Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 952: Indestructible, Chaos is the strongest


Han Jue almost wanted to laugh. If he hadn\'t asked the system at the fastest speed before, if he could kill this person in seconds, he might have been frightened.

However, it took him a hundred trillion years of life to know that he could kill the opponent in seconds, which means that the opponent is not the real creator of Taoism.

This guy is still expanding.

After all, he has never been in contact with the real creator of Taoism. Once the cultivation base leaps, it is indeed prone to misjudgment.

"Shenwei Tiansheng, have you heard of the creator of the Tao? The creator of the Tao can create everything, not bound by the rules of chaos, and can freely walk in this blank field. Here, the will of chaos cannot harm the creator of the Tao!"

Xiao Yaoxian raised her arms and said intoxicatedly.

Han Jue asked, "Then I can also walk here, wouldn\'t I be considered a creator of Taoism?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yaoxian\'s expression froze.

Han Qing\'er couldn\'t help laughing and said with a smile, "Father, you scared people!"

Jiang Peishi and Han Huang also smiled. .

Xiaoyaoxian sneered: "It\'s so simple, since that\'s the case, let\'s do it, let me experience the power of the divine power!"

A phantom shadow appeared above Han Jue\'s head, and then quickly disappeared. This is the fusion of laws.

Xiaoyaoxian did not rush to take action, but sacrificed a half-moon ruby, which burst into light and froze this blank field.

He wanted Han Jue to be unable to escape!

Xiao Yaoxian raised her arms, her figure exploded suddenly, and turned into countless purple qi. Figures struggled to emerge from the purple qi, trying to crawl out, which was hideous and terrifying.

Zi Qi turned into a terrifying giant shadow with a height of tens of thousands of meters. The figure was like Xiaoyao Xian. It was no longer double-headed, but only a head of Xiaoyao Xian. The mysterious blue sky appeared on the chest of the Ziqi giant shadow, which was different from that. For the other struggling figures, he closed his eyes, as if he fell into a deep sleep, his body undulating with the surging purple energy.

That half-moon ruby ​​soared up and landed between Xiaoyaoxian\'s eyebrows, making him look like he had a third eye.

"What is he doing?"

Han Qinger asked nervously.

Han Jue didn\'t answer, he didn\'t bother to care about Xiaoyaoxian\'s actions.

Just give him time to merge the magic of the devil.

He blocked in front of the black vortex to prevent Xiaoyaoxian from sneaking into the third dojo.

"Hahaha, Divine Mighty Heavenly Sage, have you felt it? This vast breath, this is the Dao power of the creator of Dao, I admire you very much, but unfortunately, you are an odd number, the will of all beings wants you to die, and I can\'t keep you either. !"

"go to hell!"

Xiaoyao Xian laughed wildly, and slapped Han Jue with a palm, and the giant body of ten thousand feet turned into a purple storm, sweeping towards Han Jue, and the surrounding corpses instantly turned into flying ashes.

Jiang Peishi and Han Huang were moved, and Han Qing\'er was even paler.

What a horrible sense of oppression!

They have never felt so powerful!

This is stronger than the aura when Han Jue appeared just now!

They couldn\'t help but look at Han Jue.

Han Jue turned his back to them, and even though the wind and waves swept in, his figure did not tremble at all.

At this moment, the hearts of the three of them suddenly felt at ease.

Having Han Jue standing in front of them gave them an infinite sense of security.


Han Jue\'s voice sounded, different from before, extremely indifferent, extremely serious, and full of extreme killing intent.

The three thousand demons and gods gathered together to form the power of the final yuan, which condensed into the final yuan Tianxi in front of Han Jue.

The End Yuan Tianxi burst out with endless red light, rolling forward with an unstoppable momentum!

Extremely fast!

The three of Jiang Peishi only felt that a red light flashed in front of their eyes, and the terrifying purple air storm instantly dissipated, and everything in front of them disappeared, leaving only the scruples of the blank field pale.

