Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 902: evil eyes

"Wow! Does he understand you?"

Chang Yue\'er exclaimed in surprise, looking at Han Huang with love.

This kid looks really cute.

It seems that he understood Chang Yue\'er\'s words, Han Huang actually flew up from Han Jue\'s arms, but unfortunately Han Jue grabbed his feet and pulled him back.

Han Huang frowned and reached out to grab Han Jue.

"This kid is quite fierce."

Xuan Qingjun couldn\'t help laughing and said, when Han Jue heard this, he slapped Han Huang\'s **** with a loud voice.

Han Jue can feel that Han Huang\'s intelligence is not high, at most two or three years old, but his physical talent is excellent, and he can instinctively manipulate changes.

After being beaten by Han Jue, Han Huang did not cry, but stared at Han Jue with a very angry look. .

Han Jue was overjoyed and slapped him again.

After ten consecutive slaps, the kid still didn\'t cry, still staring at Han Jue.

"Oh, what are you doing!"

Xing Hongxuan couldn\'t help taking Han Huang and glared at Han Jue.

Xuan Qingjun\'s three daughters also began to accuse Han Jue.

Han Jue was helpless and did not dare to refute.

After frolicking for a while, Xuan Qingjun\'s three daughters just left.

Han Jue brought Xing Hongxuan\'s mother and son to the third dojo and saw Qingluan\'er and Han Qinger.

"My second brother was born?"

Han Qinger exclaimed in surprise, then leaned in front of Han Jue and looked at the infant Han Huang, her eyes lit up instantly, and reached out to take him.

Qingluaner grabbed Xing Hongxuan\'s arm and asked about the production.

Han Jue urged: "Be careful, your second brother is a saint of freedom, and it is easy to hurt you."

"What? At ease? Wasn\'t he just born?"

Han Qing\'er was shocked, and the hands holding the baby were shaking.

"After all, it has been bred for so many years."

"But this also..."

Han Qinger couldn\'t accept it. She always thought that her talent was extremely strong, but compared with the younger brother, she was extremely poor.

Han Huang seemed to be amused by her expression, giggled, and raised his two little hands, trying to grab her face.

Seeing him so cute, Han Qing\'er could only forcibly calm down the complexities in her heart.

She started teasing Han Huang.

Qing Luan\'er exclaimed: "Birth is freedom, should it be the first person in the chaos?"

Xing Hongxuan said with a smile: "It is estimated that yes, speaking of my cultivation, I also borrowed his light."

During the period when Han Huang was about to be born, her cultivation level also increased rapidly.

"Sister is so lucky."

"Where, Qing\'er is so good, although this kid is very talented, he will definitely be a restless master in the future."

"I\'ll bring him here in the future. I think Qing\'er likes him very much."

"During this time, I lived here and grew up with this kid."

"That\'s great."

Han Jue ignored the conversation between the two women, and his eyes fell on Han Huang.

Han Qinger held him up in the air, which made him smile even happier.

The newly born Han Huang was already one or two years old and looked innocent, but Han Jue always felt that this kid was evil.

Not to mention the future seen by the evolutionary illusion, Han Jue beat him like that before, he didn\'t cry, but stared at him without fear, there was something in his eyes.

When this kid grows up, it is estimated that his eyes will be able to scare others with weak legs.

Han Jue thought silently.

He decided to accompany Han Huang to grow up next, not to cultivate, nor to rush for 20 years.

Qing Luan\'er took Han Huang to find other disciples to play with. It didn\'t take long for Han Huang to accidentally hurt the disciple. Fortunately, Han Jue was present, otherwise the disciple would be slapped with a slap.

Han Jue was even more surprised.

Could this kid already be able to distinguish between his relatives?

Facing Han Qinger, he was just like an ordinary baby. Facing other disciples, his hands and feet were heavy, and he had to use his innate mana unconsciously.

Han Qing\'er was frightened by Han Huang\'s move, and she didn\'t know what to do for a while.

Han Jue raised his hand and sucked Han Huang over.

Back in Han Jue\'s arms, Han Huang showed his teeth and claws, dissatisfied with being held by Han Jue.

"Husband, this kid needs to be well disciplined..." Xing Hongxuan walked over and said with a frown.

She also saw the scene just now. If it wasn\'t for her son, she would have been frightened just like Han Qing\'er.

Han Jue said, "I know it in my heart."

He looked around at the nearby disciples, all of them were terrified and didn\'t dare to approach.

Han Jue felt helpless.


Really a little king.

Han Jue\'s first two children are not fierce, but it is impossible for all children to be so gentle in nature.

In this way, Han Jue began to take care of Han Huang in person, while Xing Hongxuan took Qing Luan\'er to the side of Han Jue\'s Taoist temple, ready to open up a new Taoist temple. He couldn\'t keep practicing under the tree, anyway, Xing Hongxuan was not used to it.

Years go by.

Two years are fleeting.

In the past two years, Han Jue has been staring at Han Huang, for fear that this kid will hurt others.

He also did not restrain Han Huang, and usually let Han Qinger play with him.

Two years later, Han Huang looked like he was three or four years old, he was talking, and his intelligence was ten years old, so he could communicate normally.

this day.

Han Huang and Han Qing\'er were under the old tree. Han Qing\'er was telling about what he had seen in the fairyland before. Han Huang was lying in front of her, holding his cheeks in both hands, and his two calves were swaying behind him.

The two-year-old Han Huang was dressed in golden silk and white, with purple pupils, cute and divine.

When he grew up, he saw that Han Jue\'s pupils were red, so he stopped hiding his purple eyes.

Listening to Han Qinger telling folk stories, Han Huang looked puzzled.

"Qing\'er, why does that person want revenge?"

Han Huang couldn\'t help but ask.

Han Qing\'er smiled and said, "If someone kills me, kills my parents, do you want to kill that person?"

Han Huang tilted his head and said, "How could someone kill you?"

Han Qing\'er was stunned and said, "What if?"

"It won\'t happen."


"Because I will protect you."

"It is much stronger than you in the chaos, and besides, you can\'t accompany us all the time."

"Then I will kill all the chaotic creatures, so that no one can kill you."


Han Qinger was so angry that she raised her hand and wanted to hit him, but then she thought, he is the elder brother, how could the younger sister beat the elder brother?

She turned and said, "You all want to kill people, not to mention he has a **** feud."

"No, he doesn\'t deserve it."

"Why not?"

"He is so weak, why does UU read want to kill people who are stronger than himself, and also want others to help."

"What kind of absurd reason do you have, should the weak be bullied by the strong?"

"if not?"

"Hehe, then you are bullied by stronger people, what should you do?"

"No, no one can bully me."

Han Qinger almost died of anger.

This kid is not good at speaking, and there is still a problem with his brain.

At this time, Han Jue came over and said, "Huang\'er, are you bullying your sister again?"

Han Huang jumped up in fright, scratched his head and said, "How can I bully her, she bullies me."

What he was most afraid of was Han Jue, because only Han Jue dared to hit him, and he couldn\'t fight back, and it hurt him every time.