Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 930: expedition

Han Jue chatted with Han Huang for a while, but he didn\'t teach him supernatural powers. Now Han Huang can create his own supernatural powers, and Han Jue didn\'t stop him if he wanted to go his own way.

Later, Han Jue found Han Qinger again, and the father and daughter chatted longer, mainly because Han Qinger was talking. .

Seeing the chattering Han Qinger, Han Jue was filled with emotion.

Or the daughter is closer.

Just like when he was a child, unlike Han Huang, when he grows up, he is not as cute as when he was a child, and there are not as many words between father and son as before.

the next day.

Han Jue teleported to the main dojo, and then jumped to the 33rd floor of the Qiankun Hall outside the sky.

In the hall, there is only Saint Venerable Xuandu, who is meditating and practicing.

Han Jue called out, and the Holy Venerable Xuandu woke up. Seeing that it was Han Jue, he quickly got up and saluted.

Han Jue waved his hand and smiled, "Sit down and talk."

Xuandu Shengzun nodded and asked, "Why did the Tiansheng come here?"

Han Jue said: "Ask about the situation of Heaven and the Ancient Desolate."

Xuandu Shengzun immediately began to report.

The Tao of Heaven is still developing at a high speed. At present, there are more than 100 Chaos Heaven Roads, and there are countless chaotic cities in all directions. Various formations have been laid out. will panic.

As for the ancient wilderness, there is still no movement.

Xuandu Shengzun looked at Han Jue and said: "Tiansheng, at present, the ancient gods are either recovering or accumulating strength, and will not attack Tiandao for the time being. You still have time to practice, and Tiandao also has preparation time to deploy defenses. ."

Han Jue said: "How many arrogances of Tiandao have been captured by Gu Huang?"

The Holy Venerable Xuandu pondered: "There are more than five hundred, including saints."

"Go ahead with your plan."

After Han Jue finished speaking, he got up and left.

Xuandu Shengzun looked at his back, hesitating to say anything.

When Han Jue disappeared, he finally turned into a sigh.

He has already seen the situation clearly, the ancient desolate gods are not alone, they have already obtained the support of the avenues of gods.

It is the way of heaven that is truly isolated and helpless.

This is not the first time, but this time the situation is more serious than ever.

He could see that Han Jue was carrying heavy pressure on his shoulders. In the past, he had never come alone to ask about the enemy\'s situation, and he had not given any orders after asking, indicating that Han Jue was not ready to deal with Gu Huang.

The Holy Venerable Xuandu stopped thinking about it and closed his eyes to practice.

To deal with the ancient gods, you have to look at the gods and gods.

All he has to do is protect the heaven!

Han Jue came to the sacred dojo of Yujian. Seeing Han Jue, Yujian was quite surprised, and the two began to chat.

Yu Jiansheng went to the ancient wilderness several times and was seriously injured, but he was able to escape every time. After all, he was an existence that could escape from Han Jue\'s hands.

"Lao Yu, don\'t go to the ancient wasteland in the future, just stay in the way of heaven."

Han Jue exhorted, with a concerned tone.

Yujian Sacred, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, immediately jumped his feet.

"The ancestor of the ruins was amazing that day, but give me time to kill him sooner or later!" Yu Jiansheng said angrily.

He has always wanted to prove his strength in front of Han Jue, but the enemy is stronger.

Han Jue smiled and said: "Lao Yu, I know your power best, don\'t worry, the ancestor of the ruins will die sooner or later that day, why bother with the dead?"

Han Jue\'s words made Yu Jiansheng very comfortable.

Or Shenwei Tiansheng will speak.

This is also what Yujian Sacred admires most about Han Jue. Even though Han Jue has already proven his strength, he is never stingy in admiration in the face of people who are weaker than him.

"Tiansheng, you said that the ancestor of Tianxu is going to die?" Yu Jiansheng sat down and asked curiously.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Yes, I\'m going to go to the ancient wilderness in person."

Yu Jiansheng was stunned for a while, as if he had heard it wrong.

Isn\'t Shenwei Tiansheng only guarding the way of heaven and not attacking distant enemies?

Yu Jiansheng suddenly became excited: "I am going too, I want to see the scene where the ancestors of the ruins begged for mercy in front of you that day!"

Thinking of the arrogance of the ancestors of Tianxu, he was not angry.

"No, the way of heaven needs to be guarded by people to avoid being taken advantage of."

Han Jue exhorted, Yu Jiansheng felt that it was reasonable, don\'t be stubborn.

The two chatted for a while before Han Jue returned to the Taoist temple.

He separated a ray of will to stay in the Taoist temple, so as to prevent himself from falling outside and unable to be resurrected.

He was about to leave.

Han Huang suddenly came to visit his Taoist temple.

Han Jue hesitated for a moment, but let him enter.

"Father, I thought about it and felt that something was wrong. Are you planning to go to the ancient wilderness? That\'s why you said that I can go out in the future?"

Han Huang came to Han Jue and asked with burning eyes.

Han Jue nodded.

Han Huang resisted his excitement and said, "Father, take me with you. I want to see your true style. Even if I can\'t help you now, I can protect myself from the head office? The soul is in the Taoist temple, and even if it dies outside, it can be resurrected!"

Han Jue stared at Han Huang.

Han Huang was fearless and looked at his father.

a long time.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Let\'s go together then."

The words fell, and the father and son disappeared in the Taoist temple and came to chaos.

There was a red light under the two of them, carrying them forward.

The surrounding space-time turbulence quickly regressed, and the red light reflected on the father and son, which made Han Huang extremely excited.

"Father, are we out?"

"What kind of space is this? I can\'t see through it!"

"Father, what is your cultivation base?"

Facing Han Huang\'s questioning, Han Jue just smiled slightly.

This space-time channel is transformed by the power of the final element, independent of chaos, and can go to any place without being noticed. UU reading www.

No one can forcibly break in except for the final demon!

In the process of cultivation, Han Jue will also create magical powers, such as this time and space channel is transformed by magical powers, and it cannot be passed on to others, only the ultimate demon can master it.

Seeing that Han never wanted to answer, Han Huang could only turn to ask: "Father, what are you going to do when you arrive at Guhuang?"

Han Jue said, "Repression."

Han Huang asked: "Forcibly fight? No plan? What if the other party escapes?"

Han Jue said with a smile: "If you escape, how will the ancient gods compete with me?"

This is true!

The ancient desolate gods claimed to be leveling the way of heaven. If they couldn’t beat Han Jue and escaped, wouldn’t that be a joke?

Han Huang clenched his fists tightly, his blood surging.

This is the first time he has conquered the enemy, and his father has followed!

Having lived for two million years, Han Huang has never killed an enemy. At most, he is fighting in a simulated trial. He has long felt that the simulated trial is meaningless.

He wants a real fight!

He glanced at Han Jue, a treasure that was slowly radiating light, and Han Jue\'s vigor continued to improve, making his heart palpitate.

How strong is my father...

Han Huang is full of expectations, and he will be able to see his father\'s style in the next battle.

On weekdays, his father is extremely gentle, not as fierce as those avenue saints, but he knows that once he enters the battle, his father is definitely in another state.

I really want to hurry to the ancient wasteland!

Han Huang thought so in his heart.

At this moment, an aperture appeared in front of him, and Han Jue\'s voice followed: "It\'s here."

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