Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 897: 6 million years old, only 1 yuan away

69 net 69, the fastest update of top-level luck, quietly practice for thousands of years! In the dream, Jiang Jueshi opened his eyes and saw Han Jue shining with divine light all over his body, he immediately saluted.

Since the last sermon, he\'s been looking forward to the next sermon.

The Jiyuan Avenue is too delicate, and he saw the hope of achieving the avenue.

Han Jue said, "I have been practicing well recently."

Jiang Peishi said humbly, "I would like to thank the senior for his sermon."

Han Jue asked, "What is the goal of your practice?"

Jiang Peishi was stunned.

"All beings have spirits, and if they have spirits, they have intentions. If they have intentions, they have intentions and expectations. Before doing anything, their hearts will have intentions in advance. You are still cultivating, what do you want?"

Han Jue asked casually, these words struck Jiang Pei Shi\'s heart.

Jiang Jueshi said: "I want to reach the highest level of cultivation, I want to resurrect an old friend."

Han Jue said: "There is no end to the practice. As long as you keep practicing, the realm will continue to rise. As for resurrecting the old man, there will be a meeting right now. Chaos will launch a grand chaos of chaos.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Peishi\'s eyes lit up.

He hurriedly asked about the Chaos event.

Han Jue told the truth, and after listening to it, Jiang Jue\'s blood was surging.

This is an unprecedented gathering of geniuses, and it is worthy of a chaos event!

If it was the previous Jiang Peishi, he would definitely hesitate. After all, he has no backer. If he is in the first place, he will probably lead to catastrophic disasters, but now it is different, the senior in front of him can be his backer!

"Senior, I..."

Jiang Jueshi hesitated to speak, some words he had never said before, embarrassed.

Han Jue said, "You are willing to worship me as your teacher."

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Peishi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. No matter in heaven or in chaos, there is no stronger relationship than master and apprentice, even beyond father and son. Father and son are only born cause and effect, and master and apprentice are the cause and effect of the way.

Jiang Peishi immediately knelt down and kowtowed, and said, "Meet Master."

Everything was a matter of course, and Han Jue received Jiang Peishi\'s six-star favorability.

Han Jue said: "Since you are a teacher, then I will teach you a supernatural power, which is enough to make you go through chaos."

Jiang Pei Shi was surprised and quickly thanked him.

Han Jue began to preach, and it was naturally Shenwei Datianzhang.

After a hundred years, the sermon ends.

Jiang Jueshi opened his eyes and smiled.

Liu Bei seemed to notice something, opened his eyes, saw his smile, and couldn\'t help asking, "What\'s wrong?"

"I worship that senior as my teacher."

Jiang Peishi said softly, he was extremely excited.

Such a domineering Shenwei Datian Palm!

destroy everything!

Simple, fierce, if you cultivate to the extreme, save all the fancy magic powers, let you have thousands of supernatural powers, and I will destroy them with one hand!

Jiang Jueshi was even more in awe of Han Jue.

Liu Bei smiled and said, "Congratulations then."

Jiang Peishi smiled and said, "We will be considered the same family in the future? Senior brother!"

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "It\'s the same family, but not a senior brother."


"To be honest, in fact, I am the clone of this senior. I take him as the main body. If it is really about seniority, I am also a generation higher than you."


Jiang Peishi\'s eyes widened, and when he looked at Liu Bei again, his eyes were completely different.

Liu Bei was sober, he endured it for a long time, and finally he could pretend.

Jiang Peishi said with emotion: "It turns out that everything is the love of Master."

He was still very moved when he thought about it. In order to accept him, the master first offered kindness, and only accepted the status after he was willing to worship him. This kind of mind is admirable.

He couldn\'t help but ask, "Who is my master?"

Liu Bei was silent. At this time, Han Jue\'s voice entered his ear, allowing him to reveal the identity of the divine and divine sage.

"Heavenly Dao, Divine Power and Heavenly Sage, have you ever heard of it?"

Jiang Peishi was moved by Liu Bei\'s words.

Godly God!

This name can be described as thunderous!

Especially for the heavenly beings, it is even a myth!

Jiang Peishi also admired Shenwei Tiansheng very much, but the gap between the two sides was very far, and he knew that he could not get in touch with Shenwei Tiansheng.

He remembered one more thing.

One of the initiators of the Chaos event is Shenwei Tiansheng!

His heart suddenly became hot.

That is to say, he can display his talents recklessly at the chaotic event, and he is not afraid of being calculated!

With the divine power and heavenly sage protecting him, and the boundless chaos, who would dare to hurt him?

Jiang Peishi was moved. He previously felt that his aptitude was enough to be worthy of a master, but the master was a divine and powerful heavenly sage, so it would be different.

This is the strongest of Chaos!

At least most practitioners think so!

How could such a strong person lack the arrogance of heaven.

Jiang Peishi took a deep breath and his eyes became firm.

He can\'t be ashamed of Shenwei Tiansheng!

Chaos Ten Absolutes is a must!

He still has to do his best to compete for the peak of Chaos Eternal!

Time flies, hundreds of thousands of years later.

[It is detected that you are over 6 million years old, and your life has taken a step forward. You have the following options]

[One, leave the customs immediately, in the opening of chaos

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Meng, you can get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, and a creation spirit stone]

[Second, low-key cultivation, stay away from right and wrong, you can get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, and a creation spirit stone]

Han Jue opened his eyes, this time it was good, there was no difference in rewards, and there would be no heartache when making a choice.

He immediately chose the second option.

So far, the number of Hongmeng fragments has reached eight!

That is to say, in a million years at most, he will be able to gather a great fortune of Hongmeng!

Han Jue\'s heart was hot.


You are about to be born!


Han Jue suddenly thought that perhaps his son would still participate in the Chaos event.

There are still nine million years in the Chaos Festival, and his son has eight million years to catch up.

In this world, except for Han Jue, no one has ever seen the real Hongmeng Demon God. As long as his son is not arrogant, he may not be exposed.

Han Jue thinks of the future that has evolved before, and it seems that it is difficult not to be arrogant.

Forget it, I\'ll look at it later, anyway, with Jiang Peishi, Han Jueli has a safe card.

He took out the creation spirit stone, fused it with a cloud of demonic energy, and continued to practice.

He is ready to sprint for this million years. As long as he retreats for a long time, a million years will not be long.

Open and close your eyes, it will be over soon!

under the blue sky. UU Reading

on the stone platform.

The five major punishments stood in front of the Supreme Punishment God, and Han Tuo reported to investigate Guhuang\'s information.

After he finished speaking, Supreme Punishment God Venerable asked casually: "That is to say, there is a saint who transcends the Great Dao hidden in the ancient wasteland, and you still don\'t know his identity?"

Han Tuo\'s face was gloomy and said: "Yes, if we didn\'t reach the realm of the Dao, I\'m afraid we won\'t be able to get out. A Dao sage named Peacock God was forcibly suppressed by the ancient existence, saying that his will will be forever sinking in this."

The Supreme Punishment God was lost in thought.

Yi Tiandao: "God Venerable, don\'t let us go to the ancient wasteland, that place is even more terrifying than the bottom of the chaos, there are too many Dao demons."

Supreme Punishment God Venerable frowned and asked, "A lot of Dao demons?"

Yitian nodded and said, "It feels like there are more sentient beings than Heavenly Dao, mother, I don\'t know where it came from!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^