Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 962: The past, the present and the future join forces, what is the crime?

That\'s it?

Scare me!

Han Jue cursed secretly.

When he saw the worth of a thousand trillion years just now, his heart really shook.

And, Mother of Order, you are such a **** dog!

You want to make friends with me on the surface, but make a stumbling block behind your back?

Han Jue was annoyed and had the opportunity to kill this fellow.

He no longer thought about it, and continued to practice. Anyway, there were things outside.

During this period of time, the ancestors of Tianxu have also learned the life of all people, and can give Chaos a surprise at any time.

Han Jue is waiting.

Wait for a chance to face Chaos Will!

He is not in a hurry anyway, it just so happens that there are fewer and fewer people looking for trouble for him, and the way of heaven has returned to peace.

Even if all living beings hate Han Jue and can\'t find Han Jue, that\'s all.

The hundreds of millions of disciples in the main dojo could not leave, so they could only swallow their anger and start to cultivate.

As for the third dojo, it was even more calm.

Above the chaos, under the seven supreme rules.

The Holy Mother of Order stopped and looked up at the seven supreme rules. One after another, the gods of the Great Dao appeared one after another, including the five divine punishments.

"Hmph, God Venerable is afraid of the divine power and heavenly sage, and the responsibility of guarding Chaos can only depend on us!"

An avenue **** snorted coldly, and the other gods nodded. .

They are already used to it. When they faced the ancient gods and gods, the gods of punishment were cowardly.

Although the Supreme Punishment God brought peace to the chaos, the gods felt that he was inferior to the original ancestor.

How domineering the original ancestor **** was, he couldn\'t hold a grain of sand in his eyes, how could he be as useless as the Supreme Punishment God Venerable.

The Virgin of Order ignored the surrounding gods and began to cast a spell. A drop of silver-white water flew out of her palm and quickly expanded, merging the seven supreme rules.

Han Tuo\'s eyes looking at Our Lady of Order were full of meaning.

"This ancient **** is really unfathomable. What role does she play?"

Han Tuo was curious, not only him, but also other divine punishments.

On the contrary, the older generation of Dao spirits are already used to it.

Is the **** in charge of order an ordinary god?

Yi Tian suddenly reminded: "Our Lady, please don\'t invite the future divine power!"

His words made the Daoist gods nervous.

One divine power is enough for them to despair, and a few more...

"Don\'t worry, I will rule out Shenwei Tiansheng."

The Virgin of Order replied in a calm tone.

The gods began to wait, and at the same time guarded against the attack of Shenwei Tiansheng.

Time passed quickly.

The millennium passed quickly.

The Virgin of Order suddenly stopped, and the silver water droplets wrapped in the seven supreme rules burst.

All the gods looked intently, and the seven supreme rules had been merged into a colorful rule, as if a dragon was twisting its body, and the vast aura emanating from it made all the gods in awe.

"Our Lady of Order asks Chaos theocracy to open up the absolute future and save the suffering of this world!"

The voice of the Virgin of Order sounded, divine majesty.

The chaotic divine power began to shake violently, and the colorful divine light even more.

All the gods waited nervously.

This is Chaos\' only hope!

Han Tuo\'s expression became complicated. If the situation was as the Holy Mother of Order said, his father would surely die.

The memory in his mind made him hate his father very much, but it was extremely painful to think that it was his biological father.

Yi Tian patted him on the shoulder and grinned at him, as if to say brother, you and me.

The pressure in Han Tuo\'s heart dropped sharply.

The colorful divine light began to converge into a huge skynet, reflecting countless pictures, densely packed, and transformed extremely quickly.

a long time.

Figures began to condense in the colorful Shenguang Skynet.

The first batch of figures are all Dao Saints, including seven Dao Supreme, a total of 170!

As soon as they stepped out of Skynet, figures began to condense in Skynet.

The second batch of figures, also the weakest, are also Dao Saints, including 18 Dao Supreme, a total of 199!

The spirits of the Great Dao were ecstatic when they felt the terrifying aura in front of them.

Chaos is saved!

Our Lady of Order began to receive the first two batches of powers from the absolute future, and at the same time, Skynet was still gathering the third batch of powers.

Han Jue\'s clone, who was far away in the early realm, also felt it.

He raised his eyebrows and murmured, "This method is really amazing."

What the absolute future is, he can\'t feel it yet.

Because he has cut off the past and future, no one can find out his past and future, let alone contact him, except for the illusion of evolution.

Han Jue closed his eyes and continued to wait.

Wait until the Virgin of Order has shaken the person and is full of confidence before making a move.

He wants to bring real despair to Chaos!

No matter how many supreme powerhouses in the past, present and future are summoned by you, you will have to mourn in front of my divine power!

The invincibility that Han Jue has always pursued is to make the number of enemies meaningless!

The real invincibility is by no means overwhelming!

The three thousand avenues trembled slightly, and the momentum gathered above was too strong.

The actions of the Dao deities also attracted the hidden Dao saints in Chaos, UU reading www.uukanshu. More and more Dao saints came, and they were shocked to find that they had seen their future self, disciples, descendants, and there were more than one.

Di Jiang, for example, met five Di Jiang from different eras in the future.

There are more than 10,000 avenue saints under the power of chaos, and the number is still growing!

Seeing his future self, Han Tuo didn\'t go up to say hello, but Yi Tian was very enthusiastic.

Han Huang and Jiang Peishi also came, and they were surprised to see their future self as well.

"Shenwei Tiansheng? No wonder you want to summon us."

"It is rumored that at the beginning of the endless years, there was a divine power and heavenly sage to suppress Chaos, and then somehow disappeared.

"Hahaha, if Shenwei Tiansheng dares to harm Chaos, then he must die!"

"Today\'s battle will definitely re-enter the annals of chaos!"

"My future me, what state are you in?"

"Ashamed, my cultivation base has only increased by a small realm in one million billion years, and it is currently in the late stage of the Great Dao Primordial Realm."

The void under the power of the Chaos God became more and more lively.

This excitement made Han Tuo and Han Huang uncomfortable.

After all, they are dealing with their own biological father.

At this moment, a heroic man wearing a red dragon and white robe flew in front of Han Huang and Han Tuo, clasped his fists and said, "The descendant Han Yao is here to apologize to the two ancestors."

Han Tuo was stunned and asked, "What\'s the crime?"

Han Huang looked at Han Yao and suddenly frowned.

Han Yao looked serious and said, "The descendants did not help the sins of the two ancestors!"

"Sorry, Han Yao will never let anyone hurt the ancestors, not even the two ancestors!"

After all, Han Yao turned around and left.

Han Tuo and the two were stunned.

The surrounding avenue gods were moved, why did they summon a traitor?