Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 935: The name of the gods cover chaos

Remember [New] for a second,! As the souls of the ancient gods dissipated, the bottom layer of chaos fell into silence.

In the sky, there are still light stars after the dissipated supreme rule, constantly restoring the broken void at the bottom of the chaos.

Han Jue glanced at it and found that there were some living creatures at the bottom of the chaos, and there were countless resentments scattered in the eight directions of the bottom of the chaos.

He didn\'t care, and disappeared in the same place.

He quickly came to Chaos and found the Supreme Punishment God.

The Supreme Punishment God looked in disbelief, stared at Han Jue, and asked angrily, "Why are you able to destroy the power of the Supreme Rule?"

Han Jue said: "Perhaps it is the power of justice, the supreme rule repels the ancient desolate gods, it does not bring much increase to the ancient desolate deity, it just makes him lost, the existence of the supreme rules must have its meaning, once it violates its meaning , it will only lead to doom and gloom.”

The face of the Supreme Punishment God changed suddenly, and there were many guesses in his heart. .

at this time!

Han Jue suddenly killed in front of him, and hit him with a Tai Yi seal palm.

Han Jue\'s speed is so fast, only the ancient desolate gods can barely keep up, and the Supreme Punishment God Venerable is directly sealed.

The Supreme Punishment Divine Venerate widened his eyes and stared at Han Jue.

Han Jue raised his hand and put the God Venerable Punishment into his sleeve.

He suddenly felt a gaze falling on him, and it was fleeting.

It only made Han Jue\'s heart skip a beat for a moment, but he concealed it well and didn\'t show it.


Han Jue looked up and saw that the supreme rule that was fused by the ancient desolate gods has been restored. The seven supreme rules are above the three thousand avenues.

For some reason, Han Jue seemed to see the creator of Tao standing on the supreme rule.

Han Jue disappeared immediately and came to Han Huang.

His voice echoed through the chaos:

"The ancient desolate gods have been executed by my **** Weitian Sanctuary, and the millions of arrogances imprisoned by the ancient desolate gods will be brought back to the heaven by me, and the control of the ancient desolate gods over them will be erased. Peace!"

All beings in the chaos can hear it, including the creatures in the heaven and the immortal world, but the heavens and the mortal world cannot hear it.

Han Jue nodded to the Evil Heaven Emperor, and then led Han Huang into the final passage.

Hei Tian will mutter to himself: "It\'s over so soon..."

I thought it was a close battle, but I didn\'t expect the ancient gods to be so vulnerable in the face of Shenwei Tiansheng!

Not only him, all the spectators present were in shock.

Rao is the Evil Emperor is also amazed.

"This kid, could it be that Chaos is the strongest?"

The Evil Heaven Emperor thought silently.

In the final passage, Han Huang was extremely excited and kept asking questions.

Han Jue briefly explained the details of the battle, and his son\'s blood was surging.

"I want to learn the magic trick you just did!"

"You can\'t learn, this magical power can only be displayed by me, everyone has their own way, you will understand in the future."

Han Huang was thoughtful, he believed that his father would not lie to him.

The two soon returned to the third dojo.

Han Jue was alone in the Taoist temple, and Han Huang was not allowed to enter the temple.

"If I curse the ancient desolate gods to death, will the millions of arrogances who were taken away by him die?"

Han Jue asked in his heart, he has just checked the interpersonal relationship, and the ancient gods are not dead yet.

[One hundred trillion years of life need to be deducted, whether to continue]


[The ancient desolate gods encountered the backlash of the supreme rules, have been expelled by chaos, and lost control of all clones]

Really devoured!

Han Jue called out the email to check.

[Your enemy ancient desolate gods devoured the supreme rule, encountered an attack by a transcendent existence, and karma and fate were expelled from chaos]

Sure enough, there is a creator of Taoism.

It seems that Lao Tzu\'s previous words were still very successful.

Han Jue came to the main dojo, released the God of Punishment, and threw him into the Prison of Hongmeng.

The will of the Supreme Punishment God has been sealed, but Han Jue will still take care of it himself to avoid accidents.

the other side.

Han Qinger pulled Han Huang and kept asking.

Han Huang didn\'t hide it, and told everything he saw and heard.

Han Qing\'er was so excited that she could not help herself.

"Why does father only take you and not me?"

"I went to beg my father, who made you not aware that my father was leaving."

"Ah? No wonder my father came to chat with us suddenly. It turned out to be a last word. Damn, I missed it!"

"Hahaha, I think he was just on a whim. You didn\'t see the demeanor of your father, and you didn\'t take the ancient gods in your eyes at all."

When Han Huang talked about the previous battle, he couldn\'t help clenching his fists.

He must be like a father!

At the same time, on the one side of Heaven, the world is jubilant.

Today\'s Immortal Realm is no longer the Immortal Realm of the past. News of Chaos is often circulated in Immortal Realm. All beings in Immortal Realm are also aware of the threat of Ancient Desolation.

The happiest are saints.

In the Qiankun Hall, dozens of saints were cheering, like mortals, losing the composure and solemnity of saints.

The Holy Venerable Xuandu also smiled.

He was right.

Still he was shocked.

Never expected that Han Jue would personally go to the ancient wasteland and settle the matter alone.

Judging from the battle time, the ancient desolate gods are estimated to be far from the opponents of Shenwei Tiansheng.

At this moment, the Holy Venerable Xuandu also swelled.

"Sanqing Holy World, it\'s time to make a choice."

Xuandu Shengzun\'s eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

In the years to come, more and more great masters of Chaos rushed to Heaven, trying to rescue their juniors and disciples, but Han Jue did not show up. The saints could only treat each other with courtesy and let them wait for a while.

The Dao of Heaven is jubilant, but the chaotic Dao deities are panicking. The ancient wilderness is destroyed. Will Shenwei Tiansheng find trouble with Dao deities?

They didn\'t dare to think too much, and could only wait for the order of the Supreme Punishment God.

In a chaotic place, a barren continent floats in the void. Deep in the continent, a man meditates on the top of a mountain.

It is the first arrogance of Tiandao, Qingtian Xuanji.

Qingtian Xuanji looked up at the void while cultivating, his eyes were full of scorching heat.

"Shenwei Tiansheng... so good..."

Qingtian Xuanji muttered to himself, UU reading www. He has been in Chaos for many years, and he has some understanding of Chaos, and the ancient wilderness is often heard of.

How many great powers and forces attacked the ancient wilderness and returned with nothing, but they were captured by millions of arrogance. This incident alarmed the chaos, and the ancient desert became the most dangerous place nowadays.

Even so, as soon as Shenwei Tiansheng made his move, the ancient gods fell directly.

This is the invincible way he yearns for!

He has worshiped the gods and gods since he was a child, and now this worship is even more extreme.

Only when one understands how strong the defeated generals of Shenwei Tiansheng are, can he sigh at the boundless power of Shenwei Tiansheng.

"Do you want to defeat Shenwei Tiansheng?"

A voice floated into Qingtian Xuanji\'s ears, causing Qingtian Xuanji to stand up suddenly.


Qingtian Xuanji glanced around with a vigilant expression.

Obviously he is the only one in this continent, and the other party sneaked in, but he didn\'t notice it. How could he not be surprised?