Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 922: Battle of the Ancient Wilderness

"I didn\'t say that I wanted to fight. The ancient gods are indeed powerful. I have to practice for a while before I can fight against them."

Han Jue shook his head and said, he thought about it for a while, and warned: "This matter must not be revealed, the enemy has threatened me, let me consider, I am delaying time, if you reveal my original intention, when the enemy comes, who will kill me? Can\'t stop it, understand?"

Han Huang nodded and said, "I\'m not a fool, I know what to say and what not to say."

Han Jue was relieved.

Han Huang followed and asked: "Father, this time, if Chaos can\'t stop it, do you have to wait until the enemy kills the heaven before you take action?"

Han Jue frowned and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Those Dao saints all said that, saying that you will not leave the heaven, and you have to wait until you have to make a move before you make a move."

Hearing this, Han Jue frowned even more.

Why did he smell calculation?

He pinched his fingers.

as predicted!

There are indeed such a group of creatures who are in the fire, saying that Shenwei Tiansheng can only take action when he is beaten to the door.

These creatures have all been to the ancient wasteland, and in all likelihood, they have been controlled by the ancient wasteland gods. .

Could it be that the ancient gods want to provoke him to take action in advance?


It seems that this ancient desolate **** is not stupid.

After all, Han Jue\'s dojo couldn\'t be spied on, so it was obviously tricky.

"Don\'t pay attention to what other people say. I\'ll teach you a little more today for my father. If the words you heard were deliberately spread by the enemy, what would you think?"

Han Jue asked meaningfully.

Hearing this, Han Huang immediately frowned.

He thought about it for a while, and if it was him, he would definitely not be able to bear it, and he would directly go to the ancient gods to settle accounts.

He is an eye-opener, and he can still calculate the enemy like this.

How can you think of calculating the enemy through the mouth of others?

Still not strong enough.

As long as they are powerful enough, what are these small calculations?

Han Huang\'s eyes became firm.

He looked at Han Jue and said, "Father, when I become supreme, I will wipe out all the powerful enemies for you at that time. Anyone who dares to disapprove, who dares to speak falsely, will die!"

Han Jue smiled and said: "Huang\'er\'s filial piety, as a father, I believe that I called you here today because you are about to turn a million years old. What do you wish for? Since childhood, my father has never satisfied you."

Han Huang\'s eyes lit up and asked, "Qing\'er was like this before?"

Han Jue shook his head.

"Then Qing\'er is even more unhappy if you satisfy me. I can feel that my qualifications put a lot of pressure on her. If you prefer me, she will be even more unhappy. Otherwise, if you also satisfy her wish, don\'t mention a hundred Long live birthday, reward us directly, and then let it take its course and remember that I am a million years old."

Han Huang said seriously, and Han Jue was very relieved to hear it.

No matter how strong Han Huang is, he will always care about Han Qing\'er. The relationship between brother and sister is so good, Han Jue is naturally gratified.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Call Qing\'er in."


Han Huang immediately turned around and went.

Han Jue suddenly realized that he had indeed neglected his daughter. When her daughter was born, he was a treasure. Later, after Han Huang was born, his attention was diverted.

I really am not a competent father.

Not right either!

I have spared twenty years to accompany my daughter to grow up. There is no reason why parents have to pay attention every day when my daughter grows up.

Han Jue comforted himself.

Even if he is not the best father, he is definitely not a bad father.

He gave Han Qinger the care of all beings!

Han Jue began to check his emails, waiting for his children to arrive.

Not long after, Han Qinger and Han Huang arrived.


The two saluted together, and Han Qinger looked excited and expectant.

Her father seldom called her, could it be a good thing?

Han Jue smiled and said, "I\'ve made a lot of progress for my father\'s cultivation, and I\'m in a good mood. I decided to satisfy each of you and one wish. What do you want?"

Hearing this, Han Qing\'er was surprised and couldn\'t help but look at Han Huang.

Han Huang smiled and said, "Qing\'er, tell me, the second brother\'s wish will be given to you."

"Then don\'t regret it!"

Han Qinger laughed and said without being polite.

Han Huang smiled and nodded.

Han Qinger turned her head to look at Han Jue and said, "Father, I want to go out and travel to Chaos, will you accompany me?"

Han Huang said: "I\'ll just go with her!"

Han Jue frowned.

He asked in his heart, "If Han Qing\'er and Han Huang are allowed to go out, will they be captured by the Taoist creator?"

[Need to deduct one thousand trillion years of life, whether to continue]


【Will not】

Han Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not targeted by the creator of Taoism.

Tsk tsk, even Han Huang\'s aptitude can\'t attract Taoist creators?

What kind of existence is the creator of Taoism, and what kind of vision?

Han Jue pondered: "Recently, there is a difficulty between the ancient wasteland and the heavens. Even if you go out, you can\'t go to the ancient wasteland. Don\'t cause me trouble. If you are caught by the ancient wasteland gods and threaten me, then I will die. It\'s a big deal to have another pair of children."

Han Qing\'er had heard about the ancient wilderness from Han Huang before, and she quickly assured: "We will definitely not go, I just want to see Chaos, if it doesn\'t work, you will let us go out of the dojo, and we will stay in the universe of stars. Bar?"

Han Jue pondered: "This is feasible."

He looked at Han Huang and said, "You can\'t mess with Jiang Peishi. Now that your cultivation has surpassed him, don\'t bully senior brother."

"I understand, who do you think I am?"

Han Huang said angrily, his father always thought he was reckless and unreasonable.

Han Jue smiled. UU Reading

The brothers and sisters were arguing that they were going out today, so Han Jue waved them out.

After the children left, Han Jue left a trace of will to stare at them, then closed his eyes and began to practice.

Practice is the most important!

In the dark cave, the Evil Heaven Emperor was exercising his powers to heal his wounds, and the War Buddha was in front of him, waiting in an array.

Emperor Xie Tian didn\'t open his eyes and said, "Let\'s rest first, the ancestors of the ruins were severely injured that day, and the ancient gods were also restrained by my helpers. Now we must hurry up and restore our mana."

Zhan Buddha sat down and asked, "Your Majesty, who was the one who took the shot before? Dao saint? There seems to be more than one."

The corner of Xie Tiandi\'s mouth rose and said: "A great avenue saint, an existence beyond the great avenue saint, otherwise how dare I lead so many arrogant talents to come to the ancient wasteland, the arrogance of heaven is just a bait, the ancestors of destroying the ruins and the gods of the ancient wilderness are the goals. , destroy them, and those trapped Tianjiao will be fine."

War Buddha suddenly realized.

Xie Tiandi opened his eyes and said: "There must be a great opportunity in this ancient wasteland, otherwise the ancient wasteland gods will not be able to continuously create Taoist demons. If Heavenly Court gets this opportunity and creates endless Taoist Demons as heavenly soldiers, Heavenly Court will inevitably rise. "

His tone was so excited that Zhan Buddha\'s eyes lit up.

It turned out that His Majesty was eyeing the Dao Demon!

"Those demons are really amazing." Zhan Buddha said with emotion.

Xie Tiandi closed his eyes and said faintly: "Prepare well, the ancient desert will be broken soon, and the existence of the nameless will take action, it depends on whether the ancient desolate spirit can hold it!"

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