Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 924: The first life of Hongmeng

"Open this door, and I will be able to achieve the Great Dao!"

The Demon God Tiangang has a burning gaze and a ferocious aura. Although he looks human, his body exudes the savage aura of a ferocious beast.

He came to the door of the avenue, his palms fell on the door, and he began to push with all his strength.

The domineering power of Tiangang broke out, directly shaking the door of the avenue.

"Huh? I didn\'t expect Chaos to hide the innate Chaos Demon God!"

A surprised voice sounded, and Tiangang Demon God frowned.

He didn\'t expect that he would be discovered by others when he broke through.

Could it be that this is not his consciousness?

But a breakthrough space that exists independently?

"Fellow Daoist, this person is my friend, give me a face!"

A voice came from the other side of the gate of the avenue, it was Han Huang.

Hearing Han Huang\'s voice, Tiangang Demon God was moved. .

This kid has already proven the Dao in advance?

"It turns out that, I\'m just curious, so I\'m bothering you."

The mysterious voice smiled and disappeared.

Tiangang Demon God pushed the door of the avenue with all his strength. After dozens of breaths, the door of the avenue was completely opened, and his mana skyrocketed.

He walked quickly into the door and saw Han Huang looking at him in the dark with a smile on his face.

Tiangang Demon God asked: "Just now?"

Han Huang smiled and said: "It\'s nothing, with me, no one will hurt you."

Tiangang Demon God understood as soon as he heard it, and couldn\'t help but clasped his fists and said, "Thank you!"

"What do you say thank you, brother! You should consolidate your cultivation first, and we will talk later."


The Demon God Tiangang closed his eyes and began to feel the power of the Great Dao Saint.

Han Huang was full of smiles.

Finally have an opponent!

He has decided to fight the Demon God Tiangang for 30,000 rounds in the mock trial!

Inside the Taoist Temple.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and a stream of light flashed through his red pupils.

In his Hongmeng Realm, there was finally a group of demon spirits that gave birth to the Chaos Demon God. He has moved the Chaos Demon God who created the fusion of spirit stones out of the Hongmeng Realm, which means that this new Chaos Demon God will be the first innate soul of Hongmeng!

The devil of life!

Demon God representing vitality!

This will be a crucial step for the transformation of the Hongmeng Realm into reality!

The Demon God of Life, who had given birth to success, was curled up in a corner, absorbing the primordial energy instinctively, with no intention of exploring yet.

The birth of the Demon God of Life made the Hongmeng Realm expand several times again. Han Jue felt that the Way of Life appeared in the Hongmeng Realm, and established the first rule for the Hongmeng Realm.

When other demonic spirits are born, it is estimated that the Hongmeng Realm will be completely perfected, and Han Jue\'s cultivation will also increase sharply.

Han Jue\'s mood is very wonderful.

He found the right way to practice.

When the Hongmeng Realm grows to the point of chaos, will he become the creator of the Tao?

Most likely!

The Ninth Chaos may be the creator of the Tao in this way.

But what about the other four Taoist creators?

Do you have your own world?


That\'s probably why they don\'t care about Chaos.

Just like Han Jue, even if Chaos is destroyed, he doesn\'t care.

Han Jue thought it was really possible.

While guessing, he stared at the Demon God of Life.

He can speed up the time in the Hongmeng Realm, but he is afraid that the demon **** of life is too powerful, which will cause his Hongmeng Qi to be unable to supply, so he decides to make the time in the Hongmeng Realm equal to Chaos.

Time can be manipulated to speed up and slow down, but energy is constant.

The speed at which the Hongmeng Realm spawns the Qi of Hongmeng will not be faster due to the acceleration of time.

A few days later, Han Jue opened his eyes and began to check his emails.

[Your friend Xie Tian Di has been empowered with mysterious power, and his cultivation has skyrocketed]

[Your friend Yujian Sheng was attacked by your enemy, the ancestor of Tianxu, and was seriously injured] Gu

[Your friend Yujian Sheng was attacked by your enemy, the ancient gods, and was seriously injured]

[Your apprentice Zhou Fan integrates the seven avenues, realizes the supernatural powers of the avenues, and his luck skyrockets]

[Your apprentice Zhao Xuanyuan was attacked by a mysterious Taoist demon] x1098222

[Your friend Jiang Yi was attacked by a mysterious Taoist demon] x1100874

[Your friend Lao Dan has a mysterious and powerful dream, and his Taoism grows]

[Your friend Di Jiang was attacked by your enemy, the ancestor of Tianxu, and was seriously injured]

Lots of attacks, serious injuries!

The entire circle of friends seems to have begun to participate in the crusade against the ancient wilderness.

His circle of friends is still like this, let alone chaos.

Gu Huangla\'s hatred is too great, coupled with the propaganda of fate and heaven, the ancient gods have become a heinous devil, and all forces in Chaos are afraid of it.

Han Jue raised his eyebrows when he saw an email.

[Your enemy, the ancient desolate gods, was attacked by a transcendent existence, and the ancient desolate luck was cut off]

Transcendent existence!

Who is that?

Han Jue asked in his heart.

[Need to deduct one thousand trillion years of life, whether to continue]


【Invisible formless detachment from the great god】

It\'s him!

Han Jue narrowed his eyes.

The creator of the Tao shot.

The meaning has changed.

Han Jue asked in his heart: "If I kill the ancient desolate gods, will the creator of the Tao take action against me?"

[Need to deduct one thousand trillion years of life, whether to continue]


【Will not】

Han Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the creator of the Tao is still reasonable, the ancient desolate gods are too arrogant, and the creator of the Tao has just been upset.

As long as Han never shows his ambition for chaos, he should not be targeted by the creators of Tao.

Han Jue had such a mentality. UU reading was chaotic and vast, and the birth of Tianjiao and the hero was all right. As long as it didn\'t affect him, he didn\'t bother to care.

"Why didn\'t the Great God of Invisibility and Formless Transcendence kill the Ancient Desolate God?"

[Involving causality that cannot evolve]

Can\'t evolve?


No, the Taoist ancestors may not be stronger than the great gods without form and form, otherwise they would not have to disappear.

Ninth Chaos!

It seems that the ninth chaos has more constraints on the creator of Tao than Han Jue expected.

Just when Han Jue was thinking about it, another uninvited guest came from outside the universe of stars.

This breath is still very familiar!

Peacock God!

How did this guy get here?

Jiang Peishi also noticed the breath of the Peacock God, and immediately came out of the universe of stars to stop the Peacock God.

Peacock God-king has five-colored lights on his feet, his clothes are gorgeous, and his equipment is magnificent, just like a fairy roaming the universe.

He looked at Jiang Peishi, and said with admiration: "I didn\'t expect that there are still Dao saints in this universe."

Jiang Peishi frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist, please take a detour, this universe has just reproduced life, but it can\'t stand your coercion."

"This seat has been in chaos for a long time, and I want to find a place to retreat. It\'s here. Your breath is different from this universe, and obviously it has nothing to do with you. You just came early. How about we not interfere with each other?" Peacock God Jun Yang He raised his jaw and said proudly.

He didn\'t take Jiang Peishi in his eyes at all.

Jiang Peishi\'s brows furrowed deeper, his right palm raised, and he said, "If fellow Daoist is obsessed, don\'t blame me for being rude."

The Peacock Divine Sovereign was amused and said, "You have only just attained the Dao, and you dare to compete with this seat. Do you know who this seat is?"

As soon as Jiang Peishi heard it, he understood that he couldn\'t be kind, and he immediately took action.

Divine power big palm!

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