Ningyuan Tianxi swept over, and Xiaoyaoxian only had one head left.

All the arrogances that he fused with were absorbed by the Ultimate Heaven Seal.

Xiao Yaoxian\'s eyes widened, her face trembled, and her mouth was twitching.

"How can it be…"

"I am the creator of Dao..."


Xiao Yaoxian trembled, with an unbelievable look on her face.

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Peishi and the three of them felt relieved.

Han Qing\'er smiled and said, "The creator of the Tao? That\'s it?"

She mocked Xiaoyaoxian wantonly.

Xiaoyaoxian was extremely angry, her eyes turned red, and she scolded: "Dare to humiliate me! You are courting death!"

He re-condensed his body, raised his hand and pulled the Banyue Ruby on his forehead, and crushed it directly. The Banyue Ruby turned into powder and could not penetrate into his body.

He disappeared suddenly, and Han Qing\'er only felt a terrifying killing intent, her face turned pale with fright.

Han Jue suddenly raised his right hand, Xiao Yaoxian showed his true form, and his right hand locked his throat.


Xiao Yaoxian\'s eyes widened, her heart was horrified, she gritted her teeth and asked, "You are also the creator of the Tao? Your mana..."

Han Jue glanced at him from the corner of his eye and said, "I don\'t know what a creator of Tao is, I only know that you shouldn\'t hurt my children and disciples, let alone arrest the younger generation of Chaos, and I don\'t know your name. But it doesn\'t matter."


Xiaoyaoxian suddenly vanished into ashes, and a final seal of heaven flew out of Han Jue\'s palm and quickly enlarged.

At first glance, Xiao Yaoxian seemed to have been smashed into pieces by the final seal, which made Jiang Peishi tremble.

Han Jue quickly took away the half-moon ruby ​​that had just returned to its original state.

This is the ultimate Taoist treasure, you can\'t help but grab it!

Han Jue glanced at Jiang Jueshi and the three of them, moved them into the black vortex with the power of final yuan, and threw them back to the third dojo.

He followed to the black vortex, ready to return.

"Tiansheng stay!"

A voice came.

Han Jue glanced at it, and a stalwart figure came galloping.

That is…

Our Lady of Order!

Han Jue was very impressed with her, UU reading www. uukanshu. The ancient gods above the Dao gods once used a drop of water to penetrate the heavens, but it scared him at that time.

"Who is the Taoist friend?"

Han Jue asked, even if he knew, he had to pretend he didn\'t know.

The Virgin of Order stopped and said, "I am the **** of Chaos Dao, the Virgin of Order. When I came this time, I happened to witness the Heavenly Sage slaughtering Xiaoyao Xian. I want to talk to you about Xiaoyao Xian, Xiaoyao Xian is not dead yet."

Happy fairy?

The name of that thing just now?

Han Jue asked, "Where is he hiding?"

He didn\'t receive Xiaoyaoxian\'s hatred reminder, and he couldn\'t feel Xiaoyaoxian\'s breath, and thought that this fellow had fallen.

The Virgin of Order said: "Xiaoyaoxian was once one of the first creatures in Chaos. In order to be eternal and immortal, he sacrificed Taoism and integrated into the will of Chaos, and obtained the life of Xiaoyao and immortality. He will appear every long epoch. The appearance of chaotic will means that the will of chaos is about to recover, I guess the will of chaos is going to target you, the last time the will of chaos awakened, it made Daozu become the enemy of all living beings."

Han Jue frowned.

The Virgin of Order said: "I want to remind Tiansheng that the will of chaos is the most powerful existence, and it must not be fought recklessly. Both Tiandao Pangu and Daozu have failed."

Han Jue narrowed his eyes and asked, "Could it be that when Pangu was besieged by the three thousand chaotic demon gods, it was also the will of chaos?"

"That\'s right, although Pangu at that time had not yet reached the realm of the Great Dao, the will of chaos was only aimed at the strongest chaos, and either fell or surrendered." The Virgin of Order replied, her tone never fluctuating.

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