Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 943: Pride of Heaven, Pride of Heaven

After chatting with Emperor Xie Tian, ​​Han Huang found Jiang Peishi.

Jiang Peishi hesitated: "Master didn\'t inform me, I\'m afraid it\'s not good for me to go?"

Han Huang waved his hands and said, "He didn\'t inform me either, but I just want to join in the fun, brother, let\'s go together, the reason why father didn\'t tell you may be because you haven\'t entered the hidden door, but anyway, you are my father\'s Disciple, if you go, you will definitely add brilliance to the Hidden Sect Conference based on your cultivation of the Great Dao Sage."

Hearing this, Jiang Peishi felt reasonable, nodded in agreement, and smiled.

He is also looking forward to his fellow apprentices and brothers.

Seeing his agreement, Han Huang went to inform Han Qinger without disturbing him.

In the next tens of thousands of years, the Gate of the Great Dao ushered in digital Tianjiao to prove the Dao, causing Chaos to be secretly shocked.

There are too many practitioners who have attained the Dao recently, more than ever before. .

They all felt a sense of crisis.

Chaos seems to be peaceful, but it is not a good thing for these ancient existences. Most of their cultivation bases have entered a bottleneck. When the younger generation rises, their interests and power will be weakened.

However, the Punishment God Venerable is too strong, and the protection of Tianjiao is extremely strong, and the ancient existence is strictly forbidden to take action on the younger generation.

Of course, this is just the feeling of the sages of the Great Dao. For the chaotic beings, the current era is very exciting.

More and more Tianjiao rises, and the number of chaotic creatures is also skyrocketing, and the reputation of Shenwei Tiansheng and Dao Deity is gradually replaced by younger generations.

One hundred thousand years is already a very long time for the chaotic Jiucheng beings. Under the comfort, every one hundred thousand years is an era, an era.

The bottom layer of chaos, the sky is high and the earth is wide, and the turbid fog covers most things in the world.

Dao Zhizun suddenly stood up and said to Lao Dan who was not far away: "Old man, I\'ll be ready to return to Heaven."

Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi opened their eyes with anticipation.

Not long ago, they had just successively attained the Dao, and they were in high spirits.

Lao Dan was stunned for a while, and asked, "Why do you want to go back? You have already attained the Dao, so what are you going back to do, aren\'t you planning to open up your own Dao line?"

Dao Zhizun smiled and said: "Master has an order, the hidden disciples are gathered together, how can I not go?"

"Yeah! Just go back and show off!"

"Master must know that we have achieved the Dao, and we can only show off to other brothers and sisters."

Jiang Yi and Zhao Xuanyuan answered, both of them were very excited and looked forward to it.

The old man was silent.

Dao Zhizun saw through his thoughts and smiled: "Old man, I will not serve the Tao of Heaven, but the Tao of Heaven is our root after all, you also have a kindness to us, and we will not forget you, but it is impossible for us to be loyal to Sanqing Holy Realm, I hope you can understand."

"In the future, the four of us can open up the Dao Lineage together. As the link between the Dao of Heaven and the Sanqing Holy Realm, the chaos is so great, why should the two realms fight for each other, develop together, and go hand in hand, isn\'t it better?"

"One more thing, even if I wait to help the Sanqing Holy Realm, the Sanqing Holy Realm has no chance of winning. You know, with my master here, the Sanqing Holy Realm can\'t compare with the Tao of Heaven at all."

Dao Zhizun\'s tone in front was very affectionate, but his words in the back were ruthless.

The old man was angry, but he had to admit it.

This is a fact.

Shenwei Tiansheng is a transcendent existence who looks up to a high mountain, and everyone has to look up, including the Sanqing Saint of the Sanqing Holy Realm.

Lao Dan looked at the serious-looking Dao Supreme, and his heart was sour.

Shenwei Tiansheng didn\'t care about these three boys, but he made them give up.

As everyone knows, although Han Jue doesn\'t care, the Myriad Realms Projection has always maintained the feelings of all the disciples. About the Myriad Realms Projection, it is the secret of the hidden disciples, and they will never disclose to outsiders. didn\'t say.

Zhao Xuanyuan came over, put his arms around Lao Dan\'s shoulders and said with a smile: "Don\'t think about it, although you are Lao Tzu\'s clone, but you are already independent, you should think about yourself. In the future, the four of us will definitely create a great tradition and stand shoulder to shoulder with the Tao of Heaven."

Lao Dan\'s expression softened, and he pushed Zhao Xuanyuan\'s hand away angrily.

at this time.


The earth shook violently, countless cracks opened on the distant surface, and the terrifying heat rose up, causing the sky above to fluctuate.

Jiang Yi scolded: "Here again, what is hiding here?"

Old Dan said solemnly: "Since the ancient desolate gods fell, the resentful spirits here mysteriously disappeared and became a holy place for cultivation, but there are often earthquakes, and the old man suspects that there are big secrets hidden under our feet, but the holy thoughts of the avenue saints cannot spy into the ground. ."

Dao Zhizun frowned and said, "Let\'s go, it\'s just the way back to heaven."

The others had no opinion, and immediately threw themselves away, disappearing into the fog in the sky.

Not long after they left, there was a heavy breathing sound in this world, as if the chaotic beast was dozing and might wake up at any time.

Thirty-three layers of the sky, inside the saint dojo.

Inside the dark palace, a man in a white robe was meditating.

A strong light suddenly lit up in the hall, the door opened, a figure flew in like a ghost, and landed in front of the Taoist man in the blink of an eye.

It was Su Qi.

Today\'s Su Qi is dressed in Jingui black clothes, full of saintly spirit, he said expressionlessly: "Teacher."

The man in Taoist robe in front of him was his direct disciple, Zhao Shuangquan.

His apprentices are not many, and the only one who cares about UU reading is the apprentice in front of him.

Zhao Shuangquan opened his eyes and hurriedly stood up to salute, respectfully.

"Your master ordered that the disciples of the Hidden Sect will gather once in the Baiyue Xianchuan. This time is an unprecedented event for the Hidden Sect. I am preparing to take you there for the teacher." Su Qi said indifferently.

Zhao Shuangquan\'s eyes lit up and excitedly asked, "I can really? What do I need to prepare?"

Su Qi said: "You are too weak, there are still tens of thousands of years to fight for the next holy position for you, you must prove the Dao, don\'t let the teacher down."

After all, he turned to leave.

He suddenly stopped and said: "There are countless hidden disciples, and there are countless Tianjiao. No matter how you say it, you are still three generations of disciples. There will definitely be a comparison at that time. Although you are still young, you are not as good as others."

Before the words fell, Su Qi turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated.

Zhao Shuangquan touched his chin and muttered to himself: "I can make Master come here and say these two words. It seems that this matter is very important. Hidden door arrogance, I have long wanted to see and see, I must win honor for Master, let me Patriarch, look at my talent."

He thought of the scene where he was proud of himself, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

He immediately got up and went to find his friends, wanting to inquire about the hidden disciples.

the other side.

Outside the way of heaven, in the Yingsheng Palace, the leader of Tianjue is welcoming Qingtian Xuanji.

The leader of Tianjue had a kind expression on his face, and looked at Qingtian Xuanji with great satisfaction.

Qingtian Xuanji is the pride of the whole heaven, and there is no one.

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