Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 940: The change of luck theocracy, absorbing 3000 avenues

With the appearance of life, the practitioners in the inn left one after another, and Han Jue noticed that they were not afraid, but to watch the fun.

Millions of years have passed, and the fate force is no longer as notorious as it used to be. Because of doing good deeds in this chaotic realm, it has left a good name.

On the top of the city, Huang Zuntian stood proudly, and on both sides stood the ancestors of Xitian, Li Daokong, Shi Dudao, Jing Tiangong, etc.

The street below was full of people, all looking at them frantically.

Huang Zuntian glanced around and said with a smile: "Today recruiting Fate, only ten recruits, in addition to refining the Primordial Dao Fruit, you must also have chaotic merits, at most a hundred thoughts, I will lead the Fate forces to the next cause and effect, spread the fixed calamity Destiny is the cause and effect, create peace for the chaos, and inherit the Dao!"

His voice was extremely loud, echoing in the city.

This city is not simple, the practitioners who can come here, no matter how bad the cultivation base is, they are still in the realm of gods.

When Huang Zuntian\'s voice fell, the whole city cheered. .

Although Han Jue didn\'t see it with his own eyes, his will saw Li Daokong smile.

It\'s been a long time, and the force of fate has transformed. At first glance, it seems like a group of good people who are working hard to save the world.

Han Jue didn\'t go out and watched for a long time, until the forces of life left, he still didn\'t leave the inn.

He could see that Li Daokong had completely returned to his heart and did not want to go back to heaven.

Li Daokong is now a saint of freedom, and he is not far from the avenue.

Maybe this is the home.

The fate-determiner is actually not an absolute evil, but the concept of the original Hei Zun was wrong. The fate-determiner itself is the divine power of the Great Dao, and it is evolved by the supreme rules. It was not qualified by chaos before. .

That\'s fine, everyone has their own way.

The same is true for Shi Dudao, the smile on his face is the same as that of Li Daokong.

Han Jue shook his head and laughed, got up and left.

If they have time to dream again in the future, if they change their minds, Han Jue will pull it again.

For some people, fate is difficult to change, but for Han Jue, he is the one who makes the fate!

In the next period of time, Han Jue continued to travel in Chaos, and by the way, he saw his disciples.

Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, and Jiang Yi still follow Lao Dan, wandering in chaos and never knowing where to go.

Zhou Fan is also developing his own avenue tower, and the scale is good.

Most of the other disciples are in the Dao of Heaven, some open up Dao lines, some promote Dao Fa, they are all walking on their own right path, active and not confused.

Han Jue met them one by one as a stranger, but Han Tuo was the only one who didn\'t see them.

Han Tuo has the supreme punishment god, but he is the least dangerous.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20,000 years have passed.

Han Jue returned to his Taoist temple and started a new round of cultivation.

Perfection is not enough.

His goal is to create Taoist, no, to create master!

Above the boundless ocean, Qingtian Xuanji meditated in the air, and the surrounding waves rolled up, as if to connect the sky and the sea.

Behind Qing Tianxuan\'s body, there are three green and red figures sitting in meditation, four backs against each other, surrounded by energy.

Thousands of miles away, on the beach by the sea, Xiao Yaoxian held a broken shell and looked in the direction of Qingtian Xuanji through the hole.

"This kid is still in the heat."

Xiaoyaoxian muttered to herself, her eyes subtle.

"You have to arrange an opponent for him."

He squeezed the shells into fly ash, grabbed a handful of sand, and sprinkled it, the sand floated in the air, forming two large characters.

God\'s punishment!

"The five gods are very good opponents."

The corner of Xiaoyaoxian\'s mouth twitched and disappeared in the same place.

As soon as he disappeared, Qingtian Xuanji in the distance opened his eyes, and his eyes were slightly bright.

"This guy is finally gone! Staring at me for so long!"

Qingtian Xuanji grinned, then fled away, quickly jumping out of this world.

Shuttling through the chaos, Qingtian Xuanji was in a happy mood, and he had the arrogance of letting the birds fly.

"God, you have been inciting me to hate the gods and gods, do you really think I have no brains? When I practice the power of the Dao, I will be the first to trouble you, but you are also kind to me. I won\'t kill you, but I have to teach you a lesson. You, some people are not something you can calculate."

Qing Tian Xuanji thought proudly that his speed was very fast, for fear that Xiao Yaoxian would catch up.

The direction he was going was the way of heaven.

Back to the way of heaven guarded by Shenwei Tiansheng, can Xiaoxiao Yaoxian dare to come to court death?

Qingtian Xuanji was very much looking forward to the scene where Xiaoyao Xian faced the divine power Tiansheng.

I don\'t know if this fellow dared to speak ill of the heavenly saint again when he was facing the divine power and heavenly saint?

One hundred thousand years passed quickly.

Han Jue opened his eyes with a satisfied look on his face.

Even though he has reached the perfect cultivation base of the Great Dao, his cultivation speed has not slowed down, and 100,000 years is enough to feel the improvement of his cultivation base.

His eyes fell on the ancestor of Tianxu in front of him.

The ancestor of Tianxu has been in the Prison of Hongmeng for 100,000 years, and he has not yet succeeded in enslaving.

The reason why he didn\'t kill the ancestor of Tianxu was because the ancestor of Tianxu had no hatred with him. He hated the ancestor of Dao, there was no need to kill it, it was better to keep it as a thug.

It just so happened that Han Jue also wanted to learn something about Daozu from the ancestors of Tianxu.

The cause and effect of Taoist ancestors could not evolve, so Han Jue couldn\'t figure it out.

There are no Taoist ancestors among the five creators of Taoism, but Taoist ancestors are illusory. Such existence has to be guarded against, especially the other party has an inextricable relationship with the Tao of Heaven.

Even the Taoist ancestors may hide in the Tao of Heaven.

Han Jue started to check his emails.

In recent years, the circle of friends has been very lively. Most of UU reading are practicing and encountering opportunities, as if they are sprinting for a chaotic event.

Speaking of which, there are still more than five million years for the Chaos event, which is still far away for the time being.

Han Jue is looking forward to the unfolding of the Chaos Festival. With the potential of Han Huang, the first Chaos Festival is likely to evolve from the battle of Tianjiao to the battle of power.

At that time, I am afraid that only Dao saints are qualified to compete for the Chaos Ten Absolutes.

at this time.

Han Jue seemed to feel something and looked up.

Someone else got the Dao!

For nearly a million years, there have been several Daoist saints born, more than before.

This time, the existence of the Great Dao is an acquaintance of Han Jue.

To be precise, it was a familiar scent.

Hibiscus tree!

It has been a long time since the hibiscus tree left the mountain of immortality without permission, and has always been very low-key, hiding in the edge of chaos to cultivate.

Han Jue\'s eyes fell on the hibiscus tree.

Today\'s hibiscus tree is taller than the entire heaven, with hundreds of millions of branches, and its flowers and fruits are countless times larger than the stars, like an ancient divine tree that has existed since the birth of chaos.


Han Jue frowned.

The breakthrough speed of the hibiscus tree surprised him. He found that the hibiscus tree had more than one aura of the Great Way.

From the perspective of Chaos, he saw that the hibiscus tree was actually absorbing the Dao power of the Three Thousand Avenues. Although it was very weak, it was indeed doing so.

Not right.

The hibiscus tree had no such ability before!

Han Jue began to calculate and found a powerful aura that he had not seen for a long time.

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