Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 928: 9 million years old, the preparation of the gods

After Han Jue observed the Hongmeng Realm, he teleported to the main dojo and began to observe the heavens, the heavens and the myriad realms.

Although he is going to open up Hongmeng, he has no intention of giving up the way of heaven. .

In any case, in this life, all his footprints are in the way of heaven. He is a person who is nostalgic. If he can save the way of heaven, he is willing to take action.

Not just footprints, his old people are all based on the way of heaven.

Before he knew it, Han Jue had already assumed the responsibility of defending the Tao of Heaven. He would have resisted it before, but now he is enjoying it.

This is strength!

Han Jue found that he looked at the sentient beings in the heavenly way as if he was looking at his own descendants, which was inexplicably kind.

Not only the human race, but all the heavenly races.

There are all kinds of living beings in the heavenly way, and the mountains and rivers of all worlds have their own charms. This is the vitality that chaos cannot have in other heavens and earths.

The chaotic world has its shape, but it has no beauty.

The beauty of heaven and earth lies in the vitality of all beings, in the unpredictable sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and in the joys, sorrows and joys of all beings.

Han Jue suddenly wanted to travel to the immortal world again. To be precise, he wanted to travel to the mortal world. He wanted to be a mortal and experience all kinds of life.

But not for the time being, we have to kill the ancient gods first.

After a few hours, he returned to the third dojo and continued to practice.

It has been 1.4 million years since the last breakthrough. According to his estimation, there will be at most 500,000 years before the breakthrough can reach Consummation.

At that time, it will be the death period of the ancient gods!

Han Jue has already begun to look forward to it.

In the depths of the ancient wilderness, in a vast lake, countless figures floated on the lake, like corpses, but the flesh was intact, there were demons and demons.

The fog on the lake is majestic, like a foggy world, with turbidity in all directions.

At this moment, the ancestors of Tianxu and the ancient desolate spirits are hanging above the clouds, overlooking the countless figures on the lake below.

"God, the number of clones in the ancient wilderness has reached one million, and the number of Dao demons has exceeded one hundred billion. When will you start?" Tianxu ancestor asked.

The ancient desolate **** replied: "It\'s not enough, there must be a complete grasp. The way of heaven can survive several seemingly impossible catastrophes because the enemy is not fully prepared and can\'t flatten the way of heaven in one fell swoop."

The ancestor of Tianxu frowned.

He hesitated for a moment, then said: "Heavenly Dao is also preparing, Shenwei Tiansheng is extremely talented, and has been retreating recently, I\'m afraid..."

The prestige of Divine Mighty Heavenly Sage is too loud, and those achievements are enough to deter all the great powers of Chaos.

Ancient Desolate Spirit said: "I know his strength, so I have to cultivate Dao Demon. When reaching the Supreme Dao, the cultivation will become slow. No matter how outstanding his talent is, it is impossible for him to surpass Dao Supreme within millions of years."

The ancestor of Tianxu thought about it and felt that it was reasonable.

He turned his head to look at the figure of a million geniuses on the lake, thoughtfully.

"The Battle of Heaven and Dao is of great importance. Not only the Dao gods are watching, but also those supreme beings. If they win, they will surpass the chaos from now on. If they lose, they will never be recovered."

The ancient desolate **** said coldly.

The ancestors of Tianxu remembered the mysterious existence of the ancient desert that day, and could not help but shudder.

Chaos seems to have entered their eyes, but it also hides many unknown places and unknown existences.

The higher the cultivation base, the deeper the awe of Chaos.

The ancestor of Tianxu shook his head and looked in the direction of Tiandao, and an old figure appeared in his mind.

"Where are you now?"

Years go by.

Regardless of the changes in the chaotic situation, Han Jue in the Taoist temple was indifferent, as if the time and all things lost their meaning to him.

He opened it three times, meaning 300,000 years have passed.

This is the third time. At this moment, three lines of prompts appear in front of him:

【You are 9 million years old and your life has taken another step forward. You have the following options】

[One, go out immediately, open up Hongmeng in Chaos, you can get a Dao fragment, a creation spirit stone, and a Hongmeng fragment]

[Second, low-key cultivation, staying away from right and wrong, you can get a Dao fragment, a creation spirit stone, and a Hongmeng fragment]

Such an option is not unexpected, and it is estimated that a big reward will only be ushered in when it is ten million years old.

Han Jue silently chose the second option.

This time, he did not use the creation spirit stone to create the Chaos Demon God, because the Hongmeng Realm can already breed the Chaos Demon God by itself.

Save it first and use it later.

Han Jue continued to practice.

He is not far from a breakthrough.

From the late stage of the Great Dao to the consummation of the Great Dao, he was completely in retreat, and he did not waste a day.

Han Jue only has one goal now.

Become stronger, and conquer the ancient wasteland as soon as possible!

He hopes to go to the ancient wilderness in person before the ancient gods take action.

the other side.

The avenue breaks through the field.

Han Huang, the Taoist priest in Shenpao, and the five great punishments gathered here.

In these hundreds of thousands of years, the remaining three gods have also achieved the realm of the Great Way.

After listening to everyone\'s words, Han Huang was furious and scolded: "What is the head of the gods, I think he is frightened by the ancient gods!"

"If my father didn\'t let me go out, I really want to go to the ancient wasteland!"

Han Tuo shook his head and said, "Although you are a saint of the Great Dao, you are still far from defeating the ancient gods."

The Taoist priest in the robe nodded and said: "Yes, let alone the ancient desolate god, that is the ancestor of the Tianxu, the existence of the saint who surpassed the avenue. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, he used his own power to easily suppress the alliance of more than ten saints on the avenue. , and there are many Dao demons in the ancient wasteland that are comparable to Dao saints."

Han Huang frowned, looking unhappy. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Yi Tian scolded and said: "It\'s okay, there is still time, Gu Huang has been silent, and it is estimated that he is afraid of my godfather."

After so many years, Gu Huang has not conquered the way of heaven, but has calmed down Chaos. The younger generation is even more ignorant of this, and Chaos has fallen into peace again.

The Five Great Punishments have been staying in the dojo of the Taoist priests in Shen-cloak, and they have never returned to return to their lives, and the Supreme Punishment God Venerable has not reassigned them. Their relationship has been broken, but no new Five Great Punishments have appeared.

A God Punishment named Chi Pu said: "I guess that the ancient desolate gods are still creating Dao demons. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Dao demons in the ancient desolation have reached an incalculable number, and the ancient desolate deities are still creating, Just for fear of repeating the fiasco of 10,000 theocratic generals back then."

Han Huang frowned and said, "So why are you looking for me? I said I was going to pacify the ancient wilderness. You look down on me, so why are you telling me so much, and you want me to comfort you?"

The relationship is familiar, and Han Huang will not be polite, and he will say it directly when he is upset.

He considers himself strong enough.

He is two million years old, and he works hard every day without slack. Even if he is not as good as his father, he feels that there are few people in the chaos who are his opponents, but there is no chance to perform.

Yi Tian laughed and scolded: "You\'re quite aggressive, it seems that you really want to come out and show your skills?"

Han Huang hummed.

Han Tuo said: "We are looking for you because we want you to tell the hidden disciples, and then tell them to the saints of the Tao of Heaven, so that the saints of the Tao of Heaven can guard against the Sanqing Holy Realm, which may become the enemy of the Heavenly Dao."

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