tower.

Han Jue sent a voice transmission to Zhou Fan and asked him to receive it.

After all, Zhou Fan was already on his own, and Han definitely didn\'t want to break in directly and lose his face.

Soon, Zhou Fan was ready and invited him to the top of the tower.

In addition to Zhou Fan, there are two people in the hall, one is Mo Vengeance, and the other is a man in black, who looks seven or eight points similar to Zhou Fan.


When Zhou Fan saw Han Jue, he immediately knelt down and bowed.

The man in black knelt down with him, Mo Vengeance was very embarrassed and didn\'t know what to do.

Han Jue said with a smile: "Okay, get up, Brother Mo, I haven\'t seen you for many years, how are you doing recently?"

Hearing Mo Vengeance, he was relieved and said with a smile: "Very good, very good, Zhou Fan treats me like a brother, but I can\'t be your brother Mo."

Han Jue smiled and said, "We have our own opinions."

Zhou Fan quickly asked, "Who is this?"

"My daughter, Han Ling, was born 100,000 years ago. I\'ll take her out today." Han Jue introduced with a smile.

Han Ling saluted, "I have seen Senior Brother Zhou."

Zhou Fan grinned and said, "Junior Sister Ling\'er is amazing, she became a saint at the age of 100,000, much more powerful than the dog."

The man in black was embarrassed and looked at Han Ling in surprise.

After some courtesies, everyone sat down.

Zhou Fan began to brag about his own avenue tower. It was the first time that the man in black saw his father so excited, and he was even more curious about Han Jue.

"Shenwei Tiansheng... It doesn\'t seem to be strong..."

The man in black thought in his heart, and his eyes fell on Han Ling involuntarily.

Han Ling glanced at him, so frightened that he quickly retracted his gaze.

Han Jue also noticed this scene, but he didn\'t show it and didn\'t care.

This time Zhang Si. It is impossible for these two people.

He believed that Zhou Fan also knew about this and would not let his son mess up.

Today\'s Tower of the Great Dao is also a big force in the Chaos Domain, with hundreds of subordinates in the world, and there are two Great Dao Saints sitting in town, one is Zhou Fan, and the other is the Chaos Power that Zhou Fan has drawn.

Han Jue listened quietly without commenting.

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, Han Jue smiled and said, "Yes, I don\'t care how you develop, just always remember where you came from."

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "I will always be a disciple of the hidden sect, your apprentice, if there is no hidden sect connections and your prestige, how can I be so successful."

Han Jue shook his head and laughed, and then he gave Mo Vengeance and the man in black each a magic weapon as a gift.

On the same day, Han Jue\'s father and daughter left.

The three of Zhou Fan stood by the tower and watched them leave.

The man in black sighed.

Zhou Fan glanced at him and said coldly: "Don\'t think about it, I really wanted to dig out your dog\'s eyes earlier, those are your elders, how can you look at it? Don\'t think about it, you Not worthy. UU reading”

The man in black blushed and said, "Why am I not worthy of it? I can practice hard!"

Mo revenge was overjoyed, with an expression on his face watching the play.

"Cultivation hard? How do you cultivate? Junior sister Ling\'er follows Shenwei Tiansheng. How can you compare the speed of cultivation? If you can become the first Tianjiao in Chaos, you have some qualifications." Zhou Fan snorted, then pulled Mo. Vengeance is gone.

The black-clothed man\'s face turned blue and red, but he didn\'t really have to do anything, it was just love at first sight.

"Chaos first day pride... You say I can\'t, I have to try!"

The man in black clenched his fists and thought angrily.

He\'s going to punch his father in the face!

In the chaos, Han Jue and the others stepped on the purple cloud and continued to move forward.

Han Ling asked, "Father, where are we going? Chaos is not interesting. I still like to practice with you and enjoy the feeling of becoming stronger."

Han Jue smiled and said, "Go and meet your brothers and sisters."

Han Ling asked nervously, "Will they like me?"

Before facing outsiders, she was generous and generous, but she was nervous when she learned that she was going to see relatives she had never met before.

"Yes, everyone in my family likes Ling\'er. Look at your brother Zhou\'s son, it\'s not that you are so fascinated by you that he can\'t walk." Han Jue smiled.

"Father, don\'t make fun of Ling\'er."

Han Lingqiao\'s face was flushed and she was extremely shy.

Han Jue smiled and said, "In the future, if you pick your sweetheart, you have to pick it well, you can\'t embarrass your father, at least he should be worthy of you."

Han Ling said indifferently, "Why do I have a sweetheart? I only have one goal, to become a powerful man like my father."

Make a big tyrant. "Father, hurry up. After seeing my brothers and sisters as soon as possible, we will go back to practice."

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